policy-relevant questions identifıed by the IPCC based on submissions by governments. The IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) is due to be released in late 2007. Recent special reports include the Special Report on Safeguarding the Ozone Layer and the Global Climate System, accepted at IPCC-23 (8 April 2005, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) the Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage, accepted at IPCC-24 (26-28 September 2005, Montreal, Canada). The IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas lnventories were fırst released in 1 994, and a revised set was completed in 1996. in 2000 and 2003, the Panel approved additional good practice guidance reports that complement Revised 1 996 Guidelines. in 2006, the IPCC approved the IPCC Guidelines. Recent IPCC Sessions: The IPCC decided to continue preparing comprehensive assessment reports at IPCC-1 8 (24-29 September 200 1 , London, UK) aiming to emphasize new fındings. Subsequent meetings discussed the timing and other details of the next report, with participants agreeing to late 2007 as the completion date for the AR4. The overall outline of the WG contributions to the AR4 was accepted at IPCC-21 ( 19-21 February 2003 in Paris, France). That same year, the scope and outline of AR4 were developed during two scoping meetings (April, Marrakesh, Morocco, and September, Potsdam, Paris), and the author teams were assembled. Another scoping meeting was held in 2004 in Geneva, Switzerland, During the four-day meeting, delegates met in plenary, informally and in contact groups to consider the WGI contribution to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), titled "Climate Change 2007, the Physical Science Basis." on the AR4 Synthesis Report (SYR). IPCC-22 (9-1 1 November 2004, New Delhi, lndia) decided the SYR outlines oftopics to be addressed. The IPCC Bureau at its 35 th session agreed on the composition of the Core Writing Team and Review Editors for the SYR, and the list was presented to the Panel at IPCC-25 (26-28 April 2006, Port Louis, Mauritius). WGII will meet in April 2007 in Brussels, Belgium, and WGIII will meet in Bangkok, Thailand, in May 2007. The final AR4 is scheduled to be accepted at IPCC-27, in November 2007, in Valencia, Spain. REPORT OF IPCC WGI The Tenth Session ofWorking Group 1 (WGI)ofthe IPCC opened on Monday, 29 January 2007. During the four-day meeting, delegates met in plenary, informally and in contact groups to consider the WGI contribution to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), titled "Climate Change 2007, the Physical Science Basis." Delegates were assisted by short, informal presentations by the Coordinating Lead Authors on various sections and topics of the SPM. By the end of the meeting, WGI had approved the Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) and accepted the underlying report and technical summary. This report of the meeting is organized according to the agenda of the meeting, addressing fırst the opening ceremony, then the line-by-line approval of each section ofthe draft SPM, followed by the consideration and acceptance of the underlying reportand technical summary, and the closing session. OPENING CEREMONY On Monday morning, Dahe Qin, Co-Chair of IPCC Working Group 1, opened the Session. Christian Bordhag, l nterministerial Delegate for Sustainable Development, France, highlighted the role of clear communication with the media. Bordhag underscored the importance of consensus and certainty for policy makers. He stressed the role of IPCC in the climate change process and stated France's support for a similar body for biodiversity. Patricio Berna!, Assistant DirectorGeneral, UNESCO, notedthat relevant UNESCO programmes will seek to identify priority areas of monitoring and research and reminded delegates ofthe importance of education and both scientifıc and social knowledge in combating climate change. Jeremiah Lengoasa, Assistant Secretary-General, WMO, stressed the importance of disseminating the contents ofthe report and encouraged visualizing this meeting as an opportunity for 1 ENERJi DÜNYASI ŞUBAT 2007 � -284:.:..:.:.:..:.::.:.....:..:�:::.:.._:..::..::..:....:.:::.:.._---'========== '� "Enerjide Sürdürülebilirlik ve Küreselleşme: Verimlilik, Em isyonlar, Yeni Piyasa Oluşumlan"