Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 50. Sayı (Nisan 2007)

May 30-31, 2007 İstanbul Lürfi Kırdar lnternational Convention & Exhibition Center "Sustainability and Clobalisation in the Energy; Et/iciency, Emissions, New Market Constitutions" ICCI 2007 Tentative Conference Programme 31 th May, 2007 Applications i n Energy Sector and National Potential i n the Frame of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Yunus ARIKAN (REC Turkey Climate Change Projeci Manager) Kyoto Protocol and The Light at the End of the Tunnel for Turkey Marcus SCHOLZ (GE ENERGY Environmental Services, Segment Leader) Emissioıı Reduction Technologies for Coal, Oil and Gas Fired Power Plants: NOx, CO, CO2, Particulate Matter Y. Serdar YILDIZ (Borusan Power Systems - Manager of Energy and Mari ne Dept.) 1 0:00 - 1 0:30 Questions - Answers 10:30 - 11 :00 Coffee Break 11 :30 - 12:30 MAiN SESSION 4 Operation & Maintenance i n Energy Plants Chairman: M. Erdoğan GÜNEŞ (Assi. of General Manager of Zorlu Energy) Bartolo RENDA (Technical Manager, GE lnfrastructure Water & Process Technologies) How to Reduce the Operational Costs and the Environmental lmpact of Power Planı by Water Management Hasan ACÜL (Friterm, R&D Department Manager) The lmpact of Turbine inlet Air Cooling on Energy Efficiency Ünal SOYDAN (TuğraA Motor - Sales and Business Development Manager) Techniques for Preclictive Mai nteııance i n Power Plants H. Juergen SKERKA (Brandes Sales ancl Trai ning Manager) Leak Detection Systems Private Sector Representative 1 2:30 - 1 2:45 Questions - Answers 1 2:45 - 1 4:00 Lunch ı 4:00 - ı 4:30 Süleyman DEMİREL (9th President of Republic of Turkey waiting far his confirmation) 14:30 - 15:30 MAiN SESSION 5 - PANEL Market Applications in EU and Turkey, Turkish Electricity Privatization and Effects on Cogeneration Chairman: Özkan AGIS (Chairman of Turkish Cogeneration Association) Başak ÖNER (MENR - Ministry of Energy and Natura! Resources - EU Coordi nation Department) Metin GÖKGÖZ (TEIAS (Turkish Electricity Transmission Corp.)- Electricity Market Services and Fi nancial Settlement Deparment) Nazım BAYRAKTAR (EMRA - Deputy Head of EU Relations and Competition Department) TUSIAD (Turkish lııdustrialists' and Businessmeıı's Association) Representative Bakatjan SANDALKHAN (DELOITTE Energy Services) Robert SUMMERS (GE Energy, European Sales Director EMS/DMS/OMS) Private Distributioıı Models - UK Example 15:30 - 16:00 lnteractive Discussion / Questioııs - Answers 1 6:00 - 1 6:30 Coffee Break 1 6:30 - 1 7:30 MAiN SESSION 6 New Developments in Energy Generation Technologies Chairman: Dr. Arnold HORNFELD (Head of Energy Commission ofTUSIAD - Turkish lndustrialists' and Busiııessmen's Association) David SWEET (Director of WADE (World Alliance for Decentralized Energy) Thomas STENHEDE (WARTSILA Power Plants, Application Manager) Combined Cycle Coııfiguration with Engines Helmut LIST (GE Energy) New Era i n Aeroderivative Gas Turbi nes - LMS 100 John Kristian JOHNSEN (General Sales Manager Europe; Rolls-Royce-- Mari l'ıe AS-Diesels f>ower Armando PORTORARO (Turi n Polytechnic, Researcher) Performance Evaluation ofa Small-scale Polygeneration P Desiccant Cooling System and an linnovative Natural Ga 1 7:30 - 18:00 Questions - Answers 18:00 - 19:00 PANEL - Conference Evaluation of Chairmen of Sessions Chairman: Selahattin ÇİMEN (Vice Undersecretary for Ministry of Energy and Natura! Resources - Chairman of ICCI Organization ancl Advertisement Committee)