Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 51. Sayı (Mayıs 2007)

Mobil Endüstriyel Yağları ::Garanti Leasing ıccı ® 2007 ExxonMobil ( Mobil Endüstriyel Yağları) / ExxonMobil ( Mobil lndustrial Lubricants) ExxonMobıl is ıhe leoding energy compony in ıhe world which is oclive in more ıhon 200 counlries ond on l l dıfferenl business helds ol/ oround !he world, ond owns 900 porls. ExxonMobi/ morkeıs more ıhon 5000 producls, l 000 of which ore induslrio/, ore known ond prefeıred lor ıheir innovoliveııess, performonce ond experı'ence. Hoving corrying oul reseorch and developmenl sıudı'es in /ine wilh performonce largets ofequipmenl monufaclurers, ExxonMobi/ offers Mobil Pegasus producl serı'es far gas engines with sıoıe-of.ıhe art ıechnology. Gos engine oil Mobil Pegosus producl series, which ore produced wılh fıigh quolity· base oil ond lıigh-performonce addı/ive systems, recfuce processing cosls, increosing produclivity. Mobil Pegasus is formuloıed !o lubrica/e high-quolity and highp_erformance engines running on na/ura/ gos. Some producer ond induslrio! spe_cılicotions /o which Mobıl Pegosus serı'es producls conform ore as follows: Deviz, Jenbocher, U!slein IJ:ıWJ. n, Woukesho, Coıerpıllor, Worlsilo, Gec Alsıhom, Perkins, Enpro Mühendislik, Müşavirlik Taahhüt ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. / Engineering, Consulting Constructing& Foreign Trade Co. Ltd. Enpro serves inlernolionol power inves/ers /rom design /o ıinplemenlolion doy by doy with slronger leom ond-wider held of oclivity. Enpro reo!izes simple or combined eyde wlıole gos lurbine power plonls ıiı Turkey ond regionol counlries eılher in /urnkey or supply ond exporl hasis. Garanti Leasing / Garanti Leasing Garanti leosing, operoling in ıhe leosing seclor since 1990, is ılıe leoder in ıhe secıor wilh o /ronsoclion volume of 905 mi/lıon dolors, ond 8. 058 new conlrocls in 2006. in oddi!ıon /o using ıhe counlry wıde bronches ofGaranti Bank, ils main partner, as !he dislrıbulion chonnel, ıl offers services /o ils clı'enls in cooperolion wılh ıhe leoding vendor componies of ılıe seclor, wılhin the scope of vendor leosing. Garanti leosing is ıhe leosing compony wıllı the biggesı dislribution chonııel in Turl<ey, ond ıl can reoch ıls clı'ents directly ol 21 dıfferenl poinls counlrywide. Garanti leosing clienls en;oy long lerms ond poymenl oplions wılh reosonoble cos/s in oddılıon ıo dil/ereni poymenı o/ıernolives. Monıhly equol poymenl options ore offered as wel oss flexible poymenl plons in /ine wılh !he requiremenıs of ıhe clienls, lor exomp!e lor ıhose wiılı seosonol sources of income. Garanti leosing wos roıed wılh !he hıghesl roling ossessmenıs p_ossıble in Turkey, by repuıoble roling componı'es suclı os Sıondord&Poor's ond fılch, ond ıl is ihe /irsi leosing compony ıiı Turkey wılh o credit roling.