Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 48. Sayı (Şubat 2007)

3rd JRC Enlargement and lntegration Workshop on Cogeneration Sevilay Topçu-Türkiye Kojenerasyon Derneği National Potentials and Guarantees of Origin T he Third JRC-IE Cogeneration Workshop held on 8-9th February 2007 at Petten with the full cooperation of DG-TREN. The main focus of Workshop is on National Potentials for Cogeneration in the EU Member States. The need to determine National Potentials is a requirement of the Cogeneration Directive (2004/ 8/EC) and this information must be regularly updated with periodic reports on progress and more specifıcally how cogeneration has been encouraged. The delegates focused too much on what has happened over the past few years, except on how current circumstances may be encouraging or discouraging growth. The main goal is to determine how much growth there is in future given the necessary support or technical developments on cogeneration. The delegates from UK, Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Directives and roadmap on The Directive /Reference Values/ Timescales. After organizing the workshop, a reportwill be issued byJRC-IE on the future requirements of cogeneration in EU to specify Cogeneration Strategies. in making their formal presentations delegates from the Member and Associated Candidate States focused on: t Who did the assessment? Government, Cogeneration Body, or Energy Contractor? t Was use made ofa National Energy Plan, and when was this last updated? t Is the National Plan focused on other energy production initiatives Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, than cogeneration and has it got a Slovakia, Bulgaria, Greece, Slovenia, strong emphasis on energy saving? Croatia, Turkey, Bosnia Herzegovina t What are the National Plans for and Netherlands gave a speech as Cogeneration? Are current targets Member and Associated Candidate being reached? States. in addition these delegates, the t How was the survey done? For representatives from IE/ACETECH, example was this based on a DG-TREN, Euroheat and Power detailed survey or an extrapolation Assocation and Association of lssuing ofcurrent trends? Bodies gave information about EU t Was it understood that the focus is JRC (Joint Research Center) lnstitute for Energy The Institute for Energy provides scientific and technical support to different stages of European policy-making in the energy area, on issues related to environmental protection, safety and security of the citizens, and sustainable development. on the potential forcogeneration in the 2015-2020? t What is the likely increase between now and 2020? Will the expansion be uniform or is it likely to occur as a result of longer term major initiatives such as decisions to promote cogeneration with new housing or industrial developments? t 3. JRC(AB - Enerji Komitesi Ortak Araştırma Merkezi) Kojenerasyon Çalıştayı 3.JRC Kojenerasyon Çalıştayı, 8-9 Şubat 2007 tarihleri arasında Hol/anda'da gerçekleştirildi. Çalıştayda, AB üye ülkeleri ve aday ülkelerden gelen delegeler, ulusal potansiyellerin belirlenmesi ve menşe garantilerine ilişkin strateji/erin oluşturulması konusunda bilgi verdiler. 1 ENERJi OÜNYASI ŞUBAT 2007 �.� -=3=-4-F=�===c..:...._---�==�------- "EnerjideSürdürülebilirlikveKüreselleşme:Verimli lik, Emisyonlar, Yeni PiyasaOluşumlan"