Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 51. Sayı (Mayıs 2007)

Guaranteed availability of the boilers 1-6 was ensuring that availability factor will be higher than 85%. Defınition ofavailability factor is as follows: actual produced net energy output (MWh) during 90 days divided by guaranteed Unit net maximum continuous power output (MWx 2 1 60 hours), corrected by load limitations not attributable to the boiler supplier. Values achieved during guarantee measurements were: boiler 1 - 94.96%, boiler 2 - 85.60% and boiler 3 - 98.56%. Elektrownia Tur6w has worked continuously on improving the performance and availability, and reducing the maintenance costs of Units 1 -3. The plant's improvement program covers: t I nvestigation ofthe potential for further emission reductions, t lnvestigation of the potential for further reducing limestone consumption, t lncreasing boilers effıciency, t lncreasing refractory life-time, t Reducing on-site power consumption, mainlywhen operating the boilers on low load, t lmplementing a long-term maintenance program to reduce maintenance costs. Operational experience since 1 998 has shown that the Unit 1 -3 boilers offer high efficiency and high availability, as well as low emissions, with the potential for even lower emissions in the future. The boilers are flexible and can accommodate rapid load changes, maintenance costs have dropped, and initial shortcomings were eliminated by the boiler supplier during the guarantee period. The following schedule has been set for maintenance needs, on ali six units: one outage of 1 6 days for one unit every year, one outage of45 days (the target is to cut this to 35 days) for one unit every five years, and one outage of 65 days for one unit every I O years. 6.2. Operational Experience, Units4-6 Ali six units are now in operation. Units 4 and 5 have passed their guarantee test, again carried out by Energopomiar-Gliwice. Ali the parameters guaranteed in the contract, both performance-and environmental-related, have again been met by a good margin . The guaranteetest on Unit 6 will be performed in June 2005. Preliminary operational data shows that this unit will not have any difficulties in meeting the requirements with reserve to spare. The guaranteed boiler effıciency for Units 4-6 is 9 1 %, and measurements indicate 93. 1 9% for Unit 4 and 92.54% for Unit 5. Experience gathered during the erection of Units 1 -5 allowed enabled the PAC for Unit 5 to be signed almost three months ahead of schedule. Same, like for boilers 1 -3 availability factor is guaranteed on level higher than 85%. Vales recorded during guarantee measurements showed following numbers: boiler4 - 86.7% and boiler 5 - 9 1 .4%. Average availability.recorded in 2004 shoved that new boilers are more reliable than boilers 1-3, with availability factor on level 90,7% and reliability higher than 95%. Compare operational experience to that with Units 1 -3, Units 4-6 offer: - Higher availability - No erosion problems - Higher effıciency - Lower maintenance costs Some repair work were carried out on Units 4-5: replacement ofthe rotary air preheater seals, fıtting an anti-vibration shield in the back pass, improving the main stem pipe line supports, and improving the ash handling system. 7. Future of Elektrownia Turow The Tur6w power plant has four old PC boilers. Boiler 7 has not been in operation for the last two years. Units 8- 1 O were modernized in 1994-1996, when new boiler and turbine controllers were installed, modernization also included: boiler start-up systems, electrical systems, control systems, unit protection, and dry DESOX systems. These units will be operated until they reach 250,000 hours, what will happen between 2008 and -201 1, when they will be shut down. Units 7- 1 O could be replaced by modern units in thesame footprint. Local lignite sources are suffıcient to ensure continuous fuel supplies for the next 25-30 years. Any such investment will be dependent on the necessary � ENERJi DÜNYASI MAYIS 20071 "Enerjide Sürdürülebilir likveKüreselel şme: Verimlilik, Emisyonlar, Yeni PiyasaOluşumlan" ,. -== ============:,;;;;;,,;,;,;,====::::::::::::::: :::c===l- 6-9-