Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 50. Sayı (Nisan 2007)

Geothermal energy for electricity achieves several benefits: First of ali, like other forms ofrenewable energy, geothermal power provides the benefits of avoidance or minimization of greenhouse gas emissions, reduction of pollution, use of indigenous energy sources and reduction of dependence on imported fuels, ete. Secondly, compared to other forms of renewable energy, geothermal energy is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, not being dependent on the weather like wind and solar energy, nor on fuel availability or prices, nor on transportation or other external factors. Thus geothermal power can serve as a highly dependable base load provider of electricity. Typically, geothermal plants have a plant deliverability factor ofwell over 90%. So geothermal power can provide both energy supply security and long term price security, because the investment in the life-time fuel supply is invested in the beginning - the geothermal wells. Moreover, geothermal power plants are typically developed in stages, according to the development of the steam fıelds, and are cost-effective at smaller scales than thermal power plants. 1 n most countries in the world today, due to the high costs of fossil fuels, the lack of dependability of many hydro projects, and the recognition given to the environmental and structural benefıts ofgeothermal energy, geothermal plants can compete on price with other energy sources. Ormat's own geothermal technology is particularly flexible and e nvironmentallyfriendly compared with others, as we have the capability of using the geothermal hot water as well as steam effectively, can accommodate different fluid chemistries and can use water cooling or air cooling systems which enhance the sustainability of the geothermal resources. Our philosophy is to tailor the power plant design to the specifıc resource conditions, as every resource has its own characteristics. The main hurdles in implementing geothermal power projects are the high initial investment and long development period due to the need to drill wells up-front for virtually the entire fuel supply for the project's life. However, operation costs are very low. With fossil fuel based power plants the initial investment is lower, yet operational costs are high due mainly to the cost offuel. Therefore, market mechanisms are often required to enable geothermal and other renewable energy forms to enter the power market. But in aworldwide environment where the cost offossil fuels is unpredictable and expected only to rise, investing in a geothermal resource power plant provides more fınancial stability and reduced project risk in the long run. The life '1eotermal Enerji Güvenlidir" jeotermal enerji ve enerji üretimi konularında faaliyet gösteren Ormat'ın çalışmaları ve geleceğe yönelik projeleri hakkında şirketin Pazarlama Müdürü Gad Shoshan'dan bilgi aldık. expectancy ofOrmat's power plants is at least 25 years, with existing experience of long periods of stable and reliable operation. As for other sources of alternative energy, Ormat has identifıed waste heat as an additional electricity generation application for its technology. As such we have already installed Ormat based power plants that use waste heat sources from cement production processes, and are looking atothersources, like waste heat from the steel and glass industry. * How do you see Ormat's future in Turkey's Energy Sector? Ormat considers Turkey as a country with a very promising potential for geothermal development, as well as for recovered energy generation. The geothermal potential ofTurkey is well known, with several geothermal fıelds already developed and others under development. The locally available heat sources are generally of medium temperature, with various scales, chemistries and mixes of steam and brine (geothermal hot water). Ormat has designed, manufactured and supplied our equipment for two geothermal developers in Turkey. One plant is already in operation for over a year and the other is to be commissioned shortly. The nature of Turkey's geothermal resources is particularly suitable to Ormat's modular and flexible technology and solutions and we look forward to the opportunity of being ofservice to Turkish geothermal developers. 41 � ENERJİ OÜNYASI NiSAN 2007 1 "Enerjide Silrdilrülebillrllk ve Küreselleşme: Verimllllk, Emisyonlar, Yeni PiyasaOluşumlan" ,. ================"-----=="4-5-3