60 Due to the high ash content of domestic lignite, the control of particulate emissions is also very important. Concerning the particulate emissions, almost all ofthe coal-fired power plants are equipped with electrostatic precipitators (ESP) operating at high efficiencies. The subject Rehabilitation Project will cause the improvement ofenvironmental performance ofthe plant, since the emissions, including CO 2 emissions and other discharges per unit of electricity generated will be decreased also as a consequence of the increase in plant efficiency. Turkey has interconnections with most neighbouring countries and has been actively pursuing synchronisation of its network with the European grid of the Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Electricity (UCTE). Combined Heat and Power (CHP) According to the statistics, total cogeneration installed capacity is 3,608 MW at the end of 2005 which corresponds to 9.8% oftotal installed capacity of the Turkish power system. At present, 6 1 .4% of all cogeneration units are natural gas-fired. According to MENR's estimation, the share of cogeneration will reach 1 2.2% of total electricity generation and ali new cogeneration capacity will be natural gas fireci. Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources MENR considers the exploitation of renewable energy sources (RES) among its energy policy priorities. 1 ENE RJ I DÜNYASI ŞUBAT 2007 Electricity generated from renewable energies were the main policy instruments for the promotion of RES. The economically usable hydropower potential is estimated at 1 30,000 GWh per annum, 35% ofwhich has been exploited, 3,97MW is under construction and it is projected that 35,000 MW will be reached in hydropower utilisation bytheyear 2020. Turkey has significant potential for geothermal power production, enjoying one-eighth of the world's total geothermal potential. However, much of this potential is of relatively low enthalpy but is stili useful for direct heating applications. A wind atlas was prepared to assess wind potential throughout the country. Studies are in progress in evaluating the extent to which wind power resources can be expanded in a costeffective manner. Solar energy could also provide significant amounts of powerforTurkey, given the country's suitability in terms of solar radiation. Currently, solar power is used mainly for domestic hot water production. Energy Efficiency Turkey attaches great importance to the use of energy efficiency potential in meeting its goal of satisfying demandswithout hampering economic growth with a special focus on protecting the environment. The Energy Efficieı:ıcy Strategy was developed and adopted in 2004. Policy formulation, coordination and supervision of activities on energy conservation and efficiency are pursued by MENR within the framework of national energy policies and strategies. With the collaboration of empowered institutions, (EIE) is to prepare and publicise an inventory that depicts the development of energy efficiency situations in industrial enterprises and buildings on a regional and sectoral basis countrywide and the future projections of such data as well as the annual reports based on its own findings and evaluations concerning the public sector according to the Draft EE Law. The Draft Energy Efficiency Law is envisaged to be enacted in the fourth quarter of 2006. Adoption and enactment of (energy) legislation shall be performed by Parliament, subsequent to its approval by the Council of Ministers. Turkey has accelareted the studies on Global Warming Under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the I st Natura/ Dec/aration Report on C/imate Change that had been prepared with the f1nancia/ support by the Global Environmental Fund and the technica/ support by the United National Development Program has been issued and submitted to the United Nations C/imate Change Framework Contract Secretariat. ♦ "Enerjide Sürdürülebilirlik veKüreselleşme: Verimlilik, Emisyonlar,Yeni PiyasaOluşumlan"