Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 46. Sayı (Kasım 2006)

YENİLENEBİLİR ENERJİ/ RENEWABLE ENERGY tceomllepcetroartuwrehsichoffoucputsoes35o0nt°oCa. central receiver, achieving Oa pt ph el i cr aptri oonvsi d ei nrcs l uodf eC SS Po l et el , cSh nOoLl oI TgEyMf o ar nhde aHt ien gl i oad nydn acmoioc lsi n. g As will be mentioned later, many of these systems are fully integrated CHP stations, generating heat, electricity and cooling (tri-generation). Project examples By the middle of 2005 there were more than 70 solar thermal ci nosot al i nl l eg d s wy sotrel dmws i doep, eirnactl iuodni an lg i nt h Ee uUr oSp ea,n da nJda sp ea vn .e rTahl em loeraed cmoousntt rsi ey ss t ce omnst i nwueerde tl oa r bg ee Gi nes rt ma l laant yi o nasn dd eSspi ga ni ne da nf do r aul tsheo ui ng h fnaucmt obrei er so, fh os ms pai tl al el sr saynsdt eomf fsi c eb se,i n!gh etrrei a lal er ed aa cn r oi nscsr et haes i nwgo r l d , as well as the usual industrial systems. EAW 15 kW trial projects in Germany Aa t l at hcek loofwaebrseonr pd t ioofnt hceh i lsl ecrasl ea(v<a3i l0a bkl eWt) h!ahte rceo uhlad sr au nl woany sh boel e n wmaati en r e( ft fheec tssmoaf l l tehsi st uhnai ts mb eaedne tboy sYt iaf lzea tkhi ei s d3e0v ekl Wo p)m. üe nnte oof f t h e solar air-conditioning as it has only been available to larger d ue e s h e v ill e r e s l r o . p b T e y o d E , f i A i i l n W c th lu i a s d n in gd g a t p h a , e s 1 l 5e n v s k e t W i r t a u t l w e s am o t f e a r A /ll l i i r t s h - y C iu s o m te n m d b it s ri o o a m n ri i e n d g e b a e a n b in d s g o RrpetfioringTable l . EAW small capacity solar thermal cooling systems on trail in Europe: EAW Location Absorption Heat source Recooilng Cokf water use ehiller Cooling of Koethen, Wegracal CPC-evacuated tube Wetopen offıce space; Gennany SE15 collectors, 77 m2 cooling tower gravity cooling system Westenfed, Wegracal Flat plate collectors and Wetopen Room cooling Gennany SE15 cogeneration unil cooling tower Iw ith fan coils Bad Cooling of Schandau, Wegracal Flat plate collectors and Wet open ıexhiMion Gennany SE50 gas bumer back up cooling tower spaces, cooling panels Flat plate collectors, fngolstadt, Wegracal 30 m2 and cogeneration 1 Gennany SE15 unil; experimentation and demonstration planı Flat plate collectors, 1 Limenau, Wegracat electrical heater: Gennany SE15 experimentation and demonstration planı Moosburg, Wegracaf Flat plate collectors, Wetopen ICoolingof Gennany SE15 42m2 coofing tower offıce space, fan coils Eppan, South Wegracaf Flat plate solar thennaf Wetopen Room cooling, TyroVftafy SE15 coflectors, 150 m2 coofing tower radiant cooling panefs Sattfedt, Wegracal Flat plate solar thennal Wetopen Room coofing, Austria SE15 collectors cooling tower radiant coofing panels Dresden, Wegracal Evacuated tube Closed loop Coofingof Gennany SE15 collectors, 45 m2 dıy cooler (fan experimentatio coil) n hali, fan coil MAKALE/ ARTICLE einrsattaiollnedb,aseeadchinwDresden (iLK). So far nine systems have been ith a different primary heat source, of which si nesvt ael rl eadl ai nr eMboeoi sn bgu rmg oi nni ttohree ds obuyt ht hoef Gi LeKr m. Ta nh ye af inr sdt uosfetsh ef lsaet- pwl aat es tehvearcmu aa lt ecdo l cl eocl tl eocr st o rasn da nad wa edt r cy oroel i-ncgo ot loewr , ewr , hti hl ee t sh ee ctohni rdd uusseess tshyes twe ma s) t. eT hh ee aMt oo of sab us rmg asl ly cs toe-mg e ni se ri nast itoanl l eudn i ot n( at ht er i - gr oeonfeor af tti oh en CAilttoringSetohlaerr bthueildbinugil,daingmahnausfa8c9tumrer of flat-plate solar collectors. 