Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 48. Sayı (Şubat 2007)

YENİLENEBİLİR ENERJİ / Makale The Future is in Bioenergy R enewable energy production is becoming a worldwide priority as countries strive for sustainable growth and better living conditions. Wartsila Biopower is a trend-setter in this development by bringing to the market economically feasible and environmental friendly distributed bioenergy solutions. Many countries have already set demanding targets to increase electricity production using bioenergy resources and have introduced attractive incentives to accelerate this process. Bioenergy solutions are based on a loca! fuel supply and thus provide price stability, a secure supply of heat and power, and also loca! employment. Biofuels are increasingly becoming locally traded commodities, which will further secure fuel price stability and availability. At the same time, green certificates and emission trading offer new opportunities for financing bioenergy projects. Wartsila Biopower supplies both combined heat and power (CHP) plants and thermal boiler plants. These plants are designed to operate on a wide variety of biofuels, including extremely wet fuels such as wood residues, wood chips, bark and sawdust, using patented BioGrate technology. The plants are designed to produce either electric power or thermal energy, e.g. for district heating or for drying and other industrial processes, or they can also be built as combined heat and power plants. BioEnergy and BioPower plants -reliable, sustainable and competitive W.ARTSIL.A BioEnergy thermal energy plants and BioPower CHP plants are highly modular in structure and built around standardized components, making Project delivery fast and installation easy. Supplying more than 1 00 such power plants every year, Wartsila is highly experienced in executing projects to the full satisfaction of international customers. More than 70 BioGrate plants are currently in operation in Northern Europe, Canada and Russia. Typical delivery scope varies from equipment delivery to a complete turnkey installation with long-term operation and maintenance agreements. Wartsila Biopower benefıts include: t A single-source supplier for engineering, manufacturing, contracting and O&M services worldwide t Reliable and proven technology t Unique patented combustion technology capable of handling fuels with a moisture content up to 65% with high fuel efficiency and low emission levels t Conservative design approach resulting in reliable and durable plant construction t Highly automated plants with modern control methods enabling unmanned operation t Wide range of services from project financing to plant operation BioEnergy thermal energy plants and BioPower CHP plants are highly modular in structure and built around standardized components, making Project delivery fast and installation 1 ENERJi DÜNYASI ŞUBAT 2007 ♦ -46+----=--:..:..:...:. .:__ ___.....:..::..:__..:..:...:.____ �======c...._ "EnerjideSürdüriilebilirtik ve Küreselleşme: Verimlilik, Emisyonlar, Yeni PiyasaOluşumlan"