��İCiilAS "GökyOzOyie Arkadaş" 1<0]fN�1 Se.-vw NOlwıdlıllkwS-:nc.Lld.şt. ' İGDAŞ / İGDAŞ iGDAŞ wos founded in 1986 wiıh ıhe porlicipolion ofıhe Melropolılon Municipolity of lslonbul far ıhe purpose of reducing oir pol!ulion in lslonbul in ıhoıyeors of 1 992, ıhe rolio ol 502 in ıhe oir wos ol ıhe !eve! of2 1 9 ııgr/ mJ. As o resul! ofincreose no/urolgos usoge in residence ond in ıhe induslry, in ıhe coming yeors !his role decreosed ond come down la !eve! of l4ııgr/ mJ. We ore proud la be disırıbuıing nolurolgos ıo /sıonbı;I in o conlinuous ond relioble woy drowing /rom our 21 yeors experience. IGDAŞ has been conlinuıng /o woik hord oıid wılh commilmenl by 2400 employees la del ı·ver nolurol gos la afi /slonbul living 1 5 millıon people. Taday, ıhe lenglh of overoll nelwork lrough oul lslanbul is longer ıhon I J. 000 km. ondby ıhe c;qpocity_ of opproximoıely J, 5 mıllı'on cuslomer ond 4.5 bcm consumplion, IGDAŞ become ıhe biggesl nolurolgas dislrıbulı'on compony in Turkey. UGETAM is our response /o meel ılie need in no/urolgas sec/or lor /rainıng quolı!ıed na/ura/ga�professionals boıh in Turkey and in counlries ın ıhe region. UGETAM of!ers a rich variely ofcourses on na/ura/ gos ulilily managemenl and na/ura!gas operalı'ons ql ınlernalı'onol sıaridards. We alsa of er ıraıning ıo inlernalionolpo_rliciponıs. lGDAŞ cerlihed ıls sysıem wılh 150 900 /, 150 1400 /, OHSAS 18001 ond 85 7799M'onagemenl Syslems ıhaı's why IGDA$ has always given uıması imporlance la sysıem approoch in gas aperolions and ulilı!y managemenl. Koien Servis / Kojen Servis Kojen SeNis wos esıablished in 2000 as service campany wiıh ıhe aim of improvilJ9 consulıaııcy & mainlenonces service quolıly /o cogeneralion users. The resul! ol o survey omong clien/s led la !he sel!produclı'on aroir fılıer as o new challenge lor ılie compony. This helpedla expo_nd ıhe serviç_e nelwork on cogenerolı'on ond in 2005 o new ero slorıed. Kojen filtre Urelim Poz. Lıd Şii. wos bom ond ıhe presence ofıhe company expanded furıher. Marketing ofıhe �oduc/s is corried oul by two dil/ereni organisolı'ons: Kojen Servis Müh. San. Tic. /ld $ti. lor ıhe domeslic market ond Essebilil Trodıng llC (Swılzerol nd/ covers wor!dwide operolions. Producls hold cerlilicolı'ons /rom ındependenl loborolories la ıhe inlernolionally recognized slandords EN 779:2002, ASHRAE 52. 1 - 52. 2 and have been developed la produce eflicienl and reliable lil!ralı'on syslems lor severol opplıco/ions, bul p orl ıcularly lor energy seclor ( gos /urbines, compressors/, oulomo/ive, chemicol induslry, oir condı!ı'oning. KOJEN@ Fil TRE is proud la cor(Y ıhe responsıb,lııy ofbeing o new brond ond since ılıe qıeginning slorıed /o moke imporlonı sleps_ /owords quo/ily by ochieving ıhe Ouo/ı'ly Monogemenl Sysıem ol !509001:2000 ond ıhe Turkish lndusııy Sıondord (TSE} CNBC-e / CNBC-e CNBCe wos sel up as o resulı ofco-operolı'on ofıhe world's leodıng business chonnel CNBC ond Kanal E of Turkey on Ocıober 16, 2000. CNBC-e ıook ils doytime progromming formoı from ıhe Amerıcon CNBC ond ils can/eni /rom Doğuş Medio Group, providıng ils viewers ıhe obılity /o folow up ıhe loles/ developmenls ın ıhe economy ond ıhe marke/ wılhin inlernolı'ono'/ s/ondords in reol lime. CNBC-e ıorgels ıhose businessmen ıhoı creoıe ıhe pasilioning ofıhe economic worldondıhose ındı'viduol ınveslors who won/ la be oheod olıhe resi. During ıhe evening /inevp, CNBCe corries aut ı/s progromming as on enlerloınmenl chonnel of ering ils viewers selecıedli!ms ond series in ıheir originol long_uoge with Turkish subt ı les co op eroling wilh ı h e gı' onls of ıhe sec/or such as HŞ° ı _ WB, MGM, Poromounl, Bueno V,-sto, Sony co/umbio ond fox. CNBC-e's deaıcolı'on /o quolılyprogrommıng in boıh spheres ollows ıl ıo compele wılh nolionol nelworks. _ �usıNESs_· _____CNBC-e Business / CNBC-e Business CNBC-e Busıness mogozıne is be,ng publıshed by Dogus Medio Group sınce November 2{X)6. Worldofbusıness global economy, Turkısh economy ond inveslmenl opporlunilies, lifestyle far business professionols, speçı'ol inlerviews wilh keyprolessionols ondpolılıcı'ons ıoke p/oce eveıy monıh on CNBCe Busıness.