BP wind projects for 2007 BP Alternative Energy North Ameriea ine. expeets to begin eonstruetion on five wind power generation projeets in the US in 2007. Loeated in four states - California, Colorado, North Dakota and Texas - the projeets are expeeted to deliver a eombined generation eapacity ofsome 550 megawatts (MW). When eomplete, the projeets will exeeed the eompany's previously announeed target to build 450 MW by end of 2008. BP's US wind portfolio includes the opportunity to develop almost 1 00 projeets with a potential total generating eapaeity of some 1 5,000 MW. These projeets are the result of several agreements and aequisitions the eompany made in 2006. in July, BP announeed a strategie allianee with Clipper Windpower to supply up to 4,250 MW ofwind turbines over the next five years. Later in the year, BP aequired two US wind development eompanies - Greenlight Energy ine. and Orion Energy LLC. "Today's announeement marks an important step in delivering BP's eommitment to produeing low and zero-earbon eleetrieity," said Robert Lukefahr, president of BP Alternative Energy North Ameriea ine. "Our 2007 build program surpasses our target and does so a year ahead of sehedule. it is a testament to the ealibre of people working in our business and the opportunities in the US wind seetor." Construetion is already under way on the Cedar Creek projeet in Weld County, Colorado, a development venture between BP Alternative Energy North Ameriea ine., and Babeoek & Brown Operating Partners LP. The 300 MW wind power generation projeet will be eomprised of 274 wind turbines. lnitial operation is expeeted in the seeond half of 2007 and when fully eommereial, the projeet will generate enough earbon-free eleetricityto power 120,000 homes. "This is an exciting projeet for Babeoek & Brown," said Hunter Armistead, head of Babeoek & Brown's U.S. wind energygroup. "The Cedar Creek projeet will be a signifieant souree of renewable power in Colorado, and it represents a signifieant investment in the state's Wartsila says AzerEnerji power plant order worth 160 mln eur Wartsila said an order it reeeived from Azerbaijan's AzerEnerji fora 300 MW multi-fuel power plant has now been fınalised and is worth about 1 60 mln eur, whieh it will include in its fourth quarter 2006 order intake. The deal was first revealed in Oetober, though Wartsila had not disclosed its value. The plant is to be loeated in Sangaehal, some 50 km south ofthe eapital Baku, with delivery expeeted in autumn 2008. 2007 BP rüzgar projeleri BP Alternative Energy North America ine., 2007 yılında, Birleşik Devletlerde, beş ayrı rüzgôr enerji üretim projesinin yapımına başlamayı planlıyor. Ca/ifornia, Colorado, North Dakota ve Texas olmak üzere dört eyalette yer alan projelerin kombine üretim kapasitesinin, 550 MW civarında olacağı öngörülüyor. Tamamlandığı zaman, projeler, şirketin 2008 sonu itibarı 450 MW kapasite oluşturmak üzere önceden ilan ettiği hedefini de aşacaktır. infrastrueture." The remaining four projeets are: t California - the Yaponeha wind power generation projeet is the re-powering ofan existing wind energy facility in San Gorgonio Pass whieh expeets to have a eapaeity of 20 MW. t North Dakota - a 65 MW wind power generation projeet. t Central Texas - a 60 MW joint projeet with Clipper Windpower. t West Texas - a projeet in exeess of 100 MW. As part of this build program, BP Alternative Energy North Ameriea ine plans to deploy 1 50 MW of Clipper Liberty turbines as part of the supply and joint development agreement it entered into in 2006 with Clipper Windpower. Wartsila, Azerfnerji için 160 Milyon Euro yatırımlı Enerji Santrali inşa edecek İlk çalışmaların 2006 sonunda tamamlandığı 300MW/ık santral, Bakü'nün 50 km güneyinde kurulacak ve 2008 yılı sonbaharında işletmeye alınacak. 1 ENERJi DÜNYASI OCAK 2007 ♦ --1 0--+===================== � "Enerjide Sürdürülebilirlik ve Küreselleşme: Verimlilik, Emisyonlar, Yeni PiyasaOluşumlan"