Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 51. Sayı (Mayıs 2007)

Under the tender procedure for the boiler and turbine island supplier completed in October 1 992, the best offer was made by a consortium comprising ABB and Ahlstrom Pyropower Corp., next two years expired on negotiations on required set ofdocumentsto put in motion Rehabilitation Project: O A long-energy sales term contract was signed with PSE S.A. signed in August, 1994. O A contract for the rehabilitation of Units 1-2, with an option for modernizing Units 3 and 4 in a second - phase, and Units 5and 6 in a third -phase was signed in November 1 994. Overthe course ofthe project, the names ofthe contractors have changed because ofchanges in corporate ownership: ABB has been 'replaced' by Alstom, and Ahlstrom Pyropower by Foster Wheeler Pyropower. O A long-term contract for lignite supplies was signed with the Tur6w lignite mine (KWB Tur6w) in April, 1995. O The last in a series on credit agreements to fınance the project was signed on June 6, 1 995. performance met ali the conditions itemized in the contract. 2.2. Second - Phase (Unit 3) The second phase of the project was originally intended to cover the modernization of Units 3 and 4, but financing-related diffıculties led to a decision to move ahead with only Unit 3 (USD 196.5 million). in 1997, ElektrowniaTur6wsigned Annex I to the original contract with ABB - Ahlstrom Pyropowerto commence the second phase of modernization. Unit 3 was shut down for demolition in September 1 997. Experience built up with Units I and 2 enabled the PAC for Unit 3 to be signed in May, 2000, six months faster than for Units 1 and 2. 2.3. Third - Phase (Units 4, 5, and 6) Elektrownia Tur6w subsequently signed credits to cover the modernization of the following three units, 4-6. This phase was valued at USD 667.5 million, and included USD 70 million provided by Elektrownia Tur6w itself. Annex 2 to the contract was signed with ABB Alstom Power and Foster Wheeler Pyropower Corp. in December 1999, covering the rehabilitation of Units 4-6. Because ofseriousdamageto the generator and control room of Unit 5 in December 1998, third-phase modernization began with this unit. Unit 5 was shut down in December 1 999, and the PAC for its replacement signed in March 2003; Unit 4 was shut down in March 2000 and the PAC.signed in March 200 1 ; and Unit 6 was shut down in February 2002 and the PAC signed in December 2004. [ 1 and 3]. 3. CFB Boiler Design The CFB boilers installed during the fırststage of modernization had lower steam parameters requirements, because ofthe desire to use as much as possible ofthe existing equipment, mainly in the turbine hali. Experience from this stage led to a decision to increase power output and steam parameters, and the need to re-use old auxiliary equipmentwas relaxed in the case of Units 4-6. Table I presents the parameters for Units 1-3 and 4-6. in addition to uprated steam parameters, the circular cyclones used in the first three units were replaced by a more advanced design with rectangular separators adjacent to the furnace 2. 1 . First Phase (Units I and 2) The project can be said to have truly got under way when Unit I was shut down for demolition in June, 1 995. Unit 2 was shut down in September 1995. PACs (Provisional Acceptance Certifıcates) for new the CFB-based units were signed in December 1 998. Guaranty measurements carried out a couple of month later proved that Table 1. Comparison of main boiler data Boilers ., # 1-3 ➔- #4-6 Main Steam flow kg/s 185.4 195.5 Capacity MW1 528.9 ı-- - - Main Steam Pressure bar 131 169 -- -- Main Steam Temperature OC 540 565 Reheated Steam Pressure bar 24 39 - i Reheated Steam Temperature OC 540 585 ENERJi DÜNYASI MAYIS 2007 ♦ - 62-:-F::::::e���;;,:,;,,e,::::':'::::::,:='=:=="""'"""'"""'"""'=====""""' "Enerjide Sürdürülebilirlik ve Küreselleşme: Verimlilik, Emisyonlar, Yeni Piyasa Oluşumlan"