Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 46. Sayı (Kasım 2006)

32 GÜNDEM/AGENDA e( tahceh Toufr kt hi seh 2E1 ledci strticr iibtyu t Di oins tcr iobmu tpi oann i eCso rapnodr aTt i Eo nD)AfŞor t e r m s el i cqeunasl et os . tTh heet eprrmi vsa t oi zfatthi oen rwe liel i voacnct ucrotmh rpoaungi eh st' hdei sst ar i lbeu toi of nt h e s e cHoamvipnagndieest'ersmh ainreeds tthoe pprrivivaatteizeatniotintiems.ethod, the next step wt r aanssti toi oanmi netnodathl ieb elreagl i sml aatrikoent.i nT hoer dEe rMtRo Ae, noanb lteh ea ostmh eoroht ha n d , ws ui lpi ebrev i sr ei osnp oi nn sci bolnen ef ocrt i oanl i wa pi tphr oavnayl so, pme roadti ifoi cnast, i oi nnvseas nt md e n t fpalacnilitnieinsgaannddaasspeptrsovals concerning privatized distribution . in the event that no offers are made for investments that would enable the provision of required services, the EMRA will be entitled to demand such services and where approved investments are not realized, the relevant entity's license will be revoked and a new tender will be held. The bill clearly allows toreigners to have a majority share in companies active in the electricity distribution market. However, in order to ensure competition twhoeubldili esntaatbeles tthhaetmthteoyccoanntrnool tthoewnmasorkemta. ny shares that A( l imk ee rEi c. Oa nN, - GReu rsms iaanny, , GReWr mE a- nG, eBrrmi t iasnhy ,aEn dn eCl -a nİ taa dl yi aa na nf idr m s lpbrei vradtriozlaat i o- nS. pAaci nc)o r dhianvgetoe xt hper eps sr eesds i,nttheer efsotl i oi nwtihnigs s i x r e g i o n s aEruer ofpi r seta inn sl i indee foofr lpsrtiav nabt i zu al ; tAi onnattaorl gi aent esdi dien oJ af nl sutaarnyb2u 0l ; 0A7n: k a r a , TE hd ei r nPeA, ' İsz m( Pi tr, i vSaat ki zaar tyi oan, BAodl um ianni sdt rtah tei oGn )u laf nMn eo ruanmc e, mK oennyt a . erexgpaercdtiendg bteheforperivatization of electricity distribution facilities is January. 3.4 Natural Gas Market Law 2 Ta 0 n h d 0 e 1 o N . p a in e tu r T a ra u ti ! r o k Gn e s a y s o t f h M e oa i A l r k a u e n t t h d o L r a n it a w y t u o ( r N f a o t ! h . g e 4a 6 s e 4 n n6 g e ) i n t w w e a e o s r r k i n e g w n , a a c c s o t e g n d s iv te r in u n c A t t o i p o r n il Bg aOsT Ap Su r cbhyatsh ien gl a wc o. nBtOraTcAt sS wi si t ha sstuaptep l oi ewr sn e(dR uc sosr pi ao,r aAtli go ne.r Ai a l, i ıran, Azerbaijan) have been signed, by BOTAS. These are the contracts with "take or pay" obligation. BOTAS has almost completed the Country's gas transmission network. At 2001, Free Gas Market Law No: 4646 is enacted by Turkish Parliament. According to subject law; BOTAS has to hand over the gas purchasing contracts to private gas importers until year 2009. Thus, the market share of BOTAS wili be ar endnuocuendc eddo wb yn Bt oO T2 A0 %S .t oN oh wa nadd aoyvse, r i8n0t e%r noaft i oe nx ai sl t itnegn dc eo nr tirsa c t s . 