1 8 NEWS / HABERLER Australian Coal Mi ne Waste Gas Plant Powers Up With GE Energy's Jenbacher Generator Sets A new coal mine methane (CMM) power for efficient power generation, using plant, developed and owned by renewable alternative energy sources," Rice said. GE's energy developer Envi rogen Pty Ltd. , Jenbacher CMM technology is helping featuring 12 of GE Energy's Jenbacher Australia address a pressing envi ronmental generator sets, has begun operating at one challenge by targeting a key industrial source of Austral ia's largest coal mines, the Oaky point of methane emissions: the nation's coal Creek Col l iery in central Queensland. mines. Australia is the world's fourth l argest The plant is providing power to the regional coal producer. By using a previously "wasted" grid while helping to offset the mine's source of energy for efficient power generation, methane gas emissions. The recent startup the power plant also helps reduce the amount of Oaky Creek was noted September 20 of CMM the mine would otherwise need to during the official launch of GE's vent or flare off into the atmosphere. Venting ecomagination program in Australia. At GE's methane is a traditional mine industry safety event in Sydney, GE Vice Chairman/ President practice that accounts for 4 percent of & CEO of GE lnfrastructure John Rice cited Austral ia's greenhouse gas emi ssions. the Envi rogen CMM projeci as a priryıe Methane is a potent greenhouse gas with example of how GE can help customers 21 times the greenhouse warming potential around the world address thei r escalating of carbon dioxide (CO2), the gas commonly environmental and energy challenges, a identified with climate change. To develop central principle of ecomagination. the Oaky Creek project, Envi rogen secured "Envi rogen's Oaky Creek-Jenbacher gas financial support from Australia's engine plant is an excellent example of how Department of Envi ronment and Heritage, customers can use GE's broad portfolio of through its Greenhouse Gas Abatement highly advanced, cost-effective technology Programme (GGAP). 1 Report forecasts climate change i nitiatives to fail, nuclear to rebound Datamonitor has released a new report, "Global Utilities: The Failure of Climate Change lnitiatives Will Drive New Nuclear Power Build." The report finds that the timeline for the next major global debate on climate change is uncertain. While piecemeal US climate change initiatives gather momentum, America's participation in a multilateral agreement will requi re Chinese involvement. Europe will continue to lead the abatement agenda, but it cannot block a renaissance of nuclear power. With the 2012 deadline for Kyoto compliance rapidly approaching, the post-Protocol world i s struggling to establish a multilateral agenda for tackling climate change. American industry is preparing for inevitable federal action on climate change. Mounting pressure on the United States to accept its contribution to global warming is beginning to bear fruit with the Federal Energy ENERJi DÜNYASI KASIM 2006 Regulation Committee currently in consultation with leading US utilities over the future prospect of a 'cap and trade' emissions trading scheme. Chinese acceptance of a binding emissions quota will be key to US participation in any multilateral global climate change agreement. The countries are the largest emitters of carbon on the planet. Although the Chinese economy is growing at a much faster rate than its US rival, it will only be a fifth of the size of American market by 201 O. A nuclear renaissance will be centered in Beijing and Moscow. China is forecast to account for a nine percent share of global atomic output by 2030, reflecting the drive of the People's Republic to temper growing dependence on imported oil and coal. Russia's President Putin al so announced an extensive new nuclear build programs at the latest G8 summit. A vustralya Kömür Madenleri Atık Gaz Tesisi, GE Energy Jenbacher Jeneratör Grubu ile Çalışacak Yenilenebilir enerji geliştirme firması Envirogen Pty Ltd. tarafından geliştirilen ve bu firmaya ait olan yeni bir Kömür Madeni Metan Enerji Santralinde, GE Energy tarafından tedarik edilen 12 adetJenbacher jeneratör grubu mevcut ve bu tesis, Orta Queensland' daki, Avustralya'nın en büyük kömür madenlerinden olan Oaky Creek Colliery'de çalışmaya başladı. Tesis, madenin metan gazı emisyonlarını bertaraf ederken, biryandan da bölge şebekesine elektrik vermektedir. Raporlar, iklim değişikliği girişimlerinin başarısız olacağını ve nükleer enerjinin çıkışa geçeceğini tahmin ediyor Datamonitor nGlobal Kaynaklar: İklim Değişiklik Girişimlerinin Başarısız Olması Yeni Nükleer Enerji Oluşumlarına Yol Açacakn başlıklı yeni raporunu yayınlandı. Rapordaki bulgular, iklim değişikliklerine yönelik bir sonraki global tartışmanın zamanının belirsiz olduğunu öngörüyor. Muhtelif Birleşik Devletler iklim değişiklik girişimleri momentum kazansa da, Amerika'nın, çok taraflı bir anlaşmada yer alması, Çin'in de katılımını gerektirecek.