Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 51. Sayı (Mayıs 2007)

authorities . The Tur6w power plant received the Polish Ecology Leader Prize in recognition of its environmental achievements in 2003, and the 'White Tiger Laurels' in 2004 for its technical and ecological retrofıt. Following the closure of old capacity in Germany and the commissioning of new, cleaner plants in Poland, and improvements in the Czech Republic, the 'Black Triangle' has been replaced by the 'Green Triangle'. 5. Economical Effects of Modernization in addition to providing higher power output than the old 200 MWe units - 235 MWe in the case of Units 1-3 and 260 MWe in the case of Units 4-6) -they are also much more effıcient. The old PC units had a net effıciency of 32-33%, while the new Units 1 -3 have a net effıciency of more than 37%, and Units 4-6 of more than 39%. The flexibility of the new units also make it possible to benefit from loading the units on the basis of the needs of the central energy distribution system. Using a similar fuel input to the old units they have replace, the six new units generate 285 MWe more, reducing effective CO2 emissions per MWe by almost 20%. The 1 0-year modernization project has also brought valuable social and economic benefits to the region, cutting unemployment significantly reduced. Many subcontractors used loca! staff. lf the opencast lignite mine as well, the local authorities would have been faced with something close to a social disaster. 6. Operational Experience As Elektrownia Tur6w had almost 30 years of experience solely with PC combustion, the new CFB units brought new challenges and put new requirements on plant staff skills. Operational personnel were trained on reference Foster Wheeler boilers, and received intensive training by the commissioning team during start-up. The success of the training program, and the ability of the staff of Elektrownia Tur6w to take on the new challenges and develop new skills, have made the project an operational success. The hand-over of all the new units went smoothly. Each was operated solely by plant staff during guarantee measurements. Performance data from these measurements are shown in Table 5. 6. 1 Operational Experience, Units 1 -3 The PAC for each unit has been followed by an I 8-month guarantee period, when guarantee measurements have been made by Table S. Performance of units 1-6 Units 1-3 Boiler efficiency Unit efficiency (gross) >- - Net heat rate Guaranteed 90% - 9795 kJWh 1 Units 4-5 Guaranteed ' Boiler efficiency 91% � Unit efficiency (gross) 1 -· Energopomiar-Gliwice, an impartial outside consultant. AII parameters guaranteed in the contract, both performance- and environmentalrelated, have been met by a significant margin. Guaranteed boiler efficiency was 90%, and operational experience has shown that that average boiler efficiency is around 91 .2%. Although the units have met the requirements of Elektrownia Tur6w and the parameters specified in the contract, a number of mechanical defects and faults have occurred. Foster Wheeler had to carry out the following work on Units 1 -2: t Replacement of PA andSA fans t Reduction of ID fan vibrations t Corrections to the main stem piping hangers t Burner management system corrections t Mechanical tuning of the windbox to guarantee even airflow distribution. Other minor issues were also addressed, but these are normal in the early life of a boiler, and Foster Wheeler fixed all of them within the guarantee period. Ali major and minor issues were resolved and the experience from these incorporated into the erection and commissioning of Unit 3. Operational average 91 .2% 40.8% 9556kJ/kWh Unit 5* Unit 4* Unit 6* 92.54% 93.19% 92.93% 41 .89% 1 41.94% 41 .86% decision to modernize had not been taken and Elektrownia Tur6w had been shut down instead, closing the Net heat rate 9211 kJ/kWh 1 8922kJ/kWh 8827kJ/kWh 8991kJ/kWh � •oata form guarantee measurements. ENERJi DÜNYASI MAYIS 2007 ♦ _6_8 --J======================= "Enerjide Sürdürülebilirlikve Küreseleşme: Verimlilik, Emisyonla r, YeniPiyasaOluşumlan"