Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 51. Sayı (Mayıs 2007)

ÇAMLICA �,.. ,ıtı,-.,,,1,,ııı.1"'1 4 ıccı ® 2001 Borusan Güç Sistemleri A.Ş. / Borusan Power Systems Co. Borusan Güç Sistemleri provıdes and services co-generalion and backup power systems, with single or mu/tiple diesel engine or gas engine driven generalar sels al various S[Jeeds, in a broad _power range wilh Caterpillar and 0/ympian brands. On ıhe oıher - hane/, in ıhe marine engines, main and auxıliary machines and systems are oferec l lor buılders of various vessel/ship applicalions. further, in ıhe malerial handling equipmenls; diese/, elec/rical (battery driven) and LPG fueled Caterpıllar forklı'fıs and warehouse equipmenı are sold and serviced, in Turkey CMI ENERGY Av. Greniner, 1-BE 4100 Seraing / Be/gium Tel 32043302637 fax· 32043302200 www.cmigroupe. com Çamlıca İnşaat Yapı A.Ş. / Çamlıca Construction Co. faunded in / 988 in the _plaslic group of Kar Group of Componies, Camlica Conslruclion Company is serving 111 tlıe infraslrucıure construclion secıor lor sewer, drainage, na/ura! gas and freslı water pipe sysıems. Camlica Conslruclian Compony adopls lo ıhe needs al ils coslumers' expeclalions !ram design /o applicalion sıages of ılıeir projecıs follawing ıhe developmenls and new ıeclınalogies in Turkey and abroad, focusıhg in research and developmenı in ııs own secıor. Spira Pipe, spirally wound uPVCpipes, produced by Camlıca up /o 2600 mm 111 diameler, is used as ıhe waler conveyıhg syslem inslead of open concrete channels 111 lıydro-elecıric power planls wııh equal or lower cosls. The advanıages of Spira pipe; ıhcreases ılıe income of ıhe ıhvesımenl wıılı higher waler velocııy ıhus greaıer flow capacity, ıhanks ıo ils smoolh bare, elimıhales ıhe evaporalion and leakage problems seeıı in ıhe concrele chanııels, provides enormous cosı savıhgs 111 lraıısporl due /o ils possı'bılııy of 'on sile produclion" in hydro-eleclric power planı conslruclioıı si/es ıha! are usually buıll in rural areas dislanl /rom main roads, requires lower ıhveslmenı cosls ıhan concreıe apen channels and oıher pipe syslems ıhaııks ıo ııs light weight, !asi ıııstalaıioıı and unbeaıable ecanomic prices. Spiıo pipe is proven !o be ıhe mosl economic ond long- /ife gravilalioııal waler conveyıhg syslem in hydroeleclric power p!onıs.