Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 54. Sayı (Ağustos 2007)

Editorial ------------------------------------------------------- 2 It is Right Time for Power lnvestments This summer is very hot and verydry. Thewater shortages started in the metropol cities. At the top of these constrains, power shortage appeared in ehe country. How did we arrived at this situation? When 59tl, government took over tl,e power, tlıey found a giant power generating capaciı:y wieh 25% stand by. Therefore, new power investmencs have never become in tl,e prioriC)' lise of investments. They kept electriciı:y price constant throughout 4 years, but natura[ gas price increased more than 100 percent. This kind of nonunderstandable policy causes lost in the budget of power producers, including Autoproducers, tl,ey shut down fully or partly their plant. Thus, total electriciC)' supply in ehe Syscem reached at such a critical !eve! tlıat, regional restrictions in electricity consumption started. As a ıneasure to this critical situation, Government put DUY (Balancing and Financial Stabilization Regulation) into operation. Prices were rising up, whenever total supply in ehe system was shorted. Wieh tlı.is systeın, ali iclle plancs have been put into operation due to tl,e attractive prices of ehe peak hours. DUY is in ehe operation since a year. In ehe course of tlı.is operation, ehe electricicy demand increased by 15.000 GW (9,4%). Peak power in ehe syscem also increased from 27.500 MW to 30.200 MW in a year. In july, System Mariginal Price rose up co 17,4 Ykr/kwh. It is 40% of the official electricity sellingprice of 1 1 ,8 Ykr/kwh. What is tlıe meaning of official electricity price of 11,8 Ykr/kwh? Increase in ehe demand is going on. There is no new capacity which can be put into operation nowadays. Water level at hydraulic plants are at well below of tl,e cavitation linlİts of turbines. If any miracle is not happened (like wise God accepts our prays for more rain!), next years regional electriciı:y cut will be unavoidable. It is right time for power investmencs. Foreign investors cliscovered tlı.is situation many montl,s ago and started to buy, fully or partly, Turkish power generating plants. I appreciate tl,eir decisions. To my assessment, tl,e most valuable product of ehe next years is tlıe electricity. Because, today's electricity price in Turkey is lower tl,an tl,e average price of EU25.If we have suffıcient capaciC)', we eitl,er meet increasing demand of tl,e country or export it tO our neighbours. Knowing tl1at tl1ey are also suffering from shortage of electricity. At tlıat time on, Turkey will be proud of being an energy tlıerminal, witl, respectively high added value. We are living in such a nice geographical region tlıat, mistakes of politicians don't stop rising tendency of our values. Our dut)' is to tl,ank to tlıose, who donated this country to us. Best Regards Ozkan Agis Summaries N ews ----------------------------------------------------------- 8 Formula-G and Hydromobile'07 Were Actualized The races "Hydromobile'07" and "Sun Cars" arranged by TÜBİTAK tl,rough 24-29 July were concluded. In race Hydromobile'07, tl,e team of Bosporus University became ehe first one, tl,e team of Çulnırova UniversiC)• clid tl,e second one, tl,e team of ODTÜ (Midclle Eastern Technical University) did ehe third one. In results of tl,e race Formula-G, tl,e sun cars of İTÜ (Technical University of Istanbul) appeared in tl,e first two lines in listing. Sakarya Universiı:y became ehe third one. Built, Manage, Transfer the Barrage The Government is getting ready to seU tl,e administration right of rivers through a project to be performed fırstly in Turkey in order to solve tl,e water crisis heaven into sight due to tl,e global warming, fallings of rain, snow, ete. lower tlıan expectation and delaying barrages. The Partnership of Germany - Spain for Solar Energy The project of solar energy in Spain is gro,ving. The Spanish group ACS and its German partner Solar Milleıuun, Company announced tl,ac mey started co tl,e second phase of tl,e solar energy project nearby Granada city. The firms will invest 260 ırullion Euro for tl,e project. The sales of air conditioners expending much electricity are being forbidden The sales of only 'A', 'B' and 'C' class high guality air-conclitioners will be aUowed beginning from 1stJanuary, 2008. The energy consumptions of electronic apparatuses are being classified in tl,e alphabetic order from A to G. An apparanıs in 'A' class is more economical at approximately 20 percent rate tl,an 'C'. An air conditioner in 'G' class expends more electricity at percent 80 averagely. Environment Friendly Companies are being Awarded EU Environmental Awards-Turkey program, given by tl,e European Commission in order to appreciate tl,e successes of ehe initiator companies of environment-friendly policies and products, begun in May as tl,e applications started to be received. The companies wishing tO apply co it, can apply to tl,e address abcevreodulleri@rec.org.tr unti1 26tl, October, 2007. SOLARTAXI is in Istanbul İTÜ (Technical University of İstanbul) hosced co "SOLARTAXI, made in Switzerland, set off from Germany and arrived at Turkey after passed Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Rumania and Serbia. "SOLARTAXI" presented in European Eclible Energy Forum (ESEF) arranged through 2-6 July 2007, plans to go tl,e long way around ehe world within tl,e period of 12 montl,s by only using solar energy. ENERJi DÜNYASI Ac:lUSTOS 2007 61