a tS h p o e p l a l c i r c u a hrr t e e io a n n t t in s e , g n w e a h n rg ic d y h c d t o e o o g m li e n a t g n h ed te r , c f in o h rn p m o a l r o a t g ic s ie u u s l b a sr c to i a n v n e t t h i r a e a l c bw o ui n i d ld t e ri in b r g u a tn s i g o e e n c t t o o o f r . T ob heir future potential contribution could be even higher if some stacles, particularly in the field of storage technology, were sa oc cl voeudn. t eT od dfaoyr , i nt h ee nceor gn yt r i sb tuat ti oi snt i cosf , sboel ac ra uh es ea t ti nh eg isst al at i rsgt iec rs t fhoacnu si s tphrei meanrei l yr goynbeallea cntcr iec,i t ys .o ll fa rt hhee taot ti nagl hweoa tu ldd ecmoamned owuet raes i nocnleu doefdt hi ne A gmr s a e j e t o h n r e h r o e p u n o e s lit e w ic a g a b a l l s i e n e t es e n r i e n e s c rg t r e y in a s s r o e e u s n r , e c t w e h s e a. b l lnet eernneartgi oyn aanl dE nr ee rdguyc tAi ogneon cf y {aI cEcAe)l ei sr ast ihoi fnt.i nTgo i trse aaccht i vai tni eosvfer rovmi e wR &oDf t thoewoapr pd so rmt uanri kt i ee ts f o r s o l a r tpeoct eh nn ot i al ol sg.i eAs , saunm amnaarl yy soi sf ti hsi smwa doer k oi sf tphree smeanitne dm ianr k! heitss aarnt idc l e . OVERVIEW OF EXISTING TECHNOLOGY Sa nodl a mr haer ka et i tnsg. Fa on rd ecaocohl i nt eg cshpn ao nl osg ay -wmi ad rek er at ncgoemobfi nt ae tci oh nn o, tl oh ge i e s wp rai ct ee rahneda mt i nagr,k seot lsai rz eb ui si l ddi ni f gf e raenndt . sTohl aer md rayi ni n gt e-cah rneo ldoi gs iceuss -s esdo l a r below. Solar water heating Smoi l ll ai ornwsaytsetrehmesa tai nl rge ai sd ya ns oel sd t. al mb l ips rhoevde mt eecnhtnso il on gt yh ewsi tyhs st eemv es r aa rl e mmst o i a li r ine p o t t a o s s w s k ib a f l r e o d, r s t b t h u h e t e n in n o d e u me s d a t s r jo ia or l f b d tr h e e e v a e uk lo t s h e p r e r o s r u sg a n h is d s t oa to r ae w d e o a x p r p k ! e t oc h n t e e t d s h y . e s Tir t h e e m s integration into buildings. Solar building Sa nodl a pr absusi li dv ei n gs ocl oa mr abni nde ds atyh lei g dh itfifnegr e) ni ntt os onl aerwt eacnhdn oelxoi sgti ei nsg ( a c t i v e fbauci tl do irn og fs f. oSuor , l acro bmupi ladri ne gd swci tahn t rr ea dd ui t ci oen ael n be ur gi l dy i nr egqs u. i Dr eemmeonntsst rbayt i oan bp ruoi lddui ncgesr sh. aSvoel aerv beun i l ds hi nogwcna!nh abte baupi l pd li inegdsf oc ar na l ib be uni ledti negn et yr pg ey s ca on dm mc lei mr caitael sb, ubi ludti nogf sc, oaunr sdehtehaet ifnogc ui ss i mi s pdoi f f earnetn itnf owr ahr omuesre s a n d rt ci ml i mp oartteasn.t lDy ,acyol i gn thrtoi nl l gi n gr edl aatyel si gthot awsi tphei nc tbs uoi lfdai n bg us i ladni ndg c, omnot rsot l l i n g t h h a e artificial lighting. The IEA SHC Task on Oaylight in Buildings s documented the energy savings and other benefits of daylight buildings. Space heating Sl i mp ai t ec ed sh eo al atri nfgr accat i no nb e( mdai vxi idmeudmi n2t o0 s%h oirnt tneorrmt h esrtno rcalgi me awt ei t sh ) ,a a n d Ts ehaessoynsatel smt os rwa gi teh, swhhoirct h- t er er ma cshteosr aag es osl yasr tfer ma cst i oa nr eomf 8o0s t-l1y0 0 % . cc oo mm bb ii sn yesdt ewmi t sh . sBoyl airn tweagtreart i hn eg at thi negs es ytws toe mf usn catni odn sc ai nl l et od osnoel a r ac op upnatrrai et us sl ,i kt eh eGperromd ua cn ty i as ni md pAr uosvterdi a ,acnodmt hbei s ycsotset mr es druecper ed .s ei nn t a lsatrogr aegseh, atrhee otfetchhen osloolgayr wa nadt ehr i hgehact eors tms acrok netti.n uFeo rt ol o nbge- tae rbma