UK energy services scheme ends with 1free1 CHP unit ■ Denmark-based supplier of micro CHP systems EC Power has launched a new energy services scheme in the UK that provides customers with low-carbon electricity and heating at a discounted price, with the added bonus ofa free micro CHP system at the end ofthe contract. The new 'x-ergy' scheme marks a breakthrough in the under 20 kWe micro CHP sector. Customers who sign up to a 1 0-year x-ergy contract will have no capital outlay, with fınance being provided by the Co-operative Bank. At the end of the contract customers keep their CHP system, free of charge. EC Power's Managing Director Ashley Grist believes that the scheme is set to change the way some organizations, particularly local authorities and housing associations, buy their energy: 'At the moment it is common practice for customers to negotiate energy prices around contracts oftwoyears but that severely limits the period of price stability and predictability. The x-ergy concept profoundly changes all that by providing customers with a substantial degree of protection against spiralling electricity prices for 1 O years. The x-ergy tariff is directly linked to the price ofgas and the gas price is far more stable than that of electricity. From the customer's point ofview that means more stability and predictability and much less ofa rollercoaster ride.' The x-ergy contracts will include full system installation and comprehensive maintenance throughout the contract period, as well as the 'giveaway' CHP system at the end of the contract period. And, thanks to EC Power' s new-for-old service scheme, systems are replaced when required, so for most customers that will mean they will be left with a practically new CHP system at the end oftheir x-ergy contract. EC Power is part of the Statoil Group, which delivers 1 0% ofgas imports intothe UK. İngiliz nerji Servisleri Projesi 11ücretsi II CHP ünitesiyle bitiyor Mikro CNP sistemleri üreticisi Danimarkalı EC Power şirl<eti İngiltere'de yeni bir enerji hizmet projesi başlatarak müşterilerine düşük karbonlu elektrik ve ısıtma hizmetlerini indirimli fıyattan satmaya başladı. Ayrıca programdan yararlanan tüketiciye kontrat sonlandığında ek olarak ücretsiz bir mikro CHP sistemi hediye veriliyor. Biomass CHP to fuel Areva makes bid for Repower district heating in Halmstad, Sweden ■ Finland's Wartsila has been awarded a contract to supply the equipment for and installation of a biomass-fuelled CHP plant by Halmstads Energi och Miljö AB (HEM), a municipal company active in the energy and environmental sectors. The city of Halmstad is located on Sweden's southwestcoast. The plant, named KW-Turbingatan, will have a thermal output of 1 9.3 MW and an electrical output of 3.2 MW. The plant is due to begin supplying heat at the end of 2007 and electricity at the end of March 2008. The plant will comprise a Wartsila BioPower 5 unit using wood residue from various sources as fuel. it will deliver hot water to the district heating network of Halmstad, a city of 88,000 inhabitants. Some of the hotwater will also be used by local industry. The electricity produced will be exported Biomas yakıtlı CHP İsveç'in Hal stad kentinde bölgesel ısıtma sağlayacak Fin şirket Wiirtsilii, faaliyetlerini enerji ve to the Swedish national grid. This is the fourth CHP installation contracted in Sweden using Wartsila BioPower's BPS plant concept, says the company. çevre sektörlerinde sürdüren bir belediye şirketi olan Halmstads Energi och Miljö AB The others are in Trollhattan, (HEM) tarafından kurulacak biomas yakıtlı Mark and Motala. CHP tesisi için kurulum ve gerekli teçhizatı State-owned French nuclear reactor manufacturer Areva has announced that it has made a • 770 million ($1 billion) bid for German wind turbine manufacturer REpower. Areva has said that the deal would give it the technology and expertise to expand its involvement in the wind sector, and offshore wind in particular. REpower is currently beginning production of 5 MW offshore turbines forthe European market. On the news ofthe potential takeover, REpower's shares rose by 23%, and gave a knock-on boost to shares right across the wind sector. The potential buy-out is part of an ongoing process of consolidation in the wind industry which has seen traditional developers and manufacturers moving into the wind business by acquiring existing players. Areva, Repower için ihaleye girecek Devlete\ait o an Fransız nükleer reaktör imalatçısl Y.ırev şirketi yaptığı bir açıklamada Almanı:i;Lglır türbini üreticisi REpower'a başvurarak • 770 milyonluk ($1 milyar) ihale teklif, verdiklerini belirtti tedarik etmek üzere bir anlaşma imzaladı. ,A__ ENERJi DÜNYASI ŞUBAT 2007 1 · "Enerjide SürdürülebilirlikveKüreselleşme:Verimlilik,Emisyonlar,YeniPiyasaOluşumlan" � --===========-------_:__-----1--1 3