Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 48. Sayı (Şubat 2007)

Policies and Measures to Reduce GHG Emissions lntroduction When the UNFCCC was adopted in 1 992, Turkey as a member ofthe OECD was included among the countries of the Convention's Annexes 1 and 11. On the basis of main economic indicators, Turkey's degree of industrialisation is not yet comparable with that of most of other OECD countries. At the 7th Conference of Parties (COP7) in Marrakech in 200 1 , Turkey was deleted from the list in Annex il to the Convention, and the partieswere invited to recognise the special circumstances of Turkey, which place the country, after becoming a Party, in a situation different from that of other Parties included in Annex 1 to the Convention on the basis ofthe "common but differentiated responsibilities" principle of the Convention. Law No: 4990 concerning the accession ofTurkey to the UNFCCC was promulgated on the Official Gazette No: 16 October 2003. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) came into force for Turkey on 24 May 2004. Turkey is readyto undertake its commitments and comply with the responsibilities embodied by the Annex I countries to the Convention according to its special circumstances. The specific national conditions ofTurkey in this respect have to be considered. With 3.3 tonnes per capita, Turkey possesses The 9th Development Plan, that will cover the 20072013 period, set up 55 special expertise commissions, one being the Environment Special Expertise Commission, contains the expression "Turkey is aware of the United Nations Climate Change Operation Plan by preparing a National Operation Plan in agreement with the conditions of Turkey and presenting the policies and precautions for reduction of the greenhouse gasses". the lowest per capita fossil fuel-based CO2 emissions amongst OECD countries whose average is 1 1 . 1 , the world average is 4.0 and the EU 25 average is 9.0 [2003]. Policy-Making Process The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), is mainly responsible for the environmental legislation and policy development, while other ministries are responsible for integrating environmental policy targets. The main task of MoEF is to • ensure legal arrangements with regards the related matters by drafting laws and supervising their implementation process as well as enabling initiation research activities in this field. The State Planning Organisation (SPO), working under the authority of the Prime Ministry, develops fıve-year development plans. Turkey's Seventh Five-Year Development Plan ( 1 996-2000) called for the development ofa national environmental strategy. The National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP), which is the mest comprehensive policy document on environment, was formed to supplement the existing Development Plan with concrete actions for integrating environment and development. The NEAP has detected a degradation in environmental media (air quality, water resources, soils, marine and coastal resources, forests, and biological diversity), insufficient waste management, loss of cultural heritage, and vulnerability to environmental hazards as Turkey's major environmental problems. The 9th Development Plan, that will cover the 2007-20 13 period, set up 55 special expertise commissions, one being the Environment Special Expertise Commission, containsthe expression "Turkey is aware of the United Nations Climate Change Operation Plan by preparing a National Operation Plan in agreement with the conditions of Turkey and presenting the policies and precautions for reduction ofthe greenhouse gasses". TUBITAK, the "National Technology Research Foundation ofTurkey" is responsible for creating national science and technology policies and conducting activities with a focus on identifying and recommending tools 1 ENERJi OÜNYASI ŞUBAT 2007 A -56 -+::..:..:.:.:..:.::..:.....:::::..:.:..:::..____c_'.:::::.'.�.:_-===========- .. "Enerjide Sürdürülebilirlikve Küreselleşme: Verimlilik, Emisyonlar, Yeni Piyasa Oluşumlan"