May 30-31, 2007 İstanbul Lütfi Kırdar lnternational Convention & Exhibition Center "Sustainability and Clobalı�·ation ıiı the Energy; Eficiency, Emissions, New Market Constitutions" ICCI 2007 Tentative Conference Programme 31 st May, 2007 09:00 - 10:15 MAiN SESSION 3 Environment and Emissions / Kyoto Flexibility Mechanisms and Opportunities for Turkey Chairman: Hasan Z. SARIKAYA (Undersecretary for Ministry of Environment and Forestry) Dr. Mustafa ŞAHİN (Ministry of Environmeııt and Forestry - Enviroııment Maııageıneııt Departınent - Head of Air Manageınent Division) Cliınate Ch?nge and Turkey Hayati ÇETiN (Head of Project Application Dept. of MENR - Eııergy Affairs Dept.) Applications in Energy Sector and National Potential in the Fraıne of the United Nations Fraınework Conveııtıon on Cliınate Change Yunus ARIKAN (REC Turkey Climate Chaııge Project Manager) Kyoto Protocol and The Light at the End ofthe Tunnel for Turkey Marcus SCHOLZ (GE ENERGY Environıneııtal Services, Segınent Leader) Eınission Reduction Technologies for Coal, Oil and Gas Fired Power Plants: NOx, CO, CO2, Particulate Matter Y. Serdar YILDIZ (Borusan Power Systenıs - Manager of Energy and Mariııe Dept.) Sludge Mud Dewatering Technologies Application on Cogeneration 10:15 - 10:30 Questions -Answers 1 0:30 - 11 :00 Coffee Break 11 :30 - 12:30 MAiN SESSION 4 Operation & Maintenanc�. in Energy Plants Chairman: M. Erdoğan GUNEŞ (Assi. of General Manager of Zorlu Energy) Bartolo REN DA (Technical Manager, GE lnfrastructure Water & Process Technologies) How to Re.�uce the Operational Costs and the Environnıental lınpact of Power Plant by Water Managenıent Hasan ACUL (Friterm, R&D Departnıent Manager) T.he lınpact of Turbine inlet Air Cooling on Energy Efficiency Unal SOYDAN (Tuğran Motor - Sales and Business Develo,_t:p::_: ın;e:.:,n�t�M�a:.:,ni-;;a�eu.---------..,. Techniques for Predictive Maintenance in Power Plants H. Juergen SKERKA (Brandes Sales and Training Manager) Leak Detection Systenıs 12:30 - 12:45 Questions -Answers 1 2:45 - 1 4:00 Lunch 14:00 - 14:30 Süleyman DEMİREL (9th President of Republic ofTurkey) 14:30 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:00 MAiN SESSION 5 - PANEL Market App_l_ications in EU and Turkey, Turkish Electricity Privatization and Effects on Cogeneration Chairman: Ozkan AĞIS (Chairnıan ofTurkish Cogeneration Association) Başak ÖN.ER (,y\ENR - Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources - EU Coordination Department) Metin GOKGOZ (TEIAS (Turkish Electrıcity Transnıission Corp.)- Electricity Market Services and Financial Settlenıent Deparınent) Nazım BAYRAKTAR (EMRA - Deputy Head of EU Relations aııd Competition Department) TUSIAD (Turkish lndustrialists' and Businessnıen's Association) Representative Bakatjan SANDALKHAN (DELOITTE Energy Services) Robert SUMMERS (GE Energy, European Sales Director EMS/DMS/OMS) Private Distribution Models - UK Exanıple lnteractive Discussion / Questions - Answers 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break 16:30 - 17:45 MAiN SESSION 6 New Develppınents in E_nergy Generation Technologies Chairman: lbrahim ERGiN (Head of Energy Coınnıission of MUSIAD - lndepeııdent lııdustrialist's and Businessnıen's Association) David SWEET (Director of WADE (World Alliance for Decentral ized Energy) Thomas STENHEDE (WARTSILA Power Plants, Application Manager) Conıbined Cycle Configuration with Engines Helmut LIST (GE Energy) New Era in Aeroderivative Gas Turbines - LMS 100 John Kristian JOHNSEN (General Sales Manager Europe; Roll Armanda PORTORARO (Turin Polytechnic, Researcher) Perforınance Evaluation ofa Sınall-scale Polygeneration Plant in Desiccant Cooling Systeın and an linı ovative Natura! Gas ICE 1 7:45 - 18:00 Questions - Answers 1 8:00 - 1 9:00 PANEL - Conference Evaluation of Chairınen of Sessions Chairman: Selahattin ÇİMEN (Chairmaıı of ICCI Organization and Advertisement Committee - Forıner Vice Undersecretary for Ministry of Energy and Natura! Resources) 19:00 CLOSING