r r i e r , dRe&sDpitceanselevaedratl olaargberesaykstthermosughhavinin!ghisbefeienldr.ealized. Further Solar cooling Solar cooling technology has been proven to be effective and THE IEA SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING PROGRAMME The lnternational Energy Agency (1EA) was formed in 1974 as an autonomous body within !he Organization for Economic CoOperation and Development (OECD). it carries out a programme of energy co-operation, including joint research and development of new and improved energy technologies. The Solar Heating And Cooling (SHC) Programme was one of the first IEA research agreements to be established. Since 1976, its members have been collaborating to develop technologies that use the energy of the sun to heat, cool, light and power buildings. The following countries are members of this agreement: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, ltaly, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as the European Commission. The mission of the SHC Programme is "to facilitate an environmentally sustainable future through the greater use of solar design and technologies". The work of the SHC Programme is unique that it is accomplished through !he international collaborative effort of experts from the Member countries. The benefits of such an approach are numerous, namely, it accelerates the pace of technology development, promotes standardization, enhances national R&D programmes, permits national specialization, and saves time and money. The work is organized into well-defined Tasks, where each country pays for its own work in the Task. This Task-sharing has proven to be effective, having positive results in countries with very different financing schemes. An Executive Committee, composed of one representative from each Member country, heads the Programme. The management of the individual Tasks is the responsibility of Operating Agents, who are elected by the Executive Committee. rPer loi agbrlaem, bmuet hi t sa su sseh oi swsn t ti l hi va et tr yh el i mt ei tcehdn.oNl oegwy dweovr ek l oi np tmh ee nItEsAi nS H C ct hoeo tl i en gc hcnyi ccal el sl i faent idm es ool ar recvoel nl e cstooor ns ebr r. i Tn gh i tsh em ep aa yn sb at ch ka tt icmoeo lwi n gi t h i n tseycsht en mo l so, gwi ei tsh atrhee i na dt hdee ds aamd vea rnat an gg ee at hsa dt os mo l ea rs tci co oh loi nt gwsayt es tr e m s sEauvr eo poen, 2p 0e 0a k1 , pZoewgeerr s( S, 2o 0u r0c0e :a An dS TI EI GA ,) . STohl ae r mT ah rekremt ahl aMs ar rekaecttse di n wpohseitnivietslyptoowseorlaisr fceoltotlihneg mbeocsat.use it is logical to use the sun Solar drying AC rroepc eDnrty mi n ga ,r ksehtoswusr v!eh ya tctoh nedwu cotrel ddwi ni d et h ep oI tEeAn t Si aHl fCo rTsaos lka,r Sd or yl ai nr g oi sf 6t h0e0 -N9e0t0h ePrJl a{n! hdiss) .i sTehqi su ipvoatleenntti at ol i so nl iemti thei rdd too fat ph pe l iecnaet irognys u s e wn ohte irnec lsuodme eo fpoernm- aoi rf df or ys isni lgf. uTehl eo rpwo toeondt i ai sl fnoorws oul as er dd ,r yai nn dg di so e s dmrayiinnlgy iinnstaagllraictiuoltnusr,aallyndorisieentsepdeccioaullyntries with medium-scale useful in remote locations where solar energy is a very economical option. Solar desalination yFereasr,hawboatuetr3i0s e0x0t0rekmmely important for irrigation purposes. Each 2 of land are laken out of use because tmh ee t rsea l ot fl eav se ol sl ai nr dt hees agl irnoaut ni odn apr el a nt oı oc ah ni g ph r. oHdouwc ee veenro, ue ga hc hwsaqt eu ra tr oe irrigate a square metre of land. Although this ratio makes the ECOGEtlERATION WORLD �