2 of solar thermal collectors, of which 42 m 2 are used for solar thermal applications, along with a 27 kW biomass back-up boiler. Since the system was installed in summer 2005, it has been continually monitored and appears to be performing well, providing an average of 1 O kW of cooling power. The second of the systems was installed on the iLK building in Dresden and used 42 m2 of evacuated tube solar collectors from Schott. Since this system was only recently installed there is not yet good information on how well it is performing. Renewable Energy House Tg ohoedn ee xwa_ mR pelnee wofasbtlaeteE-on ef-rtghye Harot uisnetegi nraBtior uns soef l sr e, nBeewl gaibulme i s a eh en ea rdgqyu at er tcehr ns ool of gtihees Ei nu rao pl eesas nt hRaenn ei dwe aa lb lsee tEt innegr. gAy s Ct hoeu n c i l , tohnee boufi l dt hi neg mc oo ns tt ai inntse rae sl atri ngge on fu mwbhei crho ifs r ei t nse hweaabtl ei n gt eacnh dn ocl oogoi el i ns g, system. in addition to its 42 kWth solar thermal collectors (comprised of 30 m 2 of evacuated tube collectors from Thermomax and 30 m 2 of high performance flat-plate cboolilleecrtaonrsd farom SOLID), the building has an 80 kW biomass 25 kW ground source heat pump, linked to 115 m tboo rper -ohvoi dl ee. hWehaitl ei n gt hi en wb i ionmt ear s(sw ibt ho i sl eurpap nod hf reoamt pt huem spo al arre u s e d rt tbhye tr hmea ls) o, lianr st hu emrmm ea rl , paal mn eol ss ,t tthhreo uegnht i rae 3c7o ok lWi n gt hseyrsmt eaml l y -i sd rri vuenn absorption cooler from Yazaki. This machine uses relatively cs oo ol al r( 8s 0y s°tCe m) .h oWt wh i laet emr owsht i ccho oc lai nng bsey es taesmi l ys porfo v! hi di se dt y pbey trheeq u i r e f a a e na c d s o i o d bl e l i e n s g ig ( i t t n o i w o s e f a r t n h to e o a l r d e ll , o n w e a w r c th a h e b it le e r c e e t le u n a r e a s r l e l g y y o i f m h e o p x u o c s r e t e a s n s d t i d h b e u n a o i t ld , t i t n m h g e a , k l oec taht iios n se ux rcreosusn dheeda t oi sn sbtootrhe ds i di ne st h be y bmo ruec- hh otl ae ,l l ewr hoi cf fhi c ei ss )p. r el nvset netaedd, from year-on-year overheating by heat extraction in winter. Small cooling systems grow in Spain cSopoaliinn gi ss ey smt ee mr gsi n, gt haasn kosn et ooift st hhei gkhe yi n smoal ar kt ei otns, fnoer esdo lfaor r t hceo roml i a l ng aFnudr t hfearvmoou rrea ,b lteh ep or el i tci ceanlt ei nnt vr oi rdouncmt ieonnt offo rt hree nseowl aar bt lheesr. m a l oa lbr el i gaadtyi o hna mv ea ys ohl aa vr ec oal l epcot soirtsi v ei n si mt apl laecdt , caosu l db ubi led i nmgosr ewlhi ki cehl y t o st heeenn isnos mt ael l es ox cl ai tri-ndgr i vdeenv ecl ohpi l ml e er sn. t sT, haes l as ms t acl l oe ru, p4l e. 5 okf Wy esayr ss t eh ma vse ENERJi DÜNYASI KASIM 2006 59