Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 48. Sayı (Şubat 2007)

YENİLENEBİLİR ENERJİ / Makale Vilppula BioPower S concentric rings. Secondary air, and tertiary air if used, is fed above the grate directly into the flame. Air distribution is controlled by dampers and speed-controlled fans to ensure low emissions of NO and CO with a wide range of different fuels. Wartsila BioEnergy and BioPower plants utilize patented BioGrate combustion technology. This can squeeze out all the biomass fuel's energy even from very wet fuels with a moisture content as high as 65%. in the BioGrate system, the fuel is fed onto the centre of a circular, conical shaped grate from below. The grate is divided into concentric rings with alternate rings rotating and the rings in between remaining stationary. Alternate rotating rings are pushed hydraulically clockwise or anti-clockwise respectively. This design distributes the fuel evenly over the entire grate with the burning fuel -Make-up water Feed waıor c=::::::ı Hot water c::=..ıSteam ı:=::JAir �Flue gas -Ash c.:;aFuoı * = option Fueı storago Flow chart of BioEnergy 8 forming an even layer of the required thickness. The water content of the wet fuel in the centre of the grate evaporates rapidly due to the heat of the surrounding burning fuel and thermal radiation from the specially formed brick walls. Gasifıcation and visible combustion of the gases and solid carbon take place as the fuel moves to the periphery of the circular grate. At the edge of the grate ash falls into a water-filled ash basin underneath the grate. Experience ensures reliable fuel handling The tough, cold and icy conditions in theworld's northern latitudes largely dictate our standards for fuel reception and feeding at power stations. Long experience and continuous product development have resulted in Wartsila BioEnergy and BioPower plants with proven track records of reliability and economical operation. üneofthe main contributors to uninterrupted plant operation is a well-designed fuel supply. Biofuel operated energy plants are designed to meet customer requirements regarding fılling methods and periods of unmanned operation. Whatever system our customer chooses, he can be assured ofa proven heavy-duty design with no compromises. Fuel components can be mixed in an interim storage bunker system with sectional and automated fuel feeding devices to enable the use ofvery inhomogeneous and different fuel components without reducing combustion effıciency. Even icy fuel can be fed smoothly thanks to the inbuilt shredder cylinder, just one of many Standard elements in our fuel system that ensures reliable plant operation. www.wartsila.com biopower@wartsila.com Gelecek Biyoenerjide Ülkef\ürdürülebilirbüyüme ve daha iyi hayatı şartları arayışına devam ettikçe, (\eni/enebilir enerji üretimi, dün ya çapınefa bir öncelik haline geliyor. Wartsi/a Biopower, bu gelişmede bir trend belirleyici olma rolünü üstleniyorve zira piyasaya ekonomik açıdan fizibl ve çevre dostu biyoenerji çözümleri sunuyor. Birçokülkede, hali hazırda, bioenerji kaynaklarının kullanımına yönelik elektrik üretimini arttırmak üzere hedefler belirlenmiş olup, bu sonucu hızlandırmak üzere, cazip teşvikler de sağlanıyor. 1 ENERJi OÜNYASI ŞUBAT 2007 • -4 8-+.=..:..:.=..:..:. :__.:__..:..:.:.:........:�:.:....:.:..:__-====-----=====- "EneıjideSüıtlürülebilirlikwKüreselleşme: Vemılilik, Emisyoıılar, Yeni PiyasaOluşmılan"