Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 5. Sayı (Eylül 2001) / Ecogeneration World - Cogeneration, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

Aghis Christodoulopoulos HE&D S.A ICCI 2001 BİLDİRİSİ Simplified model for Cost Evaluation The total production cost of one KWh from a cogeneration unit can be evaluated by the fallowing simplified model : Cp = Cf + CO&M + Cc where Cp Cf CO&M Cc Total production Cost Fuel Cost C t = :(ıuel price, h) Operation & Maintenance Cost Capital Cost Fuel Cost for CoReneration Prices for natura! gas used in small cogeneration units are lower !han for thermal uses according to the Greek Governmental policy. Technical assumptions: Electrical efficiency of the gas engine 35%- thermal 35%(useful)/fuel utilization coefficient ~70% cases 1 2 3 4 The Cost of Capital per kWh produced is 1.08 cents/ kWh. Model results Considering !hat: ■ AII electricity produced is sold to the System Operalar according current prices(i.e 70% of the medium voltage tariff) and; ■ that the thermal power produced is sold to the customer under a 10% discount (in order cogeneration applications to be competitive) The model leads to the fallowing results: Total production cost for one electrical Total income regarding the selling ofthe electr i cal and difference KWh & one thermaı KWh (cents)'" (a) thermal power produced (b)-(a) Thermal power electrical power total (cents/kW h) (cents/kWh) (cents/kWh) (b) 7,75 2.45 4,59 7,04 -0,71 7,35 2,27 4,59 6,86 -0,49 6,96 2,10 4,59 6,69 ·0,27 6,56 1,92 4,59 6,51 -0,05 LHV far Gas : 8600 Kcal/Nm3 The total production cost is the sum of the fuel cost, the operation and maintenance cost and the capital cost Boiler efficiency : 92% Natural Gas price forThermal Fuel cost far one electrical KWh & Fuel costfarone thermal KWh with uses (cents/Nm') one thermal KWh (cents) boiler (cents) 25 5,555555556 2,717391304 23,21428571 5,158730159 2,523291925 21 ,42857143 4,761904762 2,329192547 19,64285714 4,365079365 2,135093168 Operation & Maintenance Cost - Capital Cost The calculation of the Operation & Maintenance Cost is based on the fallowing parameters: ■ Cost of consumables (fuel excluded, l.e: lubricants ) ■ Cost of spare parts ■ Cost of operational personnel ■ Cost of insurance of the investment ■ Cost far main repair and maintenance and it is evaluated to 1.11 cents/KWh far the present analysis The capital cost far the turnkey installation of one cogen eration unit is approximately 850 USD/KWe from which 30% is assumed as grant. Considering: ■ Lifetime of the engine: 1 O years ■ Equivalent operation hours/year under 100% load: 5500/hr/yr ■ Energy produced during lifetime (kWh/ kW installed): 55000 kWh ■ Own Capital /kW installed: 595 USD 4 2 � �COGHIERATION W0RLD CONCLUSIONS ■ The profil of a cogeneration unit does not reflect the reduction in gas prices (remains negative even with natural gas price at 15.18 cents/Nm3 ) due to the corresponding reduction of the production cost of the thermal power far the customer. ■ Electricity selling price far cogeneration producers is the key point in order such investments to become attractive. ■ HE&D taking into consideration all the parameters presented, proposed to the Greek Regulatory Authority far Energy the fallowing alternatives: The electricity produced from lndependent Cogeneration producers to be absorbed by the System at a price based to 90% of the energy charge ofthe medium voltage tariff instead of the current 70%. OR lndependent cogeneration producers to have the right to seli electricity to eligible customers, while the surplus electricity quantities to be absorbed in priority by the System according to the current pricing status (i.e fixed price at 70% of the medium voltage tariff).