İLTEKNO İLTEKNO A.Ş. / İLTEKNO Co. 1/ıekno has been corrying aut proiecl preporolion, commissioning, service ond moinlenonce in energy oreo lor over l O yeors of lime, ond has mode conlrıbution !o beneliciol energy produclion by esıob/ishing cogenerolion plonls far especiolfr, ıextıle, ceromics, food, metal, poper foc/ories ond olsa sociol focılities lıke hotels, hospııols ond universııies. lltekno is estoblishıiıg gos engine usıiıg cogenerolion ond lrigenerolion plonıs, wdh Deulz Power Syslems ona, gos /urbıiıe using plonls with Kowosokı; on o /urnkey basis. These cogenerolion plonls ore copoble of producıiıg eleclricily, sıeom oncl hat wo/er ol ıhe some lime by one fuel ıiıpul, ıiı oddition lrigenerolion syslem mokes oir conditioning ovoilol::ile. These issues roise compelilive power of user lirms by clecreosıiıg energy unil cosıs. İZGAZ / İZGAZ İzgoz wos estoblished under ıhe leodership of lzmil Meıropolııon Municipolity on 15. l O 1992. in 1994 d wos ouıhorized by ıhe Councıl o!Minislers !o conslrucl nolurol gos focilııies, ıo distribuıe ond sel/ natura/ gos in ıhe barders of lzgoz Metropolııon Municipolity. in 2004, in occ.ordonce wııh 5216 numbered Low of Me!ropoldon Municipolity lzgoz's outhorizolion lımd wos exlended excepl Gebze ond Koromursel districts in Kocaeli by EPDK On. 26 Apri/ 2005 Botos wos !ronsferred of natura/ gos dislrıbution to lzgoz. Now, lzgoz is the lorges/ na/ura/ gos dislribution compony, whıch supplıes the industry. in 2006, our supply ıo industry wos reolized 740 milhon m1. in 2007, ıı is estimoted !o be supp/ied as 1,5 bi/lion ond lor 2008 2 bi/lion m1. lzgoz is provided servicesin Kocaeli, the heort of Türkiye !o 200 ıhousonds residences with 7 sets RMS,4,75 ,73 sels regionol R�uloıors ond 2400 kms natura/ gos network. it has 150 900 l, 150 1400 l, OHSAS 1800l Certıficotes. it is o member of IGU (Union of ln!ernotionol Gos / ond EUROGAS (Union of Europeon Gos/. IZGAZ is !he only compo_ny_ ıiı !he world which has corrıed na/ura/ gos to ıhe hıghesl ploce ( !700mts). lnnovative Wind Power / lnnovative Wind Power lnnovotive Wtiıd Power (IWP/ wos founded as o subsıdiory of the lnnovolive Energy Group to supply wind lurbıiıe generolors ıiı ıhe wind energy industry. /WP is olsa olferıiıg linonciol oncl proiecl developmenl services to ııs clıenls in order /o provide !he highest re/um on inveslment, independence !rom fossi/ fuel imporls; ond ihe use of o relıable, ovoıloble ond environmen!ol/yfriendly energy source. lnnovotive Wtnd Power's heodquorler is in Duba,; ond operolions hub is sduoted in ıhe nor!h Germon horbaur of Bremerhoven, o burgeoning wind power cenlre. Also based in Duba,; the porenl compony, lnnovotive Energy Group has 34 componies in 16 counlries. The group s turnover wos $ 2. 8 billıan US ıiı 2006. lnnovo/ive Energy Group is obauı new pawer ıhrough new lechnology ond focused on providing power lıosed on green fuel The technicol ond elec!ricol engineering excellence ıha! is builı ıiı!o the IWP's wıiıd lurbine generolors is the basis lor our produclion inlroslruclure. Engıiıeering ol lnnovotive Wtiıd Power is founded baıh on ıhe depth of experience of our engineers, eoch of whom has come !rom leoding componies in the windousıiıess as we/1 as the use of the mosı odvonced technologicol solutıans.