Karver Kse6J ıccı ® 2001 Karyer / Karyer Koryer is one of the leoding monufoc/urers & exporters of heot exchongers, evoporolors ond condensers os o seriol production ond occording ıo speciol requiremenls. Since 1 978, we become o leoder in our held ond kepi developing our competiliveness in both domestic ond globol morkets. Koryer's main customer prohle is composed of oir-conditioner, relrigeroling ond speciol process cooler system producers. Believing in ıhe imporlonce of improvemenl in operolionol efficiencıes obliged us to move /o our new premises ond spreoding our produclion /o 4 dılferent foctories in JO. 000 ni estoblishmenl in toto! The heod office of Koryer ond one of the foclorıes remoin in 15. OOOni estoblıshment in downtown lstonbul ond the rest of ıhe foclorıes ore found in ıhe lndustriol oreo of lzmir. Ko_ryer Group ıs composed of 18 engineers, 16 lechnicions ond 170 employees supported by 8 people in Export ond Logıstics, 14 people in Adminıstrotion, 8 ı:;e_ople in Reseorch ond Development deportments. We expod /o 35 countries in 4 continents (moinly in Europe) by ısa 9c'.X)l :2(X)() certılied stondords, whıle opproximotely 65% of our lurnover is obtoined only !rom export soles. Kıvanç Kimya A.Ş. / Kıvanç Kimya Co. Kıvanç Kimya wos estoblished in 1980 ond /um in/o incorporoted compony in 1984. Kıvanç A. Ş has been working on three dif!erenl sections ond olso it has o po_rlnership. Kıvanç Sofety Depar/meni has been monufocturing hre hghter gormenls ond industriol gormenls which ore resislonl /o liig_h lempero/ure, !lame, liquıd metal sploshes. it is o lısenced Nomex@ gormenl converter of compony Duponl, o world leoder in high temperolure libers. Kıvanç Engıiıeering Deporlmenl has been selıiıg e-gloss ıiısulotion moleriols whıch ore resislonı /o hıgh lemperofures. Gloss libers do not contoıiı osbesıos. &sides Kıvanç Kıiııyu has been producıiıg insulotion pods, exponsion ioinfs ond volve ıockeıs lor ıhe industry. Kıvanç Minıiıg Depar/meni has been getling sılico sond ond noturol sfone !rom ils own mine ıiı Edırne. Kıvanç A. Ş. has o poflnership wılh SNF SAS ıiı fronce lor ıiııporling ond dislributıon of floculonıs ond coogulonfs ıiı loca/ market. Kıvanç A. Ş is on ısa 900 1 .2000 certıhed compony KSB Pompa Armatür A.Ş. / KSB Pumps Co. With 1.7 bıllion Euro revenue in pump ond volve lopics KSB ıs one of ıhe world's leoder componıes which ıs formed ıiı 1871 ıiı Germony. lt's Türkiye compony is nomed KSB Pompa Armatör ve Tic. A. Ş. KSB 's oıiıı is /o form moxıiııum customer sotisfocfıon by il's quolıfied, long lıfe ond less energy spendoble pumps ond volves lor induslrıol instılulıons, city woler networks, buildings purılicotion esıoblıshmenls ond power p_lonls lor more ıhon I 35 yeors. Wııh ils huge pump program KSB ıs forming ıhe correcl solutions /o it's customers ond moke ıl's cuslomers /o /ive odvontoge of being o member of KSB cuslomer by il's 'energy soving' consulıoncy. KSB which ıs seporeling 2% of ıl's yeorly revenue /o r&d ıs workıiıg on decreosing cosls of cuslomers on oulomotıon ond elliciency questrions.KSB is giving o close service /o il's customers by producıiıg horizonıol type, groduol type, inlıııe typepumps ond pressure lon'k lor woler supplıes ıiı Ankara foctory, KSB has gol main oflices in lstonbul ond Ankara ond sotellıle c}fıces ıiı Antolyo, Bursa ond Adana.