l9 Rolls-Royce SIEMENS Shell / She/1 Shell starled aut os a small business foundedin 1833 by Morcus Somuel -o lover ofthe seo ondnoture, os a seo slıe/1 import business ond todoy operoting in 140 countries with 1700group componies ond I09, 000 employees. Shell Turkey ond Turcos-mosı renowned fuel dislributor compony in Turkey, ioined forces onJuly Isi, of ol/ their gas slolions, lubriconts, ol/ commerciol fuel marketing, selling ond aistributing businesses, al/ reloil ond wholesole under one umbrela compony 5/ıell & Turcos. 70% She/1, 30% Turcos Petrol parlnership compcmy 'She/1 & Turcos Petrol A. $. : corries aut businesses not only in the 1200 gas slolions notionwıde but alsa providing dıfferentioted fuels lor !he oulomolive, tronsporlolion, conslruction, 1000 ond ogriculture industries in ıhe business /ine of 'Commerciol Fueıs ; ond continuing /o marketing ond seling of linishedlubricanls main/y lor aulomolive ondolsa lor the conslruction, ogriculture, lextiles, monufocluring industries prodııced in tlıe Derince plonts. Wıi'h ıi's mission of leoding the industry, She/1 is developing diferentioted, betler ond high quolity innovotive producls. Far !his purpose, Shell G/ob::ı/R&D looorotories employ over 6(W engineers, chemisls, lechnicions ond loborotory reseorchers. Sade/mi is o partner ofexce/lence in the energy ond infrostruc/ures industry. Rolls-Royce / Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royr:e is o gloool compony meeling presenl ond future requirements in ıhe energy_ morkeıs. As o worldwide suppher ofcomplete cogenerotion systems ond_ppwer plonls, o comprehensive ronge of energy systems is supplied lul/y poc/:.aged and tesıed. The total power ronge includes gos ond dıesel engıı1es !rom I • 8, 5 MWe ondgos lurbines !rom 4 • 50MW Siemens / Siemens Siemens Turkey Power Generation deportmenl continııously in contribution with ıhe centrol office in Germony, is supp"/yıng ıhe gos lurbıiıe sleom lurbıiıe electricol ond outomotion syslems componenl requesls lor the Turkey ond ol/ over the worldpowerplonls os wel/ os conlroc/ıiıg the lurnkey proıects. Wıi'h ıhe potentiol of engıiıeering ondproduclion copocity in Turkey , the design, monufocturıigı , insıallotion ondstart· vp of ıhe hıgh • medfum - !ow volioge systems, /i_ghlnıiıg, eorlhıiıg, communicalion systems, ıiıslrumentolion&controlsysıems ond energy dislribution sysıems ore beıiıg done by Siemens Turkey. An onoıher subıecı, Sıemens Turkey_ Power Generalion depar/meni wilh ıhe he/p ofGermony's cenlrol office technology ond informolion /ronsfers, is o speciolisl compony witlı provıdıiıg proıecls ıo ol/ over tlıe world wilh their eX{J!'riences in ıiıside ond outside of Turkey in thermol, hydroelectric ond ıiıduslriolpower plonls.