Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 49. Sayı (Mart 2007)

New Multi-Megawatt Wave Famı Planned for Scotland ■ The Scottish Executive has announced the launch ofa f 1 3 million ( • 20 million) Marine Energy Fund for the development ofa newwavefarm atthe European Marine Energy Centre on the island ofOrkney. lf built, the project will consist of four Pelamis P-750 devices, with a combined capacity of 3 MW, capable of supplying around 2000 homes. Ocean Power Delivery, the developer of the· Pelamis, has been testing its wave power generator at EMEC forthe last couple ofyears, and is currently constructing its fırst commercial wave farm in Portugal. Despite seme initial reports, the Orkney wave farm is unlikely to be the largest in the world, since the Portuguese development is due to have a final capacity of 22.5 MW, following its initial 2.25 MW testing phase. in addition to Ocean Power Delivery's project, the f 1 3 million will also allow a numberofotherwave and tidal devices to be tested, with the Deputy First Minister Nicel Stephen due to name a total of nine organizations which will receive money. İskoçya'da yüksek kapasiteli dalga enerji santrali inşa edilecek İskoçya Meclisi Orkney adasındaki Avrupa Deniz Enerji Merkezi'nde kurulacak yeni bir dalga enerji santrali için [ I 3 milyonluk ( • 20 milyon) Deniz Enerji Fonu ayrılacağını açıkladı. Eğer söz konusu santral kurulursa, projede dört Pelamis P-7 50 cihazlarının yanı sıra 3 M W kapasiteli kombine çevrim olacak ve yaklaşık 2000 eve enerji verebilecek. Trial Fuel Cell Power System Runs on 'Waste' Hydrogen US-based Nuvera Fuel Cells, ine. has shipped a 1 25 kW 'Forza' fuel cell powersystem to Sacre-Davey lnnovations in North Vancouver, BC, Canada as part ofthe lntegrated Waste Hydrogen Utilization Project (IWHUP). Waste hydrogen is being produced by ERCO Worldwide's local Deneme Amaçlı Kurulan Yakıt Pilli Enerji Sistemi 'Atık' Hidrojenle Çalışıyor Amerikalı şirket Nuvera Fuel Cel/s Entegre Atık Hidrojen Kullanma Projesi kapsamında Kanada'daki Kuzey Vancouver kentindeki Sacre-Davey lnnovations şirketine I 25 kW kapasiteli 'Forza' yakıt pilli enerji sisteminin sevkiyatını gerçekleştirdi. Atık hidrojen ise ERCO Worldwide şirketinin yerel elektro-kimyasal işlem tesislerinde üretiliyor. electro-chemical processing plant. The Forza hydrogen power system is a baseload system that converts excess hydrogen disbursed from chemical processing plants into DC electricity, says the company. The electricity can then be used in the same facility, in a Nuvera-patented closed-loop fashion, to lower energy costs. The modular system has multi-megawatt capabilities and produces pollution-free electricity in parallel to the existing electric DC circuit. Europe Agrees to Binding Renewables Targets ■ The European Council of Ministers has agreed to a binding target of 20% of primary energyfrom renewables by 2020, in addition to mandatory greenhouse emission reductions of 20% and improved energy efficiency. This 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions will be increased to 30% if other polluting nations such as China or the USA join up to the initiative. The announcement came during the spring meeting of the European Council where energy ministers from all 27 Member States met to discuss the European Energy Roadmap launched by the Commission in January this year. Although the European Parliament and Commission had already given their backing to the plan, significant hurdles remaiıied before a deal could be achieved. France had maintained that nuclear should be part of the equation and that the emphasis should be on 'low-carbon' technologies as opposed to renewables. Other, poorer, Eastern European states are heavily reliant on coal and heavy industry and fearthatthey will have a harder time reducing overall emissions. For this reason it has not yet been decided how the 20% greenhouse gas reduction or 20% renewable energy use will be achieved, although countries like Germany are expected to take more than their share. Avrupa Yenilenebilir Enerji Hedeflerine Bağlanmayı Kabul Etti Avrupa Bakanlar Konseyi 2020 yılına dek yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları kullanılarak birincil enerji üretme oranının %20'ye çıkarılması yolundaki bağlayıcı hedefi kabul etti. Ayrıca zorunlu sera gazı emisyonlarında %20 oranında azalma ve gelişmiş enerji verimliliği yolundaki bağlayıcı hedeflere uymayı da kabul ettiğini açıkladı. Eğer Çin ve ABD gibi diğer atmosferi kirleten ülkeler bir inisiyatife katılırsa sera gazı emisyonlarındaki söz konusu %20 oranındaki azalma %30'a kadar ulaşabilecek. 1 ENERJi DÜNYASI MART 2007 � -1 6 4��::..:___:=.=.::.::::.:....::.::.:::..._.==========;c__ � "EnerjideSürdürülebilirlikveKüreselleşme: Verimlilik, Emisyonlar, Yeni Piyasa Oluşumlan"