Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 51. Sayı (Mayıs 2007)

Engineering AKBANK ıccı ® 2001 Aalborg Engineering A/5 / Aalborg Engineering A/S Aalborg Engineering A/5 is manufacluring boılers far heaı recovery andsleam produclion applicolions. The boıler seleclions ore cosisling of hıgh effıcienı combined eye/es, sleom generalars lor heoı recoveıy boılers ondgas lurbines, hıgh ooilers or ılıe cambinolian oflııgh boılers cogeneralion unils eg. ıhe cogeneralian planIs used ofıer high liring lemperalure operaled gas lurbıiıes and ıhe boılers used afıer ılıe heal recovery of ıiıduslrial opplicalions. Aalborg is aimıiıg /o reaclı /o wıiı&wıiı !e ve! wıılı al! ı s dislrıbuıions /o be ılıe prefered boıler supplıer, working lor ıhe cuslomer's lıappıiıess wi!lı oplimum performance efliciency. Akbank founded in 1 948 in Adana, Akbonk provıdes personal, corporoıe, commercial, privale bonking and ıiılernalional irade fınance seNices os well os bosic bonkıiıg services. Akbonk is focused on providing lıiglı quali!y services ıo ıls wıde rangıiıg personol and corporale bcmkıiıg cusıomer porlfolio wiılı ils / J regıonol direcıoraıes and 690 branclıes, sıaıe-of- ılıe art ıeclınology and expe_rıenced bonking sıaff Akbonk currenıly pra vıdes cuslomer !ocused services wilh ils personol, corporale, commercia/, inslilulional ond privale bonkıiıg divisıons. Tlırough ııs CommercialBanking divisıon compnsing 4] branches ıiı 18provıiıces, Akbonk provıôes loiloredproducıs and services ıo ııs commercial cuslomers wıılı ııs specialized sıaf Akbonk Commercial Banking supporls ıhose enlerprises wislııiıg ıo invesi ıiı ıhe energy seclor or expanding ılıeir slıore in ılıe energy secıor ılırough Energr, /nveslmenl Loans in al/ lypes ofenergy ıiıvesımenıs rangıiıg '!rom ılıermal energy !o geoılıermol energy, lıvdroelec!ricily ıo wıiıd energy and na/ura!gas. Akbank Commercial Sankıiıg provıding lı igh limit, long lerm a/lraclive repaymenl ıerm lıiıancial supporl ıo ıiı veslars also lıe/ps enlrepreneurs ıiı proıecl onalysis ılırough ııs lechnıcal cansulıanls. Aksa Jeneratör / Aksa Generator Beıiıg esıablished in 1 984, Aksa Power Generalıon is one ofıhe leading generalıiıg sel manufacıurers of ılıe world Aksa Power General/on is ıhe leader company ıiı Turkıslı gen- sel morkeı ond meels ıhe requiremenls ofııs cuslomers ıhrouglı sa/es o!lıces, servıces and warelıouses, locaıed worldwıde. The company carrıes ouı manufaclurıiıg aclivıııes in ııs plonls locaıed ıiı Gunesli, Hadımkoy ond Malımuıoey, in ls!anbu! by usıiıg ılıe lalesi !eclınologies. Aksa Power Generalıon can reaclı every regıon of Turkey !hrouglı ılıe Aksa Pawer Cenlers and ıheir deolers. Aksa Power General/on has 9 o!!ıces and warehouses al!oround ıhe world Group ofıhe producl, compo_ny presenlolion, 2, 2 - 1 1 k VA gasolinep_orlable generalors, 8 - 2. 500 k VA dıesel- generaling seıs, 1O - J. 200 k VA gos- generalıiıg seıs, Aksa Marine ouxılıory generalıiıg sels, Onan Marıiıe generalors, mobile generolıiıg sels, soundproof canopıes, conlainers, Ssnclıronizalion panels and lraılers.