GE Energy aquatherm GE Energy / GE Energy The industrial leader GE Energy manufactures al! the equipmenls in each step of ıhe /irsi resource of the energy /o ıhe end users, lıiıds new Technologies, provıdes seNice supporls . GE Energy is groupıiıg ıls energy pröducıs as 50 ıo 500 M W heavy duty_ gaz ıurbines , J ıo 50 M W aeroderivalive LM series, O, 9 /o J, 6 M W wıiıd lurbines, 18 ıo 1400MWsleam lurbıiıes, O, J /o J M W Jenbocter gas motors. GE Energry Services deporlmenl provides fıeld engineering services, spore porls ondcomponenls, on·sıle upgrodes, rehobilitation, modernizolion, plonned / unplonned maıiılenonce services supporl lor energygenerolion, lronsmission ond distribution systems. Additiona/ly_ conducls long lerm moinlenonce contracls, performance guoronteed service conlrocls ond long lerm ful! operalion and mainlenonce conlracls. Friterm A.Ş. / Friterm Co. frilerm was founded in 19 79. in ıhe /irsi years, ıhe company hos worked as conlroclor lor the applications of various ıiıduslrio! coolıiıg, commerciol cooling and air-condılioning projects. frılerm is one of !he maıiı monufacturers of finned-type heaı exchangers in Europe ond sector leader in Turkey frılerm s producl range covers lıiıned-type heaı exchangers, air healıiıg and air cooling coils, sleom coıls, direcl exponsion coıls, commercial and universal type air-cooled condensers with axial fans, unil coolers ondinduslrial coolers using freon or glycolwater, blasl freezers, air coolers lor shop wıiıdows, ary coolers, wel· dry coolers, combustion lurbıiıe ıiıleı air coo!tng unıls lor pawer plonls, convector coıls, heaı pipe recuperalors, waler glycol heaı recovery coıls. frilerm is workıiıg lor ıhe AC and refrıgeralion markets with ıls lwo production planıs havıng 12800 rrl closed oreo ın Tuzla -/stanbul with 2 JO qualilıed and experıenced staff and modern machıne r P9_rk Company s certificotes: 150 9001.-2000, EUROVENT, GOS , CE, TSEK Gelişim Teknik Ltd. Şti / Gelişim Teknik Co. Ge!tşim Teknik wos founded by Aft· Bıdı (who had worked ın Germany lora long time/ ın 1987 in Antalya. Gelişim Teknik is ıhe fırsı fırm ıhaı brought ihe P,C?lipropilen fJipe system !o Turkey. it olso provided ıhe seıılemenı of this syslem. The firm is the dislrıbulor of: aquatherm, produced lor ıhe drınking_ waler, woler lor use, heating ond cooling syslems between 20 -750 mm dimension with metal aeaclivalor; climaıherm, coolıng-heoling allernalive ıo block sleel pipe ond used ol foncoıl ond jeolermol lines; fireslop_, speciol lor ıhe fıre /ine ond sprınkler system; wovinAS, removes the noise problem al the was/e waıer lnsıalloııon syslem; HL droıiıs, !hat can work alsa withouf waler, smell prevenling feoture. The principle of Gelişim Teknik is ıo work by focusıiıg on cuslomers. Al! ıhe producls of Gelişim Teknık ore appropriale /o Europeqn slandords and norms. These approprialeness are always confırmed by their caunlries and ıhen supplied ıo ıhe market. As o resul!, Gelışim Teknık is a firm ıha! brıiıgs the !atesi conslruclion technologies /o our counlry. it is o fırm ıha! has ınlernalionol intelligence.