WA�TSILA Topkapı Endüstri A.Ş. / Topkapı lndustry Co. The compony is founded in 1 984 lo represenl vorious foreign componies. We ore representing GE -Jenbacher A. G. based in Austrio lor cogenerolion systems compleıe wııh their oftersoles support ond seNices. Jenbacher has been ocquired by GE in 2004 due lo the global successfu/1 opplicolions ondperlormonces. GE - Jenbacher gos engines has worldwıde repulolion wılh noturolgos, londhllgos ond biogos opplıcolions. GEjenbacher engines ore designed loilor-mooe ond we can of/er compleıe podoge lor cogenerolion , lrigenerolion orgreen house opplıcolions. We hove number ofsuccessful references /rom eosl ıo wesl of Turkey. We do 24 service supporl in order /o run the engines of cusıomers in order lo reoch higher ovoilıbılty. Wörtsilö Enpa Dış Tic. A.Ş. / Wörtsilö Enpa Corporation Wörtsılö Corporotion is ıhe leoding globalship power supp/ier ond o mojor provıder ofsolutions lor decenlrolized powergenerolion provıding the moslsuitoble, relı'oble ondenvironmentol!y firend!y so!utions. Wörtsi/ö has % 50 market shore of4 • JOO MWe outpulpower plonls ond cog_enerotion unıls. Wörlsilö Enpo Dış Tıc.A.$. wos estoblıshed in 1999 ond ıls activilies; powerplonls soles, o/ter sa/es service, ship machinery and equipmenı soles. Wörlsılö has 1 JO. 000MWe outpuı of toto! pc;>wer planı ond ship power copocily_ in ıhe world ond 154 pieces ofengine with 1430 MW eoutpuı in Turkey. Wörtsılö Enpo provides original spore porls, lieldservıce, workshop, technicalsupport, operolion ond moinlenonce sup[)!Jrl ond lraining_. Wörlsilö Enpa_ has 150 9001.2000, 150 14007.2004 andOH5A5 18001- /999 certilicotes. Turbomach Endüstriyel Gaz Türbinleri Ltd. Şti. / T urbomach lndustrial Gas T urbines Co. ine. Company which was esıoblished in 1 979 al 5wilzerland ıs slarted activole on engineering servıces ofgos turbine generotors based on solar gos ıurbines , preparing pockages, assemblıng, insoıallıng and lo ossign the fob while the work is goı'ng on. 5ı'nce !hol doy, they olsa joined ıo prciduce 150 certihcotecf J0 ıo 58 MW cogeneralion insıolloıions, and ıodoy, il is moking compiloıedcombıiı'ed eyde slalions based on ıhe lurnkey fob prıiıciples. Ti// ıodoy more ıhon 80 and ı'n the world more than 800 gas turbıiıe generotors and cogeneralion insıollations ore formed ond surrended. Turbomoch has gol business porlners in Fronce, Germony, Brılain, ltaly, Turkey, 5po_in, Malesia ond5ouıh Amerıi::a , and also represenlalive oHice ı'n Eosı Europe.