Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 51. Sayı (Mayıs 2007)

,;,.rııı,· re-cons'U SADELMI ICCı ® 2007 PowerServ lnternational / PowerServ lnternational Powersav ini is based in ıhe USA seNing baıh ııational and inlernational ch"enls in energy seclor. The experlise covers applicalion ofheal exchangers in cooling/healing processes with special ernphasis in turbıne iııleı air cooling systems. PowerSeN represenls several EuroEean and US compqnies in Turkey andMıddle East includıng GEA and Tlıomossen Turbıne Services. The portfolio with GEA ıncludes: air cooled coııdeıısers, liıı fan coolers, eııgiııe HT /L T radıotors, ııolural gas preheaters, coolıng towers, surface coııdensers. As Thomasseıı 's authorized seNice group, PowerServ supplıes spore porls and 24/ 7supeNisory services lor frame type gas lurbiııes iıı addılion /o long lerrn seNice ogreemeııts. Re-Consult / Re-Consult Re-consulı is aıı ındepeııdeııt coıısultancy compaııy, specıolizıng in Turkey's wınd eııergy secıor. With teıı years of experıeııce in what ıs o sometimes dillicult, but poteııtial!y very allraclive market, we aıe competeııı !o advise you iıı al/ mollers of eııgıneering, proiecl developmeııt, legal mallers and market research. furthermore, ioıntveıılure porlııerships can be slruclured wılh suitable aııd competent Turkısh wınd form liceııse holders who have been veııed by us. Re-consulı ıs 150 900 I certihed and, by ıhe eııdof2007, will be Turkey's hrsl 150 17025 accredıled compoııy lor wınd measuremeııls. Sadelmi / Sade/mi Sade/mi ıs o parlııer of excelleııce ın the energy and ınfraslructures ındustry_. Sade/mi beııehıs /rom ıwo moıor assels: the longstandıng ınlernal experlıse ıha! al!ows ıl !o successfu!!y operate in the coııslruclıon of ıhe power plon!s lor ıhe eııergy generatıon /rom reııewoble sources /wosle !o energy, bıomosses, wınd energy/, aıd offering toto/ solutıoııs !o ıhe desigıı, coııslruclioıı ondmoiııteııonce ofıheplants. We operote iıı ıhe ploııl eııgıneerıng ond coııtrocting iııduslry and can supporl our Clıeııls you by feasibılity_ sıudıes, process selectıon, proıect hnoncıng, ÖOsic ond detoiled engıneeriııg services, procuremeııt, coııslruction, commıssioııing/sıort-up ana maıntenaııce ıhrough ıls sıof ıhoı is quolılied /o respoııd /o ony ııeeds. The maiıı helds of oclivity ore. steom ıhermal power plaııts; gos, combiııed eyde oııd co-generotion ploııts; power sub-s!olıons and eııergy lronsmıssioıı ploııts; wosle /o energy ploıııs (muııicipal solıd wasle aııd biomoss heoı recovery syslems}; hydroelectric plonls; wınd farrns; oil& gos planı eııgıneerıng oııd pockages; infrosıructures; induslrial plonts; eııgiııeerıng coıısultoııcy ond pro;ecı managemenl seMces.