Oliviero BERNARDI NI ıı fül� ltolian Regulotory Authority lor Electricity and Gas ICCI 2001 BİLDİRİSİ Cogen.eration, 'Wa.ste recover9, '.%n.ewa6/is & On-site (jeneratioıt Table 2 Table 1 Contribution of different fuels to final energy consumptlon (%) Electricity Natural gas Oil products Solid fuels Total Manufacturing industry 1980 17.7 1990 21.7 2000 24.8 2100 27.8 Alt sectors 1980 12.6 1990 15.5 2000 18.4 2100 21.3 24.5 33.3 37.1 39.1 18.7 25.8 29.5 31.8 46.8 10.9 100.0 32.8 12.2 100.0 28.8 9.3 100.0 26.7 6.3 100.0 63.2 5.5 100.0 53.4 5.2 100.0 48.8 3.3 100.0 45.0 1 .9 100.0 Table 3 Structure of the power sector in 1998 (GWh) Structure ofthe natural gas sector in 1999 (Bcm) lmports Generation Distribution lmports Production Distribution Enel 40.7 179.7 233.2 Eni 44.4 15.3 29.3 Auto-producers o.o 55.9 28.5 Enel 4.5 o.o 4.5 Municipalities O.O 9.1 15.4 Edison gas 0.5 2.1 2.2 Others O.O 2.5 2.5 Local distributors O.O O.O 31.0 Total 40.7 247.2 279.6 Total 49.4 17.4 67.0 lncumbent share (%) 100.0 72.7 83.4 lncumbent share (%) 89.9 87.9 43.7 Table4 Growth in co-generation in the 1990s 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 Number of plants 625 763 843 930 974 Combined cycles 4 19 46 72 81 Gas turbines 49 92 103 140 148 lnternal combustion engines 55 138 222 303 342 Back pressure steam plants 419 414 375 323 311 Condensing steam plants 98 100 97 92 92 Total installed power (MW) 4.931 6.048 6.460 8.762 10.618 Combined cycles 191 851 1 .527 3.544 4.985 Gas turbines 349 663 479 660 872 lnternal combustion engines 88 134 189 294 392 Back pressure steam plants 2.172 2.247 2.1 15 2.005 2.063 Condensing steam plants 2.131 2.153 2.150 2.259 2.306 Average installed power (MW) 7.9 7.9 7.7 9.4 10,9 Combined cycles 47.8 44.8 33.2 49.2 61.5 Gas turbines 7.1 7.2 4.7 4.7 5.9 lnternal combustion engines 1.6 1.0 0.9 1 .0 1.1 Back pressure steam plants 5.2 5.4 5.6 6.2 6.6 Condensing steam plants 21.7 21.5 22.2 24.6 25.1 Table 5 The share of co-generation in total installed thermoelectric capacity 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 lnstalled capacity (MW) Co-generaling plants 4,931 6,048 6,460 8,762 10,618 Total thermoelectric plants 40,701 45,886 48,151 52,538 55,429 Share (%) 12.1 13.2 13.4 16.7 19.2 ECOGEI ERATION WORLO 29