4. ENERGY MARKETS ienn earcgcyo rsdeacntcoer wwi ilti hb et h es tSa t readt ewg yi t hd ot hceu mdei snt tr,i bpurti ivoant i ssaetci ot onr i n t h e rt . Aprsocfoersspriisvadtuiseattioonstianrtthine generation sector, the privatisation July 2006, by which time, ali hs yt adtreo-poowwneerd sEt aUtAi oSn s wwhiil li eh a" pvoer tcf oolmi o epur on dduecr t ti ohne coowmn pe ar snhi ei ps "o f wpriilvi abteiscarteioante. d by September 2005, in preparation of I ENERJi DÜNYASI KASIM 2006 4.1 Electricity Market Ts thaet ee- ol ewcnt rei cdi t yc osme cptaonr i ei ns T-u rtkheeyTwu raksi sdho Emlien a t e d b y t w o ctricity Generation and Transmission Company (TEAS) and the Turkish Electricity Distribution Company (TEDAS). Further structural gs ee pn aerraatti ioonn , otfr aTdEi An gS ai nntdo ttrhar en semsi es spiaornatea cct iovmi t i epsa nwi eass c o v e r i n g si mt eppl esmi ne nttheed porne sOecntto lbi beer r1a, l i s2 a0 t0i o1 nb yp l aa nD. eTchree ec, oomn ep aonfi et hseaer ea :r l y TEIAS tor transmission, EUAS tor generation and TETAS tor trading. PP rr ii vv aa tt ee gpeanr tei cr ai ptaotri so,n wi nh i tchhe esi tehcetro ro wh ans ab pe leann tr eo lra thi vaevley ol i pmei treadt i.o n rai gn dh t sa uotfoap rpol daunct eorws n(et ydpbi cya lEi yU Ac oSg, eancecr ao tuonrtsf) o ar c7c%o uonft cfaopr a c i t y a"Eroleucntdrifi1c2a%tiono"f ocfapTaucriktye.y is now effectively complete with 9 20 9 0 .9 0 % of the population with access to the distribution grid in . 4.2 Market Opening g 81 e 5 p % n u e b r o a li f c t i t o h d n e is ( t m a ri a l b r r e u k a t e io d t y n is ; i 6 n o p o p e r p i n v e. a r at 6 e t 5 io a p n n r ) d i ; v a 1 1 t e p p u au b b n l d l i i c c 1 t w 2 ra 2 h n o p s le u m s b i a s li l c s e i on; companies; 318 private power operators are licensed. Another 290 new applications are under review at the end of 2005. it is decided that, 21 distribution regions will be tormed according to the recent electricity sector strategy paper. AII HV Transmission Lines remains in the possession of TEIAS. Regulated tariffs in the electricity market are the Transmission tariff, Distribution tariff, Retail tariff and Wholesale tariff of Turkish Electricity and Contracting C R o e m gu p la a t n e y d . third party access: bilateral contracts between ecolencsturimciteyrss. uEplpiglieibrislitya nthdreeslihgoibldleis set by the G E(L n e a e n w r e g r Ny a o t M io . a n 3 r 0 k p 9 e la 6 t n ) R . t s egcualnatoornylyBboearpdr.iv(a7t. e8lymoi lwi i onnedkWsinhc) e 1 984 Nopeevrearttihnegl eins s1 9th9e2 foi rnsl yt . a uStionpcreo dt luı actedr asttea, rttehde share of electricity g A enerated by autoproducers has risen sharply. s of end of 2004, the share of state utility company (EUAS) was 45.36% the rest of (54.64%) belongs to private Producers (Autoproducers + IPP 17.58%; BOT and 800 Operators 34.43%; TOOR 2.63%) 4.3 lmport / Export of Electricity e wU l p e a s c t to r m ic 2e it 0 t y 0 b d 1 y , e T m im u a p r n k o e d rt y e w w d i t ahs itnso dt osme lef sstui cffipcrieondtu cint i omne. eSt ihnogr ti tasg e ei nl eycet rai cr i t2y0 0( f1o rFmr e Be uEl gl eacr ti ar i cai t yn dMRa ruksesti aL)a. w w a s