-ENERJi MIB MÜHENDiSLiK -DANIŞMANLIK ■group Mavisis Teknoloji A.Ş. / Mavisis Technology Co. Mavisıs Teknolo;i San. Tic.A. $ is a technology ariented original design and equipmenı manucfaturer in GOSB Teknopark. Mavı:Sı:S has an high!y experienced design team on pawer efeclronics, MV proleclion, remole monı/oring and conlrol, dala colection applıcations which was awarded several lımes. Since l 990's these leom were invo!ved in several loca! and internationa/ pawer electronıcs pro/ecls ıııcluding !irsi transformerless uninterruptı:ble power supp!y of Turkey, hrsı DSP conlroled p<Jwer converlers of Turkey, Steamcell@ pawer converler, various military and ıelecommunicalion remote moniloring and control systems, ıelecom rectiher syslems. in 2006 ıhe compony received an innovation award !rom TESID wı/h ıhe CPMJ l O dıgılal pro/eclion re/ay design proıecı. Mavı:Sı:S Teknoloji focuses special!y on the developing markels ofgrıd connecıed power converters supplied by renewable energy sources h'ke solar ppwer, wasıe heaı and s/eam pawer, fuel-ce/1 pawer, wind pawer. The company olsa focuses on pawer saving syslems like combined heot and pawer generation system. Products ofıhe compony: pawer converters lor renewabfe energy sources boıh for grıd connected and off.grıd applıcations. Some examples are solar power, waste healpawer, waste steom pawer, wind pawer, fuel-cel power. Afi kinds of cuslom design .pawer converlers and syslems. hybrıdgensels, gensel conlrolfers, remole monıloring and conlrol for energy syslems over PSTN, GSM,IAN, WAN Dıgı!alprotection equipment, Mavısıs Represenls f!ywheelproducts of Vycon. MTB Enerji Mühendislik Danışmanlık / MTB Energy Engineering Consultancy MTB Ener9J1 Engineering Consu!tancy has been esıab/ished in)anuary 2004. M T B's business areo is rendering consultancy services in energy seclor. MTB had 1,500,000 YTL !um over in 2006. Activilies are privalizalion of dislribution assels, privatizalion ofgeneralion assels and services for ıhe organized industrial zones. The aclivilies ofıhe privatizalion ofdistribution assets are preparation of documentation, preparalion of lariffs, technical feosıôility, execution ofagreemenls and managemenl ofıhe operalion ele. The aclivilies of the priva/izalion of generalion assels are determination afrehabılılalion requirements and necessary investment, ıechnical feası:bılity, managemenl oftender and transfer process, licensing, consultancy and commercial opera/fon ete. Services lor ıhe organized industria/ zones are obtaining dislribution license, gri dconnection agreemenl, electricity dislrı:bution syslem, surveys on distrıbulion system, pdicies for ıhe reduclion of fos! and ıheft, meler readıiıg, start Uf! and shoı down, sale andpurchase agreements and managemenı o f lrading process ete. The main clienls !hat we render consultancy services are E ON Energy, Ener/iSA, Alsım Alarko, Lımak Conslruclion Comparyy, Siemens, Denizli Çimento, Akçansa, Baki Energy, Klor Alkali, Çebi Energy and Sanko EnergY'. for Aytemiz Holding, Global Securilıes, Dedeman Group ancf !ÇDA$ hydroelectric studıes have been done by MTB. Piri Group / Piri Group Piri Group provıdes a wide range of managemenl consultancy and lechnology servıces. Our servıces andproducls range !rom change managemenl ıhrough proven meıhodologies such as BPI/BPR anô quality / environmental managemenl systems ıo ıechnology solutions ıha! increases the effictency of !he managemen/ sysfems. 7 nlıiıe with our overa/1 ob/eclive ofshapıiıg ıhe future ıhrough effeclive utilısalion of technology, Piri Group conclucls r&d andprovides GSM/GPRS bosed telemetry solutions, wireless ıechnology solutions and Real Tıme Managemenl consultancy servıces. Pıri Group conlıiıues ıiıcreasıiıg ıls competencies ıiı managemenl consulıancy and lechnology solutions pro/ecıs conducted in primarıly ıhe petro-gas, coııstruc/ion, energy, eııviroıımeııt, telecom and manufacturıiıg sectors.