Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 51. Sayı (Mayıs 2007)

fınancing being put together. üne solution being looked at is to replace Units 7- 1 O with a 460 MWe turbine and a supercritical once-thru CFB boi ler. Two units with a power output 460MWe each are under construction i n Poland, one to be fi red on lignite and one on bituminous coal , and this is expected to be the standard size in the future for medium-size utility units in Poland. 8. Future of Coal-Fired Power Plants Utilizing CFB Technology Modern CFB boi lers, as instal led at Tur6w power plant, have proved an excel lent solution for fıring lignite, providing high efficiency with l ow emissions. Tur6w is not the only one power project in Poland to make use of CFB technology, and total ly 17 CFB boi lers now operate i n Poland, with a total power output of 2,700 MWe. Poland is also the first country to order the world's fırst supercritical CFB boi ler - also the world's largest CFB - with a gross power output of 460MWe. CFB technology continues to offer a growing chal lenge for conventional pulverized coal-fired boilers i n energy generation. CFB boiler technology based on natural circulation has reached util ity scale over the last decade. A number of CFB boi lers are i n operation rated at between 200 and 300 MWe. Foster Wheeler is now taking CFB technology a step further to larger sizes, with supercritical steam parameters and once-through technology. Many of the same technical sol utions used at Tur6w be appl ied i n the supercritical CFB unit currently being constructed by Foster Wheeler at the PKE-Lagisza power plant in Poland: t l NTREX heat exchangers as final superheaters and reheaters. The lagisza boiler design incorporates eight INTREX heat exchangers, one for each sol ids separator. Four of the I NTREX heat surfaces wi ll serve as fi nal superheaters and four as final reheaters. Refractory l inings wi l l be mini mized due to the use of water-cooled casi ng for the INTREX surfaces. This will al low the integration of the I NTREX casings to the furnace, thus eliminating expansion joints and mi nimizing the distances needed to transfer hot solids. Another benefit of the I NTREX heat exchanger is its high heat transfer rate, which reduces the amount of heat surface required, thus reducing overal l dimensions. t lntegrated steam cooled solid separators. There wil l be eight sol ids separators arranged in paral lel, four separators on opposite furnace walls. These wil l be one stage more advanced and devel oped that those instal led in Tur6w boilers 4-6. t Possibi l ity to fire a wide range of local coals. The main fuel for the boiler will be bituminous coal , sourced from I O loca! coal mines, with a wide range of coal parameters. CFB units of this size, 460-500 MWe, will be the new standard for large uti lity power plants in Poland. 9. Summary Elektrownia Tur6w is today the world's largest utility-size power plant employi ng state-of-the-art CFB technology, with almost 1,500 MWe of instal led capacity. The plant's 10-year, USD 1.7 bi llion program has been the largest ever in the Pol ish energy sector. ElektrowniaTur6w has succeeded in financing the project, bringing new technology in-house, and overseeing the effıcient execution ofthe project. The surrounding region has benefited signifıcantly, and is now known as the 'Green Triangle'. Elektrownia Tur6w has won a number of Pol ish and European environmental awards for the project. With Unit 7 al ready shut down and Units 8- 1 O due to be shut down by 201 1 , the next stage of modernization at Tur6w is drawing closer. References 1 . W. Krzywoszyı'ıski : "Tur6w Rehabil itation Project - economical and financial aspects", February I O, Bogatynia, Poland. 2. "Elektrownia Tur6w SA- Finish of Rehabilitation Project, Units 1-6" Rzeczpospolita, December 22, 2004. 3. R. Wal kowiak, A. W6jcik "Thi rd phase of Tur6w rehabi l itation project" presented at PowerGen 200 1 , Brussels, Belgium 4. S. J. Goidich, T. Hyppanen, K. Kauppinen, "CFB Boi ler Design and Operation Usi ng the INTREX"' Heat Exchanger, 1 1 6th lnternational Conference on Ci rculating Fluidized Beds, Würzburg, Germany, August 2227, 1999. 41 1 ENERJi DÜNYASI MAYIS 2007 ,A,_ _ 7_0 __j..:.:...:.:.:...:.:..:.....:.:::.:.:.::::.......::::�=== =======--___:::=::.._ � "EnerjideSürdürülebilir1ikveKüreselleşme: Verimlilik, Emisyonlar, Yeni PiyasaOluşumlan"