Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 49. Sayı (Mart 2007)

1 MW Fuel Cel l for Cal ifornia Wastewater Treatment Plant ■ US-based FuelCell Energy, ine. has sold a 1 .0 MWe fuel celi-based power plant to operate on anaerobic digester gas from a sewage treatment facility serving the southern California city of Riverside. The 'Direct FuelCeli' (DFC) plant was sold through the company's distributor, Aliiance Power ine., a consultant in siting economicaliy and environmentally friendly electric generation facilities. Riverside will own and operate the plant, through its Public Works Department, at the Water Quality Control Plant -­ and wili assume ownership of the unit upon project completion. Renewable fuel for the power plant will come from gas generated in the wastewater treatment process. This digester gas has until now been used by three reciprocating engines that power the treatment plant. However, because fuel celis involve no combustion -­ converting digestergas into electricity electrochemicaliy -- they operate Canada1s Largest Solar Power System Canadian Carmanah Technologies Corporation has been awarded a C$ l .4 miliion contract from Public Works & Government Services Canada (PWGSC) for a 1 08 kW solar power system to be instalied on the roofoftheJean Canfıeld Building in Charlottetown, Prince Edward lsland. The instaliation wili become the largest solar power system in Canada. Carmanah's state-of-the-art, 108 kW solar power system will be connected to both conventional electricity grid as well as an array of more than 500 considerably cleaner than conventional power generators. Fuel celis signifıcantly reduce nitrogen oxides, particulates and sulphur oxides and, due to its inherent high efficiency, the fuel celi unit wili also reduce the rate of carbon dioxide emitted for each kWh of electricity generated. 'The superior emissions characteristics of our fuel celis are an important factor in California -- a state that is very serious about its clean air programmes,' said William Karambelas, FuelCell Energy' s Vice President of Business Development, Western Region. 'Recently passed emission restrictions mean that many more power generation applications that had been predominantly fossil-fuel burning wili now be transitioned to cleaner alternatives like our fuel cells.' California's Self-Generation lncentive Program (SGIP) is providing US$4.5 miliion for the project through the Southern California Gas Company. Meanwhile, Fuel Celi Energy's Korean aliiance partner, POSCO Power, is to take delivery of the world's largest fuel celi power plant in the world to be operated ata site in South Korea yet to be announced. Upon instaliation, the 2.4 MW plant will surpass FuelCell Energy's 1 .5 MW power plant at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina in California. The plant wili support the area's electrical grid, exporting its energy to the loca! utility. Kaliforniya'da Atık Su Arıtma Tesisi1ne I MW Kapasiteli Yakıt Pili ABD'de bulunan Fue/Ce/1 Energy Şirketi, Kaliforniya'nın güneyindeki Riverside kentine hizmet veren pis su arıtma tesisinden gelen anaerobik sindirici gazı ile çalışmak üzere 1. 0 MWe kapasiteli yakıt pil bazlı enerji santrali sattı. 'Direct FuelCe/1' (Doğrudan Yakıt Pili) olarak anılan santral ekonomik ve çevre dostu elektrik üretim tesislerinin kurulmasında danışman olarak da tanınan ve şirketin distribütörü olan Alliance Power ine aracılığıyla satıldı. Riverside kenti projenin tamamlanmasının ardından birimin ve tesisin sahibi olacak ve işletmeyi Bayındırlık İşleri Dairesi üzerinden devralarak Su Kalite Kontrol Tesisi kapsamında işletecek. Sanyo solar modules. This system wili also include web-based monitoring technology that will provide live content to a lobby display, enabling visitors to view the system's energy generation performance in real time. Currently under construction, the four-storeyJean Canfıeld Building, located in downtown Charlottetown, house approximately 500 civil servants and wili become a national showcase for sustainable and green design. The PWGSC is striving to achieve Gold certification for the building under the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating. As Canada's largest solar power company, Carmanah says it has designed and installed many of the country's largest solar power systems, including a 1 00 kW solar rooftop array at Exhibition Place in Toronto, Ontario, in 2006. KanadO:,nın En Büyük Güneı Enerji Sistemi Kanadalı (5:armanah Technologies Şirketi Prince Edward Adası'ndaki Charlottetown kentinde bulunan Jean Canfield Binasının çatısına tesis edilecek bir I 08 kW kapasiteli ve güneş enerji sistemi kurmak üzere Kanada Bayındırlık ve İskan İşleri (PWGSC) tarafindan açılan ihaleyi 1 . 4 milyon Kanada Doları tutarındaki bir öneri ile kazandı . Söz konusu sistem tesisatı Kanada'daki en büyük güneş enerjisi ile çalışan sistem olacak. 1 ENERJi DÜNYASI MART 2007 ,A -1-4--!=========================----============-- � "Enerjide Sürdürülebilirlikve Küreselleşme: Verimlilik, Emisyonlar, Yeni PiyasaOluşumlan"