Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 52. Sayı (Haziran 2007)

24 feransın paralel oturumlarında; Finansman Modelleri, Yenilenebilir Enerji Sektörünün Değerlendirilmesi, Temiz Enerji üretim Teknolojileri, Örnek Uygulamalar konu başlıklı 4 oturum düzenlendi. ICCI 2007'de, aralarında Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Müsteşarı Doç.Dr. Sami Demirbilekve Cogen Europe Başkanı Dr. Fiona Riddoch'un özel sunumlarının da yer aldığı yaklaşık 60 bildiri sunuldu. Ayrıca sergi alanında 20 poster bildiri sergilendi. Yıllar içerisinde enerji sektörünün buluşma merkezi haline dönüşen ICCI 2007'nin bu yılki ana sponsorları Daruma Corporate Finance, Mobil Endüstriyel Yağları, GE Energy, Zorlu Enerji Şirketler Grubu ve sponsoru Sadelmi, Yalınkaya Enerji Üretim AŞ. oldular. Bu yıl Enerji Dünyası Dergisi ile birlikte ayrıca CNBC-e televizyonu ve CNBC-e BUSINESS Dergisi de ICCI 2007'nin basın sponsorları olarak etkinlikte yer aldılar. 1578 kişinin izlediği konferans ve sergide Aalborg Engineering, Akbank, Aksa Jeneratör, Alfred Kuhse, Alyork Enerji, Arke Enerji, BGM Mühendislik, Borusan Caterpillar, CNBC-e, CMI Boiler, Çamlıca İnşaat, Enisolar, Enpro Mühendislik, Friterm Teknik Cihaz San., Garanti LeasICCI 2007 Was Held With Wide Participation 13th Energy Cogeneration and Environmenta/ Technologies Conference and Exhibition (/CC/ 2007) was held between May 30 and 31, 2007 at the Lütfi Kırdar Congress and Exhibition Hali. The main theme of JCCI 2007, held since the year I 994, is sustainobility in energy and globalisation, effıciency, emissions, and new market structring. The 13th Energy Cogeneration and Environmenta/ Technologies Conference and Exhibition (ICC/ 2007) was held between May 30 and 31, by Sektöre/ Fuarcılık Ltd. Şti., a Teknik Yayıncılık Group of companies, with the technical support of Cogen Europe and Turkish Cogeneration Association, the support of the Ministries of Energy and Natura/ Resources and the Environment and Forestry, at the Lütfü Kırdar Congress and Exhibition ENERJi OÜNYASI HAZiRAN 2007 Hal/. Within the scope of the 13th Energy Cogeneration and Environmenta/ Technologies Conference and Exhibition, both the conference and the exhibition were opened by Mr Sefahattin Çimen, Chairman of ICCI Organisation and Consultancy Committee, and former Deputy Undersecretary for Energy and Natura/ Resources, Mr Rıfat Hisarcıklıoğlu, the Chairman of Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges, Mr Yusuf Günay, the Head of Energy Markets Regulatory Board, and Mr Özkan Ağış, the Chairman of Turkish Cogeneration Association; and 1578 people in total visited the conference and the exhibition in two days. The first speaker at the opening of the conference was Mr Se/ahattin Çimen, the former Deputy Undersecretary for Energy and Natura/ Resources, and he stated that the energy effıciency Jaw arrangements of this year wi/1 make up for ing, Gelişim Teknik, Genel Sistem Dizayn, Globalnet Energy Service, GEMAK Genel Soğutma San., IBS Brokerlık Hizmetleri, lnnovative Wind Power, İGDAŞ, İltekno, İzgaz, Karyer lsı Trans., Kıvanç Kimya, Kojen Servis, KSB Pompa, Mavisis Teknoloji, MTB Enerji, UP Birleşik Petrol-ERA, Piri Group, Powerserv/GEA, Re-Consult Rüzgar Enerji Danışmanlık, Rolls-Royce, Shell Turcas, Siemens, Sunstrip, Topkapı Endüstri Malları, Turbomach, Wartsila-ENPA, Yalçın Boru, Yapı Kredi Finansal Kiralama firmaları standlarıyla yer alarak ürün ve hizmetlerini tanıtma ve yeni iş ilişkileri geliştirme imkanı elde ettiler. f a significant gap in the industry and wi/1 /ead Turkey, in the coming periods to a sounder energy structure. Çimen stated that cogeneration is not only power generation, and said, "Cogeneration is the name we give to technology applications that consider e/ectricity and heat generation together and therefore yie/ds high effıciency in generation and consumption. Through this conference, I believe that the relevant individuals from the private sector. public sector and the universities wi/1 come together and create a convenient platform for significant exchange of information, and this in turn, wi/1 al/ow us, al/ together, to consider once again, the main problems of the industry, mainly effıciency and environmenta/ matters".