Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 47. Sayı (Ocak 2007)

GE Energy signs contract with Qatar company GE Energy has signed a multi-million dollar, 20-year Contractual Service Agreement (CSA) with Qatar Electricity and Water Company covering three GE Frame 9FAgas turbine-generators at the Ras Abu Fontas B-2 power plant and desalination project in Qatar. Qatar Electricity and Water Company (QEWC) was established in 1 990 to operate and maintain electricity generation and water desalination plants. The company is 43 per cent owned by the government, with the remaining shares held by individual and institutional Qatari investors. The B-2 project is an expansion ofan existing power and desalination facility at the site, and will add 597 megawatts of power and a desalination capacity of 30 million gallons of water per day when it begins service in 2007. The three GE 9FA gas turbines at the B-2 site mark the fırst installation of this technology in Qatar. These 50-hertz machines are members of GE's F technology gas turbine fleet that has Technip wins hydrogen plant contract Technip has been awarded an engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCM) lump sum contract by PKN Orlen for a hydrogen plant, to be located at its refinery in Plock, Poland. Technip's operations and engineering center in Zoetermeer, the Netherlands, will execute the contract, which covers: t Licensing, design and supply of equipment and materials, accumulated more than 1 7.5 million hours of service worldwide. The CSA covers the supply of parts, repairs and field services for planned and unplanned outages for the gas turbinegenerators and accessory equipment, along with performance guarantees. "QEWC is the major power and water producer in Qatar. We believe that GE, with itsvast experience in managing CSAs, will enable QEWC to achieve the high targets of reliability and availability demanded by the off-taker and the State of Qatar for the B-2 project," said Mr. Fahad Al Mohannadi, QEWC's general manager. 'We are confident that this CSA adds value to the overall project, and expect to work closely with GE in the future to enable both organizations to benefıt from each other in the long run." "GE's CSAs are structured to provide the latest technologies to improve the reliability and availability of the gas turbines for the length of the agreement," said Dan Heintzelman, President of GE Energy's services business. "We also are able to offer guarantees that provide incentives for t Construction management and supervision, t Start up services and training. The hydrogen plant, based on Technip's proprietary technology, will have a capacity of 5 tons/hour. The hydrogen will then be used in the refinery to produce diesel oil in compliance with the European norms. The facility, which represents an overall investment of approximately • 50 million, is scheduled to be operational in the fırst quarter 2009. increasing the time between outages, which results in greater productivity for extended periods." The services agreementforthe Ras Abu Fontas B-2 project extends GE's already strong presence in Qatar, where customers have been operating GE-designed gas turbines, compressors and generators since the 1980s. "Qatar's rapid growth naturally spurs an increasing demand for power and water infrastructure," said Abdullah Taibah, GE Energy's regional executive for the Middle East. "Qatar has invested heavily in power capacity over the last several years, and GE is playing a significant role in that effort." Gf fnergy, Katar firması ile sözleşme imzaladı GE Energy. Katar Elektrik ve Su Firması ile, Ras Abu Fontas B-2 enerji santralindeki üç GE Frame 9FA gaz türbin ile Katar'daki tuzsuzlaştırma projesi için mu/ti-milyon dolarlık, 20 senelik bir Söz/eşme Hizmet Anlaşması imzalandı. Katar Elektrik ve Su Firması (QEWC) 1990 yılında, ağırlıklı olarak, elektrik üretim ve su tuzsuzlaştırma tesis/eri işletim ve bakım faaliyet/eri amacı ile kuruldu. Şirketin yüzde 43'ü kamu diğer hisseler Katar'dan münferit ve kurumsal yatırımcılara ait. This will be the second hydrogen production facility executed by Technip for PKN Orlen. With the completion of over 220 hydrogen units, Technip has been consistently recognized as the market leader in this field. TechniP. Hidrojen Santralı ihalesini kazandı Technip, P/ock, Po/onya'daki rafinerisinde yer alacak bir Hidrojen santrali için PKN Orlen'den mühendislik, tedarik ve yapım yönetim ihalesini kazanarak, götürü bedelli bir sözleşme imzalandı. .A.. ENERJi OÜNYASI OCAK 2007 1 "Eneıjide Sürdürülebilir1ikve Küreselleşme: Verimlilik, Emisyonlar, Yeni PiyasaOluşlllllan" � ===-------==------======-1-1-1