Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 54. Sayı (Ağustos 2007)

Just Atmosphere It is tried to put a stop to the planes' damages to climate through the projects such as Atmosfair successfully carried out in Germany for three years. In Atmosfair, the travelers traveling by air indemnify their damages to climate. The planes have the share of 1 O percent at rate of harmful emissions. India Succumbed the Nuclear Energy Request of USA USA is anxious due to the nuclear energy works of India, signed the agreement projecting the civilian nuclear cooperation at the end of mutual negotiations continued for two years. China is Working against Extremely Warming It was informed that Chinese government fıxed the prevention of turning of fast development in economy to extreme warming as the priority of the macro control works in the second part of this year. The administration of Beijing will also prevent the unsystematically growing of sectors having quality out of standard, expending high energy and pollution. China is Playing to Energy of Turkmenistan China rose to the position of country mostly expending petroleum after USA. China covered the increasingly needed energy for is fast developing economy thanks to I\1iddle East and tl1is situation gradually has more important risks, thus, China turneci towards alternative and more safe energy resources. In this scope China will be one of the possible partners for Turkmenistan. The Refi.nery Capacity of MOL is increasing at Rate of 20 Percent MOL, the Hungarian petroleum company stated that it purchased Italiana Energia e Servici (IES), tl,e private petroleum refıning and marketing company cemered in Nortl1eastern Italy and so, entered into a new market in Europe. MOL, in this way, had an opportunity to gain a powerful wealth in Nortl1ern Italy with IES. The Agreement of Electricity Power Plant of Shature was Signed The Electricity Power Plant of Shature will be built in Russia by the consortium of GAMA - CE. The Consortium of Gama Güç Sistemleri (Power Systems) and General Electric International signed tl,e agreement of the construction of tl1e combined circuit electricity power plant of Shatura, having 400 Mw, that will be buiJt in Shature city in south at 100 kın of Moscow. VİKO is raising the Bar in the Sector of 'Low Voltage Electrical Products'! VİKO Elektrik ve Elektronik EndüStrisi Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş, in parallel with ilie developing technology, meets ilie rich demands of its customers and tl1e consumers' gradually increasing needs witl1 62 ENERJi DÜNYASI AWsros 2001 clifferent products. As VİKO also included "Low Voltage Electrical Products" into its structure, expands İts usage areas. Geothermal Energy Plant of Germencik is using KSB Pumps In 45 MW Geotl,ermic Electricity Plant of Aydın Germencik, founded by the investor fırın GÜRMAT A.Ş. in the energy sector of GÜR.İŞ Construction. In power plant, many pumps of high performance SPY and Multitec series of KSB will be used. Prysmian will Produce Cable for Peregrino Project Prysmian Cable and Systems, one of the leading companies of the world in the energy and telecommunication cables and systems, signed an intent letter with ilie members of Norsk Hydro and Andarko Petroleum Company in order to supply electrical and communication cables under sea for Peregrino region of Brazil. Aksa Pulls Up and Brings the Energy Plants in Northern Irak Aksa decided to transport its two power plants in Irak, having the capacity of approxin1ately 100 megawatt to İzmir. Mehmet Kazancı, ilie Board's Ceo of Aksa, stated mat tl1ey would establish a natura] gas power plant of 560 megawatt in total in Antalya, stated that tl,e power station would completely be finished in 2009. ICCI 2008 The Preparations Started for ICCI 2008 ---------------------- 18 The fourteenth of ICCI Fair and Conference regularly followed by approxin1ately 1600 native and foreign participants related to the energy sector and arranged successfully since 1994, is being performed in WOW Convention Center, one of the most advantageous places of Turkey in location and capacity, in İstanbul, the capital of Turkey in industry and economy tl1rough 15-16-17 May 2007 under tl,e name of 'Fair and Conference of Energy and Environmental Technology Systems' witl1 its iınproved contents of subjects. Actual International Energy Agent stated the Report of G8 Summit -------------------------------------------- 30 The report prepared related to the precautions ain1ed at 'Clean, Reasonable and Competitive Future Energy' required by tl,e G8 governınents from the International Energy Agent, was stated in G8 summit arranged in Heiligendaınm city of Germany in 2007. You could visit the address www.iea.org/G8 for more information ain1ed at any work or activity specified in iliis docuınent or IEA.