dl ooowp nfsl ot rwesa mt h rsol uudgghet-hhea nednl ti ni rges y s t e m including the dry granules storage, ltohwu s- okxeyegpei nng atthme oesnpt hi reer seyas tnedmk eu en pd ien rg istmsaofueldfreormingdust explosions, fıres and . Final product and downstream handling Tc yhcel oqnuea ni st iat yc coufmd uu sl att reedc oi nvae rheodp ipnetrh e and fed back in batches to the dryer qafutaenrtri teyhoufmsil du di fgı cea tciaoknew. i t h a s m a l l This assures a final product that is completely granular and virtually dust-free. The size distribution is typically 1 -5 mm. Bulk densities of 500-750 kg/m3 are achieved, depending on the sludge quality. The dried product from the fluid bed dryer is cooled to < 40°C using a fluidized bed c rt a s d e socor il be er du nadbeorvien.eF r ogma s tchoenrdei ,tti oh nes granules are con-:eyed to storage silos. Control Cs i mo nptl reo, lroefl i at hbel ef al uni dd bael l odwp rs of oc er sfsu li lsy apuetrommaantei cn tooppeer raat ti oonr ws uipt heor vu its i o n . A number of such plants even run wpriethseonutt danuyr ion gpetrhaetninigghpteorrsoant nel wa dej uesktemn de sn.tMo fetahseu rde m e n t a n d ry solids content in the final product is not necessa ry. The ipnrtoecnessi vsei ne nt heer gfyl uai dni dz emdabses dt reann ssfuerre s that the DS content of the final 8p5roduct is > 90% at atemperature of ° conCst.aTnot, kteheeps ltuhdi sgetefmeepderraatteurineto the dryer is adjusted by automatically trheedudcing or increasing the speed of ryer feed pumps. J ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES / Article Application of the technology Awnodrrl di twz ii sd ea c. At i vger ionwd ii fnfge rmeanrtkme ta rfkoer ttsh i s technology is China, where the be yx pg ar on dwi ni nggeecnovni roomn ymi es natcacl opmr opbal ne i me ds . At r ehau tgme en nu tmp-lbaenrt sohf awvaesbt eewe na tbeuri l t i n Cmhoirnea adruerpi nlagnrneecdent decades and . VvWTPs in China tcou rnrneenst loy fpdreowd uactee raebdo ustl u d1 .g3 eme ial l ci oh n year, with an average annual growth dr aettea iol sfoafbtohuete1v0o%l v i n. gT hpei c tbuorxe ai nb Co vhei ngai v e s . Dp l aens itgsnadreatgai vf oern tihneTtahbr el eeAd.i fLf eorceanl t s tp h t a a e r n t p d nl a e a r r n d s t s h o , a r wv n e it o h b n A u -p i n lt r d o or c r it e w z s s s i l u i l t p b e e m u r il s v d i a s tin a g li t d he projects and supplying the sludge rying technology. As a consequence of the successful of l up i edri za et i do nb eodf twh ei t hS hdai rnegchta- fi epel ad nsty, sat e m wG raos ucph oi ns eMnabrychB2e0i j0i n6g fDorr at ihnea gQei n g h e WVV d TP in Beijing. As the first sludge ry d ing plant in the capital city, it will ry about 400 tonnes per day of dewatered sludge cake. The drying plant consists oftwo fluidized bed dryers. According to the schedule, the end of 2007 - a deadline given to amhoesatdi nof fr at hs ter uOc ltyumr ep pi cr oGj eacmt se si ni nB e2 0i j i0n 8g . in 2004, the fırst d rying plant for s( sl uedwgaegfer)o imn Cmhui nn ai c si pt aarl tseodu rocpeesr a t i o n a t the Shanghai Shidongkou Wastewater Treatment Plant. A direct-feed fluidized-bed sludge-drying system was chosen. The drying plant is cwohmi cbh i ndeedl i vwe ri tsh tah es l tuhdegremi nacl ienneerragt oy rf, o r the drying step. Aa cntdi vrei t zi nwCahsi noan ef oorfstl hu ed gf eı r sdtrcyoi nmg p, a n i e s delivering its fırst sludge drying plant in 1996. This plant handled sludge from VV produtchteioWn sitTe Pi noSfhaacnhgehami,icuasling a fslyusi dt ei zme d( bbaesdi csayl l syt ea smdwe si tchr idbi er ed citn ftehei ds article). Practical experiences in China sUl undt gi l ererceecnetivlye, ddirseploatsiavleolyfWl i tWt l eTP ma t toernetri ounr ai nl aCr ehai ns a, s. lPuadrgtei cwu laasr l uysi en d directly as a fertilizer or just landfilled. But the situation is changing. An increasing number of studies and projects are looking for alternative sludge handling technologies in China, focusing initially on the bigger coastal the project must be completed before cities. t Akışkan Yataklı Kurutma: çamur kullanımı için gerekli bir adım Çin'de son zamanlarda inşa edilen atık su işleme tesislerinin sayısında büyük bir artış göze çarpıyor. Pekin'de bulunan ilk çamurkurutma tesisi halihazırda inşaat aşamasında. Dünya çapında birçok işletmeci firma, çamur ıslahı için seçenekleri göz önünde bulundururken, sahada, önde gelen bir firma, çamurlu kurutmanın avantajlarını incelemekteler. �------..-------------------==- ♦ ENERJi DÜNYASI ŞUBAT 20071 "Enerjide Sürdürülebilirlik ve Küreselleşme: Verimlilik, Emisyonlar, Yeni Piyasa Oluşumlan" -======================�--=-.::..::.:..:....::..:.:...ı. 6 7