Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 46. Sayı (Kasım 2006)

30 GÜNDEM /AGENDA Table 1. Expected Power Supply / Demand Balance UPTO 2010 Peak Growth in Energy Reliable Supply/De Corrected Years Power Demand Demand Production mand Spinning supply/dema (MW) (%) (GWh) (GWh) Balance Reserv nd Balance (GWh) (GWh) 2005 25150 7 161000 200528 +38528 %5 +32896 2006 26890 7 170826 207362 +36536 %5 +27995 2007 28772 7 182784 211828 +29044 %5 +19905 2008 30786 7 195580 212701 +17121 %5 +7342 2009 32941 7 209270 212701 +3431 %5 +7031 2010 35246 7 223919 212993 -10926 %5 -22122 (Table -1) is pointing out the following facts : t ( pTl ahnen epdo, waepr p i rnovveesdt m, ei nn ttsh ew ch oi cnhs tar ur ec t iuonnd, ei nr pt hr eo c e s s i n g commissioning) are sufficient only in meeting power demand eu lpe ct ot r iycei t ya r a2g0a0i n9, . Ai f fttheer n2e0c0e9s, sTaur ryk eI PyPw ii nl l vheasvt em teon ti ma pr eo rnt ot th e kaircrkaendg eomff eantt l a+t eesnt gui npeteor iynega r+ 2c0o0n6s. t rBuecct iaouns eo f tah emfei ndai unmc e s i z e power plant takes at least 3 years. t c sc a A a p fl a t e e c ri tyyewa ri l l 2h0a0v9e , taot bl eea satd4d e0 0d 0toMtWh epNe ra tyi oenaar lnGewr i dp. oTwheer s m a l l cogeneration plants can not meet such big demand. 3. LEGAL FRAMEWORK of TURKISH ENERGY SECTOR Te lheec trrei cgi tuyl ast eocr yt ofrr aamr ee wi notr hk ef oprr oa cn ed stsh eo fs st riugcnti fuircea notf ct hhea n g e , as ti ma tee df raotml i bpeortael ni stai at li ol yn caonmdp eptriot i gv ree sssei gv em ewni tt sh d, rsapweacli f oi cfatl lhye gwei tnhe rEaUt i opno lai cni ed sdai snt dr i biust i ionnt e/ rnedt aeidl . tToh ihsa rvmi soi onni s ei s tbhreo aTdul yr k iisn h l i n e framework with the EU Electricity Directives. 3.1 Turkish Energy Policy The most important target for the Turkish government is to meet t e e h n n is e v r ir a g o y r n e m d: eemn taanl l dy mi n aan nseerc. uTr eh,e t imm ae il yn , i nesctor un omme inct sa nt od a c h i e v e t Upgrading energy supply security; t Diversifying energy sources; t Oenpetirmgyisisnoguarcsesse;ssment and use in priority the indigenous t Promoting energy efficiency; t t HDaercmr eoansi si neg weint he rtghye i nEtUe nasci t qy ;u i s ; t Apply the preventive principle in Environmental Policy. 3.2 An Autoproducer and Autoproducer Group As enl i Aau tcoepr traoidnu cp ee rr caenndt aAg ue t o( npor ot deuxcceere Gd i rnogu pt wsehnat yl l pbeer ceen nt itt l ei nd at on y cgaesnee)rat otedbei nd eat ecraml ei nnedda rbyyetahrewBi tohai nr daocf ot hmepeelteitcivtericity i t h a s ENERJi DÜNYASI KASIM 2006 "in addition, a TOR Contract will be signed between each of the 21 distribution companies and TEDAŞ (the Turkish Electricity Distribution Corporation) for terms equal to the terms of the relevant companies' distribution licenses. The privatization will occur through the sale of these companies' shares to private entities." environment. The Board, under extraordinary circumstances, can increase this percentage by halt of the original ratio. in case the amount of the electricity sold in a calendar year exceeds the percentage set by the Board, the autoproducer or autoproducer group shall be obligated to obtain a generation license. Ta uh teo pprroodcuecdeurrse sa nadn da upt roi np cr oi pdl eu cs erre gg raor ud pi nsg, tt hh ee an ac tt ui vri et i eosf ot fh e i r sales to their affiliates and sales of the electricity generation surpluses shall be governed by the regulations to be issued. 3.3 Legal entities to be engaged in Transmission Activities eTlheectTricuirtkyisthranEslemcitsrisciiotyn Tarcatnivsitmieiss.sion Co. i n e shall conduct the Turkish Electricity Transmission Co. ine. shall be responsible for taking over all transmission facilities owned by the public, developing transmission investment plans for the proposed new transmission facilities and building and operating new transmission facilities. r Ts e y u v s r i t k s e i e s m h a t n E a d r le i f c f in s t s r i t p c h e i a ty c t t a T t r h r e a e n s t s u r m b a j n i e s s c s m t io i tn s o s C t io h o e n. , B i c n o o e a n . r nd s e h c a a t p i l o l p n aro ls a v o n a dl p a r u n e s d p e a s r o h e f a , ll spuebr fsotri mt u t il oo na da nddi s pcaatpcahcai t yn de fxrpeaqnusei nocny accot invti trioels, ci an r rt yh eo u t tpruarncshma si ses iaonnd s yp sr ot ev mi d e, ma nocn ii ltl ao rr yr esaelr-vt iimc ees suynsdt ee mr t hr ee l iparboi lvi tiys,i o n s of ancillary services agreements. PRIVATIZATION of DISTRIBUTION GRID TChoen cGeor nvien rgn mE leenctt roi cf i tTyu Mr kae ryk eh ta sR eafdoor mp t eadn tdh eP rSi vtar at itzeagtyi o Pn a p e r p aP r s r o o s c e g e r t a s d , m u r m e in s e a M f s o a u r r r c p e h r s i v 2 o a 0 n ti 0 z t4 a r. t a i T on n s h i e t o i o f S n t d a r i a s l t t e i r s i g s b y u u e t P i s o a np a e n a r d n d c s o e g v c e e u r n s r e i trya toi ofn A s2 u 1 s p c a p o l r y m e sp m u a e lt n c o ie h f s a t hn ( e i i n s c m hl y u . b dri indg stt hr uec taul rr ee asdeyt uppr i vf ao tr et hdi si s tprri bi vuatti iozna t i o n , ca on dm pl i ac en yn soefs Kwa ey rsee rgi )r awnet er ed i nt oc ot rhpeosrea t ce od mt hp raonui egsh ot ou t cTounrdk uecyt er el egci ot rni csi.t yi nd ai sdt rdi bi tui ot ni o, na aTc Ot i vRi t i eCso ni nt r a2c1t swei lpl abrea tsei dg ndei sd t rbi beut wt i oe ne n