Plants and Energy Gain" was realized at Boğaziçi University on 20-21 June 2007 by the Turkish National Committee for Solid Waste Pollution Research and Inspection (KAKAD) in collaboration with US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) - Mefüarie to Market Partnership, .International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) and Kriton Curi Environınent Foundation. IArticıe Turkish Energy Sector in Climatic Change Process ------------ 60 Hayati Çetin, Director of the Project Implementation Department of Ministry of Energy and Natnral Resources, evaluated the energy sector. Although · Turkey's position in priınary energy and electrical energy does not have signifıcant differences from world and EU countries in terms of resources and forward-looking trends, it has advantages and disadvantages. What is mud, why is it dried? ------- 72 Y Serdar Yıldız, the Director of Energy and Marine Systems Department of Borusan Power Systems, explained the mud drying systems. Cogeneration applications at mud drying facilities meet the requirements with quite successful outcomes. These effective and environment friendly applications should be widespread across our country. 1 lnterview "Rehabilitate, Operate and Create Additional Capacity" --------------56 We interviewed ,vith Önder Karaduman, Chairman of the Electricity Producers Association, on topical facilities should not be left neglected anymore. In particular, since economical life of coal plants is about to expire, these plants should irnmediately be rehabilitated via privatization and the private sector should create additional capacity in addition to these plants. In short, privatization of the production facilities should be adopted as the model titled "Rehabilitate, Operate and Create Additional Capacity" and tenders for privatization should be realized soon." Domestic Fule is used with Domestic Design ----------- 68 In futnre, use of coal in electricity generation shall have a considerable portion across the world. We should start to use Turkey's most irnportant domestic fossil energy resource in electricity production via applying the advanced clean technologies. We obtained Haluk Direskeneli's opinions on this issue. "I think, energy sector is the most iınportant sector. The interesting thing is that, West Europe and North America are too expensive. In the near future, companies in West Europe and North America will not be able to seli goods to any country, otl1er tl1an their market inland. China, India, South Korea can offer much lower pı-ices. Their products may not be the best and the most effıcient products for now, but they will. We should direct our market inl�nd according to the new sinıation. We have 'great means in terms of engineering and manufactnririg industry. We should design, fabricate, install on site, commission and operate our tl1ermal pow�r plants as suitable with our own coal. Likewise, we shoulq manufactnre wind turbines and hydraulic tnrbines on our own, within the scope of ınaximum domestic means." 1 Product Introduction issues of the electricity sector in Turkey and the Uninterrupted Communication via scenarios dedicated to meeting the energy demand Solar Energy -------------- 76 of Turkey that is expected to increase rapidly in SolarStyle® charging devices, which eliminate futnre. "In order to avoid the risk of power cuts, tl1e dependence on electrical energy for technological fırst step is to rehabilitate the existing energy plants to mobile devices and are preferred by ali the meet the energy consumption and t ? ensure consumers that have tl1e environmental awareness due - - -_�es� _t_a�.bıısfiment of new pla11ts. Witlnhelega·>-- - - -- ıo -the_ir_- renewabJe-energy-cönsumption;-ar arrangement to be made witl1in this framework, these introduced to the market in Turkey. ENERJi OÜNYASI TEMMUZ 2007 79