Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 51. Sayı (Mayıs 2007)

Doruma Corporate Finance ine. / Doruma Corporate Finance ine. Heodquorlered in lstonbul, Doruma is ıhe leodıng ındependenı Corporofe finonce firm provıding debi linancıng advisary and ecıuily lınancıng /ı\ı1&A odvisary seNices ta componies ın Turkey, Bulgaria, Romanio and lndia. Wııh 38 _professionol son boord ond lıaison oflices ın Bucharesf andSofıa, Doruma has comfJ_leted more than US$ 2 Bıllion worıh of ıronsacfions sınce 1998. Doruma provıdes medium ıo long term sfrucfured lınancıng facilı!ies !rom capılal goods lınance /o osseı based focilities, !rom working capı!ol loans ond commodity lınonce ıo senior loans lor commercıal reol es/ole linoncing, /o mezzonine lınance ond fo receivoble lınancing under debı fınoncıng odvisory seıvices. Doruma olsa has exıensive experience ın equity ıronsoctions ond offers o wıde ronge of equily lınonce services ın terms of advisory /o M&A transocfions, privalizations, sfralegic parlnerships ond privafe placemenls. Thonks ıo strong lrack recard, Doruma has vasi experience and knowhow in ifs core Turkish market and has been able /o origınafe high quality and susfainable deol flow ıhrough ıls sfrong busıness development. Deol originafion, linancıal ono°/ysis ond deol sırucluring (fınoncıal ond legal slructuring unique fa eoclı clienl /copobılities olow Doruma /o be o deol moker ond help ıls visıan la become o leoding regionol corporote lınonce house. BGM Mühendislik Ltd. Şti. / BGM Engineering Ltd. Co. BGM Engıneerıng Ltd supplyıng ınnovotive solutions far Turkey ond ıhe neignbaring counfries lor 20 yeors provides extensive knowledge and experience on power planı reolizotıan , indusfrıal can/rol sysfems, burner managemenf systems, consulıoncy, commissioning, moinfenonce ond power plan/ mooogemenl softwore soluııans . in oddilıan, BGM Eogineering 's vasi experieoce oo power planı engıneerıng, power plooı BOP deloiled designs1 syslem can/rol engıneerıng, procuremenl, ood coosfruclıon services, ourner mooogemeof syslems, combusı,ble conırol syslems, SigmoPower Pfrlormooce monılorıng aod oplimizolıon sysfem, had monogemenl softwore eogineerıng, supervising power eflicieocy, mainlenonce services, condilion ossessmenl ond !um key proiecl monagemeol compleıes ıhe componies offerıngs. ENISOLAR Enerii / EN/SOLAR Energy Enisolor has goıned o very slrong posi/ıon in ıhe Turkish olıemotive energy market vio combınıng !he power of if s experienced sıoff wilh ıls soluıion parıners' linoncicil and monufacluring obılılies. Enisolor creoıes solu!ions lor loca/ energy requiremenfs off. grid wılh micro energy systems, olsa engıiıeers renewoble erıergy pro/ecıs ond offers /um keyproı°ecl ossessmenl obauı new/y deve/oı:iir ıg_ middfe. scofe. wırıd ond solar ınveslmenıs. Eoisolar dislrıbutes modules !rom Shorp, Energy Solu!ions, Chino Lighl Sa/alır wind lurbınes !rom Unılroo EnergYı ond hydrogen energy producls rom Voler Energy and Horizon Fueı Cels. furlhermore Enisolor has accomplıshed diRerenl scale proiecıs !o wel known Turkısh ood mulıi-na/ıonol componies and public ouılıorılies wıllıin vorıous secıors.