Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 51. Sayı (Mayıs 2007)

Sunstrip � ıccı ® 2001 Anıtcam - Sunstrip / Anıtcam - Sunstrip Anıtcom • Sunstrip monufoclures, highly efficient, selectively cooıed thermol strıİ!_s, obsorbers ond ful/ feolured solar collecıors. Locoted in Konya, Türkiye ond equipfXKI wüh slote-of.ıhe-orl ıechnology, Anıtcom • Sunslrip, has introduced o new Solorbooster colleclor lıiıe, lor ıhose demandıiıg high performing callectors lor solar ıhermol imp/emenlolions. firs/ ıiı Türkiye, Anılcom • Sunslrip has olso ıiıtegroted, Solorbooster collectors wilh PV ponels ıo run the DC poweied circulotion pumps lor on·roof closed system implemenıotions. for furıher informotion ond detoils obouı producı lıiıe, pleose reler ıo www.sunstrip.com. tr UP - Birleşik Petrol Danışmanlık Ltd. Şti. / UP - United Oil Consulting Ltd. UP • United Oıl Consulting Ltd has been estoblıshed ıiı / 998 ıo present quolilied products ond seNices in LPG market. it is ıhe distrıbutor of Batchen (Austrolio/ LPG dispensers, Esbroy (Austrolı'o/ LPG ond induslriolpumps, Acme fluıd (Auslrolio/ LPG meters, LG (Auslrolio/ LPG nozzles, APC (USA/ UPSs, Brugg Rohrsysteme (Germony/ flexıble LPG lnstolotion Pipes, Endress Houser (Germony) LPG Meters. in oddition thot, UP • United Oil is ıhe producer of UP· Ex·Proof gos alarm systems. Our compony gives services ol/ oround Turkey ond offers P.}riodicol moıiıtenonce services /o ıhe gos sıotions estoblished by ılself ond LPG dispensers ot ıhe some time. Al/ service colls reoch 24 hours in o doy ıo ıhe cenıer la moıiıloin uninterrupted service. Besıdes thot, ıl is workıiıg together with 7 service componies ıiı Turkey which give ıhe some quolıfied services under conlrocıs. UP • Unıled Oıl conslrucls turn· key LPG stotions. The experienced sıoff, hoving speciol troining on sofety, occomplısh the proıects os soon as pqssible. UP Unılicl Oil which ıs workıiıg ıiı ıiıternotionol morkets ofıer goıiııiıg ıhe experiences !rom Turkey Market, has porlicipoles tlie foirs ond exhıbitions ıiı Bulgorı'o ond Azerboıi'on ıo get new LPG slolions ıiı these counlries. igorta Brokerlik Hizmetleri A.Ş. / surance Brokerage Services Co. ine. 18S lnsuronce Brokeroge Services Co. ine. (UIB Turkey /is o leoding Turkısh insuronce/reinsuronce ond rısk monogemenı intermedı'ory. Heodquorıered ıiı lstonbul wılh o bronch ofhce in Ankara, UIB Turkey provides world closs ıiısuronce ond reıiısuronce services lor ol/ types of commerciol insuronces in the oreos of non·morıiıe property & lı'obility, conslruction & engineering, energy, morıiıe, ovı'olion, irade ciedit, polılı'col rısks ond employee benelits. Acling as the ofhcıol UIB Turkey office, UIB Turkey ıs uniquelv �itioneo as the only vioble Turkısh (re/ıiısuronce broker with o [loyd's broker equity partner focusing on prominenı Turkish ond Regiono/ occounls. in ıhe conslonl/y evofving regiono/ morketploce, ıhe enlrepreneurı'ol opprooch ond commılment to delı·verı of ıiınovotive ond customized solutions has not on/y enobled UIB Turkey's involvement in the brokeroge ofreputoble occounts but olso enobled ıl to posılion ılself as o credible (re/insurance consultont in ıhe loca/ market. UIB Turkey consultoncy ond risk advısory services has been highly successful ıiı winnıiıg vorious ıenders lor maior Proıect lnsurances both ıiı private ond publıc sector. They are commitied to ful/ servı'ce provısion in vorious bı.ısıiıess lines. Their due dıligence services include reviewıiıg insurance progrommes in coordıiıation with the lenders involved in proiecl linance, commenling on insuronce covenonts ond odvısing on polentı'ol woivers ond claims ıssues. The risk odvisory services oim to bring addılionol experlise lor o porliculor proiect with servı'ces such as drofııiıg ıiısuronce tender conditions ond corılrocl VtlOf'ding, odvising on cloims issues, reviewıiıg indemnity ond insuronce provısions ona polı'cy wordıiıgs.