Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 51. Sayı (Mayıs 2007)

anda power output of 26 1 .6 MWe. The design fuel for c\11 the new CFB boilers is the same, and comes from the nearby open pit lignite mine approx. 10km from the plant. Fuel is transported from there to the fuel yard by belt conveyors. Tables 2 presents the fuel parameters employed for the Tur6w rehabilitation project. The high moisture content of the fuel has resulted in the furnace size of the Tur6w CFBs being the largest ever delivered for a FosterWheeler CFB design. Table 2. Fuel parameters Fuel-Lignite Design Range - LHV kg/s 8250 16 - 19 Moisture % 44 40 -48 Ash (a.f.) % 22.5 6.5 - 31.5 Sulfur (d.s.) % 0.6 0.4 - 0.8 3.1. First and Second Stages of Rehabilitation, Boilers 1-3 The boilers include a water-cooled furnace, a brick-lined cyclone, and a conventional back pass with superheater 111, reheater il, and reheater I enclosed in a steam-cooled Figure 1. View of The Phase 1-11 Tur6w Boiler convection cage. An economizer and tubular air heater are located below. The furnace includes 14 omega superheater panels and 1 4 superheater wing walls. Coal is supplied to the furnace through feed points penetrating the furnace wall. Limestone is injected from two feed systems. The boiler is equi pped with 1 O heavy oil-fired start-up burners. Bottom ash is removed using water-cooled screw coolers and side ash coolers. The space restrictions imposed by the site necessitated configuring the boiler with two (2) large-diameter cyclone separators. These represented a significant scale-up from previous experience. A three-cyclone design would have required increasing the width of the boiler island, for which there was no space. The performance of the large-diameter cyclones has been as expected and has met all performance guarantees. AII plant performance guarantees have been met, including additionally the requirements of the Polish Power Grid Company (PSE S.A.) and the Union forthe Coordination of Figure 2. View of The Phase 111 Tur6w Boiler Production and Transmission of Energy (UCPTE), which is the European utility power plant standard, and contains guidelines for load ramp changes and plant dispatching, the major requirement for power unit was the load change speed, minimum 4% MCR/min. AII three units met or exceeded trial run requirements, demonstrating that the large scale-up of CFB boilers can meet utility market requirements for cycling, and that the scale-up of the furnace solids circulation loop was successful. The trial run and performance tests confirmed that: O the CFB boilers were in ful! compliance with UCPTE criteria O guaranteed parameters were met in a wide range of load conditions O ful! capacity can be reached without any problems O emission guarantees are clearly met by a significant margins O the boilers are flexible in a wide range of loads O plant availability was achieved. The performance test results confirmed the design assumptions and met the requirements ofthe contract. [3] 1 ENERJi DÜNYASI MAYIS 2007 ♦ _64 .......j,==i:::::::::===ic,,:::==:::::=i'ı:i:::=="""'-=-=--======�.. "EnerjideSürdürülebilirlik ve Küreseleşme: Verimillik, Emisyonlar, Yeni Piyasa Oluşumlan"