filJJJfı May 30-31, 2007 İstanbul Lütfi Kırdar lnternational Convention & Exhibition Center "Sustainability and Globalisation in the Energy; Efficiency, Emissions, New Market Constitutions" ► TENTATIVE PROGRAMME 30'" May, 2007 09:00 REGISTRATION 10:00 -11 :00 OPENING CEREMONY Selahattin ÇİMEN (MENR Vice Undersecretary / Chairman of /CCI Org. and Adv. Commitee) Özkan AĞIŞ (Chairman of Turkish Cogen Association) Rifat HİSARCIKLIOĞLU (President of TOBB) Dr. Soner AKSOY (Kutahya Deputy, Chairman lnd., Trade, Energy, Natura/ Resources, Know.&Tech. Comm.) Yusuf GÜNAY (President of EMRA) Osman PEPE (Minister of Env. And Forestry) Dr. M. Hilmi GÜLER (Minister of Energy and Natura/ Resources) 1 1 :00 -12:00 OPENING and VISITING lht EXHIBmON / Coffee 8reak 12:00 - 13:40 WNCH 13:40 - 14:00 Keynote Speech 1 Dr. Fatih BİROL (IEA Chief Economist) The Situation of Turkey in the World Energy Portfolio and Futuristic Projections 14:00 - 14:15 Keynote Speech 2 Dr. Fiona RIDDOCH (Director of Cogen Europe) 14:15 - 15:15 MAiN SESSION 1 Energy Efficiency / Energy Management in Sectors: Legislation and Technological Confi9ur�tion Chairman: Assi. Prof. Dr. Sami DEMIRBILEK (MENR Undersecretary) M. Kemal BÜYÜKMIHCI (Gen. Director of EIEI-MENR) Robert WILLIAMS /Chief Energy Efficiency and Climate Change UN/DO) TUS/AD Representative Michael von BOCK und POLACH (Gen. Manager of German Heating and Air Cond. Association) EU Directive on Energy Services and Energy Efficiency tor End-User and Applications in Germany Private Sector Representative 1 5:1 5 - 15:45 Questions - Answers 15:45 - 16:15 Coffee Bre.ak 16:15 - 16:45 MAiN SESSiON 2 - PANEL The Problem of Energy Sector and Solution Offers Chairman: S. Yücel ÖZDEN (President of World Energy Counsil Turkish National Comm.) Budak DİLLİ (General Manager of Energy Affairs Dept of MENR) EMRA Representative TTEOIBABS R(TeuprrkeissehnEtaletcivtericity Transmission Corp.l Representative TE luer ck ti sr ihc iCt yo gPer on ed ur actei or sn AAssssoocciiaattiioonn RReepprreesseennttaattiivvee ETlMe cMt rOi cBa l EEMn gO. (CUhnai mo nb eorfsCl hRaemp rbeesresnot af tTiuvrek i s h E n g . s a n d A r c h . s / 16:45 - 17.45 lnteractive Discussion / Ouestions - Answers 18:30 COCKTAIL ( ·) • ·••·•·••·•••H•••••••••••••••••••••O•OO••·•·••••••••••�•••••••••·•••••••••••••••••�HOOUOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO.H00000000000000000H0 . 31" May, 2007 9:00 - 10:00 MAiN SESSION 3 Environment and Emissions / Kyoto Flexibility Mechanisms an� Opportunities tor Turkey Dr. Mustaf� ŞAHIN (Ministry of Environment and Forestry) Hayati ÇETiN (Head of Project Appl. Dept. of MENR) R Pr EC Turkey Representative Pr i vate Sector Representative ivate Sector Representative 09:00- 1 1:30 PARALLEL SESS/ON 1 - HALLA Finance Models GE Energy Siemens Caterpillar Garanti Leasing 10:00 - 10:30 Ouestions -Answers 10:30 - 11 :00 Coffee Break 11 :30 - 12:30 MAiN SESSION 4 Daruma Finance Corp. Akbank Koç Leasing Future-Camp GmBh Operation & Maintanence in Energy Plants P P r r i iv v a a t t e e S S e e c c t t o o r r R R e e p p r r e e s s e e n nt ta a t t i i v v e e P P r r i iv v a a t t e e S S e e c c t t o o r r R R e e p p r r e e s s e e n n t t a a t t i i v v e e 1 1:30- 13:00 PARALLEL SESS/ON 2-HALLA The Evaluation of Renewab/e Energy Sector MENR Representative EMRA Representative DSİ (General Directorate of State Hyrolic Works} Representative MENR - EIEI Representative RESS/AD/HESS/AD -Association Representative Geothermal Energy -Association Representative Solar Energy -Association Representative 12:30 - 13:00 0.uestions -Answers 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch 14:30 • 15:30 MAiN SESSION 5 - PANEL Market Applications in EU and Turkey, Turkish Electricity Privatizatio.�sand E.ffects on Cogeneration Chairman: Ozkan AGIŞ (Chairman of Turkish Cogen Association) TOEIBİA(ŞReRpeupbrleisceonftTatuirvkeey Prime Ministry Privatization Administration) T T E u MÜ r S k R İ i A A sh R D e C R p o e r g e p e s r n e e sn A e t s a n s t t i a o v t c e i a v teion Representative Country Application - Br itain / Germany 14:00- 15:30 PARALLEL SESSION 3-HALL A Clean Energy Generation Technologies Private Sector Representative (CFC and/or /GCC) Private Sector Representative/CFC and/or IGCC) Private Sector Representative TÜBİTAK Represantative (Biomass) Private Sector Representative 15:30 - 16:00 nteracıive Discusslon / Questlons . Answers 16:00 - 16:30 Cotl'ee Break 16:30 - 17:30 MAiN SESSION 6 New Developments in Energy Generation Technologies David SWEET (Director of WADE) P P r r i iv v a a t t e e S Se e c c t t o or r R R e e p p r r e e s s e e n n t t a a t t i i v v e e Private Sector Representative 7 6:30 - 7 8:00 PARALLEL SESSION 4 • HALLA Best Practices Projeci 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project4 17:30 - 18:00 Ouestions • Answers 18:00 - 19:00 PANEL - Conferenı:e Eııaluation of Chııirmen 19:00 CLOSING