Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 51. Sayı (Mayıs 2007)

�YapıKredi Leasing YALCIN . ı ZORLU ENERJi ICCı ® 2007 Yapı Kredi Finansal Kiralama A.O (YKL) / Yapı Kredi Finansal Kiralama A.O (YKL) Yapı Kredi fı17onsol Kiralama A. O (YKLJ, esıoblished tl7 1997, is o fı170nciol leosing compony within ıhe Koç Finonciol SeNices Group, owned tl7 equcil shares by Koç Holdıl7g_ of Turkey ond UniCredıl (UCI Jof /toly YKL is ıhe only Turkish !eosing compony which is member of ıhe Multıleose Associolion. Sıl7ce ıls inceplion, il has been ıhe policy of YKL /o exomıl7e ıhe economy as o whole, reseorching ond onolyzing eveıy indusı y in deıoil The inveslmenls f inonced by YKL ore ollocoıed ocross o wide ronge ofsecıors, predominontlv in conslruclion, pr117/ing, oulomolive, lourism, 09.riculıure medicol ond reol es/ole. Faryeors, YKL provıdes business /o business mochinery ond eq_ uipmenl finonc117g solulions !o bus117ess ofmon;ı_ types ond sizes. Operoling 1/ırough ıls heodquoılers tl7 islonbul, 9 regionol of ices tl7 ls!onbu1, lzmir, Bursa, Ankara, Antalya, Adana ond Gaziantep 117 order la esloblish slrong relotionship with loca/ inveslors ond /o montlar business pulse of regions. Yalçın Boru / Yalçın Boru lnsuloıed bondedpipes which creoıed ondproduced by Yalçın Boru is ıhe besi solution far lronsferr117g ıhe liquıds beıween !he /emprelure ( -200 °C la +J 15 °C) far minimum heoı loss. Preinsuloıed pipes ore used in dislricl heo/1179 ond coo/i17g systems, indus/riol 117s/ollotions, ship engines, geothermol opplicolions, oıl&gos seclor ond cogenero/ion estoblishmenıs. it is veıy imporlanı ıo transfer !he produced energy wılh mıl7imum loss of heaı lor decreos117g ıhe enlerprise cosls. in ihıs poinl ıhermionic tronsporlıl7g coeffıciency ond economıc life ofıhe supplies ore becoming ıo be imporlonl. 0,028 W/mK ıhermonıc lransporling coeficienl insuloıed pıpes are produced by Yalçın Boru whıch ore mode of world s besi insulotion supply; polyureıhone. Zorlu Enerii Şirketler Grubu / Zorlu Enerji Group of Companies Zorlu Enerji Group of Compcmies perform in ıhe energy seclor s117ce 199J. During ıhese years, ıhe proup flourished ond reached !o 9 large componies whıch gives lurn key· powerplanl EPC services /o t17Ğus!rial esıablishmenls. Zorlu Energy Group iş aclive tl7 Turkey, Europe andMıddle fası. Zorlu Enerji Elektrik Urelim A.,5., supplies uninlerrupted fJ?Wer /o around 240 ıl7duslrial users, by ıls natura/gas combıl7ed eyde planls in Bursa, 111 Ankara, 117 Kayseri and by ıls cogenerolion planls in Lüleburgaz. Zorlu Enerji has reached!o !he lolo/ installed power of420 MW wılh ils new planls in Kayseri and in Yalova. Zorlu Enerji ıs a shareholder ofa 800 M W combined eyde anda 100 MW cogen/combırıed eyde na/ura/gas power planls ırı /srael Compony alsa holds 51 % shares oflwo 180 MW cogeneralion 2_lanls ırı Russia. Domeslıc ond 117/ernalional eleclrical energy irade Zorlu Elekırik Enerjisi lthala1 ihraca/ ve Toplan Ticaret A.,5., is ırı busırıess of wholesoling as wel as imporling and expor/1179 eleclricily. Zorlu Endüstriyel ve Enerji Tesisleri inşaat Tıcareı A. ,5., ıs ırı !he business ofproducırıg oplimum-cosl and environmen!allyfriendly soluıions ıha! ırıcorporale prelim117aıy feosıbi/ily sıudies, hrıancırıg pockage oplions, and lurnkey powerplanl EPC servıces whıch covers engineerırıg, procuremenl and conslruclion servıces. A.s o speçiolısı ırı il's heldZorlu Pelrogas Pelrol, Gaz ve Pelrokimya Urünleri lnşaal Sanayi ve Ticaret A. ,5. was founded in order /o engage in ıhe oclivılies of na/ura/gas dislrıbulion projecls, pelroleum ondpelrochemical producı produclion facili!ies anr;I ıradıl7g ırı petrofeum ond noıurol gas. Zorlu Doğal Gaz ithalat, ihraca! ve Toplan Tıcareı A. ,5. is impoıling, exporlırıg, and wholesaling nalural gas producls ırı domeslıc and inlernolional markeıs accordırıg ıo ıhe prqvısions ofthe Nalurol Gas Market Law. Zorlu O&M Enerji Tesisleri işletme ve Bakım Hizmetleri A. ,5. , was founded !o provide operalion and maıl71enonce services lor Zorlu Enerfi and o/her energy componies.