Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 51. Sayı (Mayıs 2007)

KUHSE Powerfı.ıl lolııtloııı• 1111 1111 arke enerji Alfred Kuhse KUHSE is one ofıhe leadıng monufoclureıs ofconırol syslems and conlrolfX!nels lor eme(qency gensels, cogenerolion plonls andpower slolions. founded ın 192 8 by A!fred Kuhse, ıhe workshop lor eleclricol engines developed /o a global operoling compony wııh 150 employees ıocioy. Technicol ıiıle!lıgence ond relioôility become ılıe moın sign of KUHSE conlrols ond ınnovolive visuolizolion softwore. fuıure orienıed IT-remoıe conlrols guoronlee ıhe reliobility ofol/ ınstolloıions. /nlernalionol quolııy slondords lıJ:.e /50 9001 were implemenıed !o ıhe compony and enable ıhe developmenı ofındivıduol cuslomer solutions on o maximurrı_performonce /eve! Sıiıce 2CKJ6 KUHSE offers lurnkey solutions lor vegeıable oıl cogeneralion planls ofıhermal copocııy sıorling aı 40 k W ALYORK Mühendislik ve Danışmanlık A.Ş. / ALYORK Engineering & Consulting Co. Alyork is servıiıg iron&sıeel ond energy ınduslries wiıh ils 25 yeors of experience ona knowledge. Alyork porlicipole energy projecls in Turkey as !he represenlolive ofseveral companies. Slovenske Energeticke Stro/arne(SESJ, offers sysıem of services ıncludıiıg coorse developmenl, design, monufaclure, delivery, assembly, insıa!loıion, commissionıng, personnel lroinın_9 ond moınlenance of fluıdized bed bailers ofan outpul /rom 125 ı/h ıo 670 ı/h lor lirıng vorious ive/ types such as lı gnııe, brown cool, bııumıiıous cool, o,! sludg°'l coolsludge, pelroleum, coke, wooden chips, wooden wasle and p_uıverized coolfired bailers wiih ouıpuı /rom 75 ı/h up ıo 1650 ı/h. Skoda Power is one of ıhe mosl imporlonl fwopean producers ond suppliers ofıhe ıechnol ogical equipmenl ond cuslomer services ın ıhe power ınduslry wııh more ıhon o cenıury-old lrodı ion ofsıeom lurbine produclion ın Skodo design. !ıs producls ond services ınclude Turba generolor sels, lurbıne is/onds and sleom lurbine maclune ha/Is basedon ınlerno/ reseorclı & developmenı, desıgn ond manufacluring ofs/eom lurbınes ond heol exchongers lor foss,1-fueledpower sıoıions e.g. coal, oıl, gas and biomass fuels; cogenerolion unııs usıng exlroclion ond bockpressure sleom /urbines; sleom elemenls ofcombinedeyde powerplanı (sleom & gos!,- ıncınerolion planls lor wosle ond biomoss; nuclear power pk:mıs and oıher opplicolions requirıng sıeam !urba seıs lor power generolion. Ckd Blonsko, speciolizes in woıer lurbine produclion providing complete hydro·mechanicol equipmenı lor hydroulıi: power planls occording !o vorious specıficoıions ofcuslomers yel more thon hundred yeors. !ıs_producl ronge ıncludes: Kaplan lurbınes lor heods /rom 5 ıo 85 m, Derioz ıurbınes lor heods /rom 25 !o 140 m, froncis ıuıbines lor heods /rom 40 ıo 700 m, Froncis reversıble lurbınes lor heods /rom 40 !o 550 m, Pe/ıon lurbınes lor heods /rom 150 !o 1 200 m, Kaplan ıube lurbınes lor heods /rom 5 ıo 20 m. ARKE Enerji Sistemleri Ltd. Şti. / ARKE Energy Systems Co. Arke Energy Syslems works wııh sysıems ıha!provıdes energy lor eleclricol, heolıng ond cooling energy needs ofınduslriol ond servıi:e focilııies ol !he same process f cogenerolion, lrigenerolion/. lnduslriol focilııies, hoıels, hospitols, educolion focıltlies, business cenlers, shoppıng mols, spor! cenıers (s wimmıiıg po_ols), oporlmenl buıldings, wosıe woler lreolmenlplonls, ogriçulturol forms andkwdlı/ls. oıeiniis bvsiness. oreo. Arke Energy Sysıems is partner of Tedom 5. R. O Holdıng ıo provide producls ond services in Turkey. C ogenerolion unııs ore based on ınlernol combuslion engınes, which ore odjusıed ıo use na/ura/gos ond biogos. Micro·cogenerolion ond smoll scole cogenerolion unııs ore ın oulpul ronge of 5 • 2. 000 k We. Seıvıi:es ore; esıoblishmenı ofcogenerolion syslems ondprovision ofenlire moıiılenonce servıi:es, pre.feosibılııy ond energy soving onolyses, counselıng services lor focılities plans cogenerolion invesımenl.