Supplying more than 1 00 such power plants every year, Wartsila is highly experienced in executing projects to the full satisfaction of international customers. More than 70 BioGrate plants are currently in operation in Northern Europe, Canada and Russia. BioEnergy thermal plants - a safe choice BioEnergy plants are designed to meet the thermal energy needs of local industrial sites or municipalities, which often have a local supply of biofuels. The heat energy produced can taketheform ofsteam or hot water ora combination ofthe two, as required. Wartsila Biopower supplies these plants either as a process equipment package or as a complete turnkey delivery including installation. More than 70 BioEnergy plants in operation today make this a safe selection. BioEnergy plants incorporate patented BioGrate combustion technology for effıcient and reliable combustion of biomass. A biofuel boiler is used to produce hot water or steam adapted -Procesı water/Steam c=:::ıAlr c::::ı Flue gas -Ash c::a Fuel •• optlon Fueı storage Flow chart of BioEnergy 8 RENEWABLE ENERGY / Article BioEnergy thermal energy plants and BioPower CHP plants are highly modular in structure and built around standardized components, making Project delivery fast and installation easy. to the customer's load requirements. Correct boiler design and careful plant layout, optimized for BioEnergy plants, ensure long and undisturbed operation without corrosion or the need for continuous cleaning. Smaller BioEnergy plants, with a heat capacity under I O MW, have fire tube boilers, while larger ones are fıtted with integrated water/fıre tube boilers. Both boiler types are large-water-volume boilers with good tolerance for power fluctuations. Economizers are used in the steam boilers for higher effıciency. Flue gas condensers can be used to maximize heat production in low-temperature district heating systems. __,._ ____-Mı!ıııiııı........ From procesı BioPower plants - clean and effıcient BioPower plants are designed and optimized for combined heat and power (CHP) production using biofuels. These plants, like the BioEnergy plants, incorporate patented BioGrate combustion with its high combustion effıciency and advantageous environmental features. The product range comprises two basic plants, BioPower 2 and BioPower 5, each of which has four different thermal energy applications. lf the heat load is not available, BioPower plants are built as condensing plants for maximum power generation. Electricity is produced in a steam Rankine cycle with a high-efficiency steam turbine. A conservative design approach has been selected for high availability and long lifetime of the plant. BioPower plants are delivered in large, factory-tested modules by experienced delivery professionals, ensuring high quality and short delivery time. The high automation level used in all Wartsila biofuel plants enables unmanned plant operation that only requires periodical manning. Patented BioGrate technology A key issue in highly efficient, lowemission combustion of biofuels is combustion air management. The primary air for combustion, and the recirculation flue gas where applicable, arefedfrom underneath the grate and penetrate the fuel through slots in the ♦ ENERJi OÜNYASI ŞUBAT 20071 "'Ene�ide Sürdürülebilirlik ve Küreselleşme: Verimlilik, Emisyonlar, Yeni PiyasaOluşumlan"' .. ��-----====�------_:___--1-47