Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 50. Sayı (Nisan 2007)

lnternational Bioenergy Forum for South Eastern Europe ■ Biomass is the most widespread and 'on hand' resouree in the world and some 62 per eent of RES energy in Europe eome from this non-fossil fuel. Only 22% of its potential is being utilized in Europe while in its SouthEastern part existing biomass resourees remain largely unexploited due to laek of know-how, teehnologies and solutions for its proeessing. The main aim ofthe fortheoming Bioenergy Forum for SE Europe is to fili up this gap. Seheduled for 25 and 26 of April 2007 in Bulgaria, it will cover ali the latest news, views and developments in the biomass and biofuels seetor, foeusing on the up-to-date teehnologies and strategies. Farmers and businessmen in the Region will beeome aware of existing possibilities and advantages of biomass use. Only a month away, the Bioenergy Forum is gaining speed and we have been able to see inereased interest in its program. List of participants is fılling as power eompanies, renewable energy industries, energy market advisors, experts in food and agrieulture, financial institutions and consultants, ete., are making a start on these new markets. lnvaluable knowledge and good praetiees will be shared by speakers from the Region and ali over Europe! Amongthem: t Sven Brandstrup, European Biomass Association, Danish Biomass Association t Mr Garofalo, European Biodiesel Board t Frank Scillig, Eeofys, Germany t Alexandra Langenheld, European Commission DG Transport and Energy t Martina Sumenjak, SLOBIOM - Slovenian Biomass Association t Julije Domae - Energy lnstitute Hrvoje Pozar, Croatia t Boyan Kavalov - European Commission, Direetorate-General Joint Researeh Centre, lnstitute for Energy Netherlands t Randy Mott - CEC Government Relations - Poland/USN t Ella Stengler, CEWEP Managing Direetor, Belgium t Horst Muller - Muller Abfallprojekte Gmbh, Program highlights sueh as: Heating and eooling using biomass, SE European biomass market, seeond generation biofuels, energy erops & farmers as bioenergy produeers, ete., will help delegates get to the detail of energy agrieulture, legislation and researeh works. Pencil dates 25 - 26 April 2007 in your agenda if SE Europe is among your priority regions - the Bioenergy Forum for SE Europe in Sofıa, Bulgaria, is the meeting plaee for ali big players in the energy fıeld of SE Europe. Special parallel event: lnternational Exhibition for EE & RES will add benefıts to delegates' partieipation -meetings with industry professionals, unique atmosphere for networking with decision makers, investors, experts! Find out more about the opportunities and how to get involved www.bioenergy.viaexpo.com; office@viaexpo.com Güneydoğu Avrupa Uluslararası Biyoenerji Forumu Biyomos dünyadaki en yaygın ve elde mevcut enerji kaynaklarından biridir ve Avrupa'daki yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının % 62'si bu fosil olmayan yakıt türüyle karşılanıyor. Avrupa'da potansiyel biyomas enerji kaynaklarının sadece %22'si kullanıma sokulabilirken, bilgi ve brikim eksikliği, teknolojinin bulunmayışı ve işlenmesiyle ilgili çözümlerin yaratılmaması nedeniyle Güneydoğu Avrupa'da yer alan potansiyel biyomas enerji kaynaklarının büyük bir kısmı kimse yararlanmadan atıl bir durumda bekliyor. ♦ ENERJi OUNYASI NiSAN 200� "EntıjldtlOrdOrOltblllrllkvoKöl'HOllofmo: Vorlmllllk,Emlıyonlır,Yonl PlyıııOIUfl#l1lııı" ,.___;;;==========--=---=--.:.......:...:....:.c=---=.........:.c.:+l- 1-3