� Özkan AĞIŞ Editorial 4.0 milyar dolarlık enerji tasarruf potansiyelimize hareket Türkiye'nin Enerji Politikaları konusundaki konferansta kazandıracak. Ayrıca da, bugüne kadar Limited veya Anonim "Elektriğe zam yapmayarak sanayiye 7 milyar dolar katkımız Şirket olmadığı için 4628 sayılı Kanun'un sınırlanmasıyla kuru- oldu"dedi. luş ve işletme lisansı alamayan toplu konutlar, alışveriş merkezleri, tatil köyleri, üniversite kampüsleri ve hastaneler de kendi Esasında sanayicimizin düşük fiyatlı elektriğin tadını çıkarakojenerasyon tesislerini lisanssız kurabilecekler. Bu yasanın madan, zamanında yatırım yapılmadığı için oluşabilecek elektçıkmasında en büyük uğraşı E.İ.E.İ. verdi. Kendilerine şük- rik sıkıntıları ile karşılaşacağını ve hele 2008'den sonra, olaranlarımızı sunuyoruz. ğanüstü önlemler alınmazsa, olası elektrik kesintilerinin sanayicilerimize getireceği ilave faturaları düşününce, Sayın Güler: Zam Yapmayarak Sanayiye 7 Milyar Bakanımız'ın sanayicimize destek mi, köstek mi olacağını hep Dolar Katkı Sağladık birlikte göreceğiz. Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanımız Dr. Hilmi Güler, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi'nin (ESAM) düzenlediği Hoşça ve dostça kalın. A Tour around the Energy World We Are Changing Ourselves, by Following Changes in The World Astounding energy events happen around. Oil and gas prices are rising up. in this competition coal firing plants reappear in the picture. Environmentalists are putting their reactions. Global warming is ruling entire sphere. /ces me/t, hurricanes increase. We could not be far from these developments. We had to enhence our mission, and extend our task from cogeneration to coa/ gasification and combined cycle plants (IGCC), from renewables to coa/ firing p/ants. From this issue on, you wi/1 see and notice that, your magazine wi/1 not cover only cogeneration systems but alsa renewables and coal firing plants. Behind The Natura/ Gas Congress in Ankara TMMOB, Chamber of Mechanica/ Engineers organized an excel/ent congress in Ankara, /ast week. Opinion appeared in the congress was that, the great dea/ part of Natura/ Gas Market Law no: 4646 is not veıy we/1 working, therefore it must be changed asap. We are congratu/ating the Organization Committee headed by Oguz Turkyilmaz. Best lndication to Be an Energy Corridor Is to Export Electricity to Our Neighbours Sky high rises in the gas prices, caused significant increases in the e/ectricity tariffs. in Europe, electricity prices increased 21% in EU 25 (8;0 Eurocentlkwh}. The fact is that, this price open a new opportunity for us. Up to now, we have been proud of being an export corridor to oil & gas rich countries. Now, more important than this, a new opportunity appears. That is the marketing of the e/ectricity generated by our renewable sources (hydro, wind, biogas, biomass ete.) in first step. Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania are ready for importing electricity. For this reason, our slogan must be: "Build Power Plants, regard/ess they are sma/1 or big and export the e/ectricity." Energy Efficiency Law Is Enacted Energy efficiency /aw no: 5627 is enacted on 2nd may. This /aw wi/1 provide Access to 4,0 billion $ energy saving per year. Besides, this law opens the door to district heating cogeneration, shopping mal/s, university campus, hospitals, summer villages for building their cogeneration facilities without /icence from EMRA. Dr. Güler (Minisler of Energy): By Keeping Prices Fixed, We Have Transfered 7 Billion $ Contribution to Our Nationa/ lndustry Apperantly it seems so but in the reality, the unavailable e/ectri city is the most expensive one. Low electricity prices stop power plants investments, cause the shortage of e/ectricity in the System. in fact , the question is : Is it a committement to the industıy or a punishment? Altogether we wi/1 see it soon. Best regards, ♦ ENERJi DÜNYASI MAYIS 2007 13 "EnerjdeSwıüüebiliı1ikveKüreseleşıne:Vemılililı,Eınisyoıu, YeriP'ıyasaOlup.mlan" --'========='------------1---